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Thread: Any comments on upper body workout

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas

    Any comments on upper body workout

    Just wanted to see what everyone thought about my upper body workout. That's me in the avatar, or you can go to
    to get a better feel for what I'm lacking. I don't have access to many free weights, so most of the routine is done on machines.

    Tuesday: Chest/Tris

    4X8 Machine Bench Press
    4X8 Pec Deck (Butterflys)
    3X8 Cable Crossovers
    4X8 Tricep extensions
    4X8 Tricep Pulldowns
    2X10 Kickbacks

    Thursday: Shoulders/Abs

    4X8 dumbell vertical raises (not sure actual name, had brain fart)
    3X8 Front Raises
    4X8 Lateral Raises
    3X8 Bent Lateral Raises
    4X25 Heavy weighted pull-down crunches

    Friday: Back/Bis

    4X8 medium weight dumbell curls
    4X8 EZ Bar curls (heavy)
    3X8 Isolation Curls
    4X8 Lat Pulldowns
    3X8 Lat Pulldowns (facing bar, close grip, pulling toward stomach)
    3X8 Bent Rows
    3X15 Shrugs

    Thanks for looking, let me know if you think I could be over training anything or if you can look at the picture and tell if anything is majorly underworked (prob. lats)

  2. #2
    LM1332 Guest
    hmm i have a similar schedule 3 times a week but i break it down differently and works wonders for me
    Tuesday...Arms///sometimes I do a split on it sometimes I don’t. If I do a split it looks like this. Shoulders/Tris (morning) Tris/Bis (evening) just to give my Tris an extra workout

    Thursday...Legs including calves also a split Quads/Calves (morning) Hamstrings/Calves (night) a bump to bigOL with helping me to get a routine for my legs

    Saturday is my Back/Chest day

    All in all I have 7 days between each muscle group except bis/tris they get hit about every 3 days.

  3. #3
    LM1332 Guest
    btw i include my traps with my shoulder workout

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by teenpowerlift
    Just wanted to see what everyone thought about my upper body workout. That's me in the avatar, or you can go to
    to get a better feel for what I'm lacking. I don't have access to many free weights, so most of the routine is done on machines.

    Tuesday: Chest/Tris

    4X8 Machine Bench Press
    4X8 Pec Deck (Butterflys)
    3X8 Cable Crossovers
    4X8 Tricep extensions
    4X8 Tricep Pulldowns
    2X10 Kickbacks

    Thursday: Shoulders/Abs

    4X8 dumbell vertical raises (not sure actual name, had brain fart)
    3X8 Front Raises
    4X8 Lateral Raises
    3X8 Bent Lateral Raises
    4X25 Heavy weighted pull-down crunches

    Friday: Back/Bis

    4X8 medium weight dumbell curls
    4X8 EZ Bar curls (heavy)
    3X8 Isolation Curls
    4X8 Lat Pulldowns
    3X8 Lat Pulldowns (facing bar, close grip, pulling toward stomach)
    3X8 Bent Rows
    3X15 Shrugs

    Thanks for looking, let me know if you think I could be over training anything or if you can look at the picture and tell if anything is majorly underworked (prob. lats)
    What are you looking to attain?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    I'm trying to put on size, especially in back/bis area, and maybe maintain and define arms, chest, and shoulders, to help my back get caught up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    holla town
    8x3 on major lifts....bro.. it will slap some crazy size on you..
    pm me and ill help you out cuz.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    If your back needs to catch up with the rest u might want to hit it first each week while your body is fresh......u posted bi exercises before back exercises, if u do bis first in your routine it will hurt your back workout....for back I like barbell rows, wide grip pullups(instead of pulldowns), dumbell rows, deadlifts....for change I will add seated pulley rows, pulldowns - either close grip, wide grip, or reverse grip), or machine rows.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I agree that you should try to get to a gym that has free weights bro.
    Also, I think that you should include some cardio in your routine. Personally, I find it helps with my stamina and breathing while lifting.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    Thanks for the help guys

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    And I would really like to be able to go to the gym, but I'm a full time student and work part time at night. So I normally don't have time to drive to the gym (nearest one is 20 mins. away). So I had to invest in a home machine. But I guess it is about time to invest in some free weights as well. Would you say the first thing I should get is a bench/incline/decline? Just trying to find out what I should invest in first. Or maybe a cardio machine? Lord knows I need that. I do no cardio as is.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by teenpowerlift
    And I would really like to be able to go to the gym, but I'm a full time student and work part time at night. So I normally don't have time to drive to the gym (nearest one is 20 mins. away). So I had to invest in a home machine. But I guess it is about time to invest in some free weights as well. Would you say the first thing I should get is a bench/incline/decline? Just trying to find out what I should invest in first. Or maybe a cardio machine? Lord knows I need that. I do no cardio as is.
    Don't bother investing in a cardio machine,
    Just go out the door and take a run, it's the best cardio out there for burning the fat.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Dallas, Texas
    Thanks Nynsb. And for once, that was a pretty decent reply. I just hate to run. Would rather peddle a bike in place or some sh** than run outside. That's just me. Plus, when there's bad weather, doesn't it kinda mess up your cardio for the day?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    you got too many isolation exercises and not enough compounds.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    central nj
    darkseid nailed it, forget about isolation exercises for putting on mass, all compound movements for me, also, in the summer, i do wind sprints and other sprinting programs for my cardio, helps a lot with leg strenght too, also, what you should buy for home is a power rack, adjustable bench and a straight bar w/ plates, you really don't need anything else to get a complete workout

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Buffalo NY
    Free weights alll the way. Machines will slow you down and prevent ancillary muscles from developing.

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