just wondering how many of you out there do higher reps when you're cutting up? i know the reasoning is supposed to be that you burn more calories that way, but what about the strength loss? i mean since your muscles are gonna typically be low on glycogen anyway when cutting, that in itself will cause a loss in strength already, and then dropping the weight down low enough to do a lot of reps seems like it would really make your strength levels drop.
personally, i don't tend to do much higher reps than i typically do when cutting. i usually just keep them between 6-15, but more often in the heavier range of 6-10. i find it helps keep my strength up, but of course i still lose strength cause of being low on glycogen. just wanted to hear of other peoples experiences who have tried it
BOTH WAYS and can give a
two-sided view as to what they liked more and why.
if you only do it one way and always have, please don't post as i'm looking for people who can give a basis of comparison. thanks for those who do and let's see how many people fail to even read that and post anyway
