ok guys im needing some help. ive been prescribed test cypionate for test therapy. doc has prescribed 1/2 cc every week. self injected... can i use this to my advantage for muscle growth/strength?
thanks in advance
ok guys im needing some help. ive been prescribed test cypionate for test therapy. doc has prescribed 1/2 cc every week. self injected... can i use this to my advantage for muscle growth/strength?
thanks in advance
of coarse you can, when you raise you test levels you stand a pretty good chance of getting stronger and growing a little
my last cyp prescription was 200 mg, 1/2 ml per week would be a low dose but if your new to it I am sure it will support some new muscle mass.
thanks guys- yeah so far what ive read about test therapy my dosage is low- im 31 with a slight lowr than normal test level. soooo i was able to sweet talk my lady doctor into a prescrpt. she was reluctant but ive got my ways lol... my next question is could i save up a cpl vials and use it as a stack? ive got 3 refills then go back for blood work. i do have 1 1/2 vials on hand --im lost when stacking-ive lifted for a few years with decent gains just would like a big gain quick if possiable
yes you could save them all up. than go back to the doctor and get your blood test done.. when she sees that it's still low she might up you dosage than yuo will get more with more refills han you would have a nice bit of test on hand.. if you never done test in your live 1 to 1 1/2 cc should be good for you let us know and enjoy buddy
thanx stang --- im taking your advice. ive never donetest before until this afternoon i did 1cc to see how i react. ive got 2 vials on hand with 3 refills available--- a couple questions if you doint mind---- should i do the 1cc for 6 weeks then back off to the 1/2cc every week? also what kinda gains should i see? and lastly will the dose of tes affect my sex drive? performance?
thanks for the advice - what kinda gains should i see ? im going to start out a 1cc. should this be evey7 days? or 3-5?
ok what kind of gains should i see with the 1cc weekliy inj.?
Everyone is different. It really depends on your workout and diet. Does it really matter what you SHOULD see? Why not just know that if you use it properly, have a good diet and workout you will see gains.
Also do you understand what is being suggesting above? Please read through the suggesting a few more times until you fully understand it. There are a few ways you can go about this.
No one can tell you that you will honestly gain 2.5 lbs a week or you will gain 3 in on your arms.
Last edited by lovbyts; 10-18-2009 at 08:08 AM.
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