Okay,i really need your advice on this one,because just the thought of working out and not getting anywhere makes me crazy
After i lost quite a bit of fat(see here http://forums.steroid.com/showthread...32-my-fat-loss )i decided to pick up weights again seriously.After a lot of research i found out that the 2 important things about a good workout is how many sets you do for each muscle group and how many times you do them in a week.Hearing that for beginners less sets more frequently works better i thought i'd follow this:
romanian deadlift
bent over barbell row
bench press
lat raises(i thought that front delts work with bp,so i work the middle ones)
calf raise
all exercises are 4 sets for 8-12 reps except squat(3 sets) and calf raises(15-20 reps).I do this workout 3 times per week.
what do you think?I'm wondering if i should do a split and work each muscle group twice per week instead of 3 with more sets