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Thread: Why add masteron??

  1. #1

    Why add masteron??

    One of the vets on here said that in his opinion test/tren stacked together is the most anabolic stack there is. I was reading around and found another thread also discussing how awesomely anabolic test/tren is stacked together, but then someone else quoted on that thread that one could/should also run masteron along with them (assuming they weren't a newb to aas). He said test P/Tren/Masteron. My two questions are:

    Why add the masteron.

    Why test P over E or C. Isn`t test, test.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    One of the vets on here said that in his opinion test/tren stacked together is the most anabolic stack there is. I was reading around and found another thread also discussing how awesomely anabolic test/tren is stacked together, but then someone else quoted on that thread that one could/should also run masteron along with them (assuming they weren't a newb to aas). He said test P/Tren/Masteron. My two questions are:

    Why add the masteron.

    Why test P over E or C. Isn`t test, test.
    Test is test but the faster the ester the less bloat usually..test p doesnt bloat you as much as E or C.

    masteron is a DHT, tren is a 19 nor...when running test/19-nor/dht = makes a hell of a cycle.

    masteron is probably my favorite AAS to be honest with you

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    Test is test but the faster the ester the less bloat usually..test p doesnt bloat you as much as E or C.

    masteron is a DHT, tren is a 19 nor...when running test/19-nor/dht = makes a hell of a cycle.

    masteron is probably my favorite AAS to be honest with you
    Would that be OK for a second cycle??

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    Would that be OK for a second cycle??

    what are your goals fist of all? but test/masteron would be a good 2nd IMO...depending on what your goals are obviously

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post

    what are your goals fist of all? but test/masteron would be a good 2nd IMO...depending on what your goals are obviously
    My goals would be lean muscle gain and strength.
    Why do most people say test/decca?
    What would the benefits be of going test/masteron vs test/deca?

  6. #6
    keep asking those questions because alot can learn once the answers are there by the pros

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    Test is test but the faster the ester the less bloat usually..test p doesnt bloat you as much as E or C.

    masteron is a DHT, tren is a 19 nor...when running test/19-nor/dht = makes a hell of a cycle.

    masteron is probably my favorite AAS to be honest with you
    how does test prop result in less water retention?

  8. #8
    Correct me if im wrong. but test prop has the least amount of water retention out of most/all test. which is why people run it with tren ace which has no water retention, and masteron. People stack masteron with it because it is not only a hardener but is androgenic also, which promotes lypolysis (fat loss). so awesome results when stacked with tren ace and prop.

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    test is test, i dont see how an ester can influence water retention...

    anyone got an explanation??

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    test is test, i dont see how an ester can influence water retention...

    anyone got an explanation??
    yea something i always wondered also, i even made a topic about it, but it seem like nobody got any explination for it..

  11. #11
    According to William Llewellyn's Anabolics Book, "The ester is removed before testosterone is active in the body, and likewise the ester cannot alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way, only slows its release. It all boils down to how much testosterone you are getting into your blood with each particular compound - otherwise there is no difference between them"

    So it appears that Test is Test no matter what type of ester attached to it, the only difference between them is just the release time.

    My thought is maybe because prop is injected at lower dose but frequent dosing (every day), it creates more stable blood plasma level, therefore leads to less hormonal fluctuations compare to Test E or C that is being injected only twice a week. More stable blood level leads to less sides (including bloating).. Maybe... Just a thought..

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post
    According to William Llewellyn's Anabolics Book, "The ester is removed before testosterone is active in the body, and likewise the ester cannot alter the activity of the parent steroid in any way, only slows its release. It all boils down to how much testosterone you are getting into your blood with each particular compound - otherwise there is no difference between them"

    So it appears that Test is Test no matter what type of ester attached to it, the only difference between them is just the release time.

    My thought is maybe because prop is injected at lower dose but frequent dosing (every day), it creates more stable blood plasma level, therefore leads to less hormonal fluctuations compare to Test E or C that is being injected only twice a week. More stable blood level leads to less sides (including bloating).. Maybe... Just a thought..
    i have seen no explanation that justifies test prop to lead to less water retention.

    as regarding to your explanation of more stable blood levels leads to less sides you are correct, however injecting test e or c twice a week is more then enough to maintain a steady level, even comparable to daily test prop injections.

    i think its a myth unlesss anyone can prove me wrong.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post

    i think its a myth unlesss anyone can prove me wrong.
    i think so too..

    From what I know, genetics, diet, and dosage used, are probably the main variables that determines water retention on someone who use test, not the type of ester..

    I'm curious to hear opinions from more veteran member whose been there done that..

  14. #14
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    there is NO difference in how much water you hold there is opnly one explanation i can think of and that is because of the short half life with prop and people may dose it eod or e3d so when the test levels drop in between each shot they take they push out the water they were holding because the lower blood level of test the less water. however if dosed daily i can not agree that there is any difference.

