Hi, I have been working out for 2 years (since I was 18) off and on depleting my weight from 215 to 192 (I am 6'2) I have managed to keep it off and eat pretty much what I want (although I eat fairly healthy anyway). Since I want to get lean a lower my total BF, I was wondering what is the best way. Should I work out specific muscle groups by day or should I switch between multiple muscle groups in each workout to acheive the results I am looking for. Also, how should my cardio schedule go...usually it is right after my weight training for approx 30 min 3-4 times a week, should this be changed? And the obvious is what I should be eating, which I have a good handle onP.S the only supplement that I really use is a good protein shake (2x a day), Vitamin E, Coral Clacium, Fish Oil, multi, chromium picolate, and alpha lipoic is there any other thing I should take? I know these dont exactly help me loose weight or gain muscle, there are just for health.