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    I would think it was because of the convenience of the short ester that it shares with tren and masteron...makes ur pinning sched a little easier to handle...just my .02

  16. #16
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    from personal experience, whenever i use short esters like prop @ 100mg EOD or 150 EOD, i always retain a lot of water, my libido is crazy, high aggression, signs of gyno, carbs hit my waist, etc...
    BUT if i switch to longer ester like enanthate or cyp, up the dosage of test at least to 1mg per week, i get almost no water retention, no gyno, libido and aggression are not effected, and the progress is totally different. higher dosages take a while to get used to, some headaches and insomnia, but ones i get over that hill, everything just works great!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by pilotR1 View Post
    from personal experience, whenever i use short esters like prop @ 100mg EOD or 150 EOD, i always retain a lot of water, my libido is crazy, high aggression, signs of gyno, carbs hit my waist, etc...
    BUT if i switch to longer ester like enanthate or cyp, up the dosage of test at least to 1mg per week, i get almost no water retention, no gyno, libido and aggression are not effected, and the progress is totally different. higher dosages take a while to get used to, some headaches and insomnia, but ones i get over that hill, everything just works great!
    So what type of cycle do you run now? stacked wise? 1mg /wk test e or c with tren/mast ? wouldn't tren increase huge chances in gyno symptoms.. or would you stack it with deca or something else with a long ester

  18. #18
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    Pilot, carbs hit your waist ? Don't they normally ? Please explain that a little more please, I think I have a simIlar problem.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    i have seen no explanation that justifies test prop to lead to less water retention.

    as regarding to your explanation of more stable blood levels leads to less sides you are correct, however injecting test e or c twice a week is more then enough to maintain a steady level, even comparable to daily test prop injections.

    i think its a myth unlesss anyone can prove me wrong.

    the esterase's used to break the ester off the test molecule uses water. so the longer the chain, the more water around is needed to cleave off the whole ester.
    hence less water retention

    also, steroids are stored in fat. aromatization is much higher in fat than in muscle, so with a long ester u have more water attracted to break the longer ester, also while its not converting it has some paracrine activity which increases aromatization once the test is cleaved off. Thats why most people with longer esters need a AI to control bloat. with prop, this isnt needed as much.

    also you will see those who have problems with water retention (that arent doing a duper high dose of T) inject EOD. That is textbook value, but thats for 1/2 the population. ED shots with prop keep u at a more stable elvel and not have the peaks/valleys that cause additional bloating.
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 06-10-2011 at 11:05 AM.

  20. #20
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    Lemonada8... your knowledge is endless my friend...

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    the esterase's used to break the ester off the test molecule uses water. so the longer the chain, the more water around is needed to cleave off the whole ester.
    hence less water retention

    also, steroids are stored in fat. aromatization is much higher in fat than in muscle, so with a long ester u have more water attracted to break the longer ester, also while its not converting it has some paracrine activity which increases aromatization once the test is cleaved off. Thats why most people with longer esters need a AI to control bloat. with prop, this isnt needed as much.

    also you will see those who have problems with water retention (that arent doing a duper high dose of T) inject EOD. That is textbook value, but thats for 1/2 the population. ED shots with prop keep u at a more stable elvel and not have the peaks/valleys that cause additional bloating.
    good explanation mate, I'm on 16th day of a cycle with 100mg of Test Prop EOD and I have no bloat, water retention, ... I'm on a very clean diet though. so basically you think if I do 50mg ED I will get better result?
    Since I'm also doing 200mg Primobolan EOD It will be too much injections and I prefer if I keep it EOD, but if the difference is great I will go with ED shoots.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by laduem88 View Post
    Test is test but the faster the ester the less bloat usually..test p doesnt bloat you as much as E or C.

    masteron is a DHT, tren is a 19 nor...when running test/19-nor/dht = makes a hell of a cycle.

    masteron is probably my favorite AAS to be honest with you
    i agree,masteron is awesome.

  23. #23
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    yea, prop causing less bloat is deffinatly not a myth.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel. View Post
    My goals would be lean muscle gain and strength.
    Why do most people say test/decca?
    What would the benefits be of going test/masteron vs test/deca?
    Test/deca is more of a bulking cycle
    Test/masteron is a cutting/hardning cycle (precontest cycle, well most would use more compounds)

  25. #25
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    Test is test. Most people tend to stay dryer on shorter esters, seemed to be the case for me as well. As stated above test/19nor/dht is the test/tren/mast stack. Its very popular precontest, many UGLs offer it preblended together for convenience. Comes down to your goals and body as always tho. Personally, test/tren is not the most anabolic stack there is in my real world experience. I have gotten better weight and/or strength gains from others.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by mani_bono View Post
    good explanation mate, I'm on 16th day of a cycle with 100mg of Test Prop EOD and I have no bloat, water retention, ... I'm on a very clean diet though. so basically you think if I do 50mg ED I will get better result?
    Since I'm also doing 200mg Primobolan EOD It will be too much injections and I prefer if I keep it EOD, but if the difference is great I will go with ED shoots.

    if u arent havin problems with EOD, keep it there no need for the xtra pinning ur muscles. The thing about half life is the defination. The time it takes for 1/2 of the compound to be gone in 1/2 the population. So who is to say that ur on the "EOD ok" side, or aka slower esterases. Personally I have to go ED shots, if i miss one i hold water for a day or so thats noticable esp cuz i have pubertal gyno, it basically puffs up if i miss a shot of prop. I go Ed shots, i have no issues.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post
    i think so too..

    From what I know, genetics, diet, and dosage used, are probably the main variables that determines water retention on someone who use test, not the type of ester..

    I'm curious to hear opinions from more veteran member whose been there done that..
    I never see a difference between prop,suspension and E as far as water retention.Water retention seems to be more of a diet thing and what you eat that cause water retention.Test is test no matter what ester it has,it cant do anything untill the ester is gone,and when the ester is gone all the test is the same....

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