Hey there. I've basically been using a variation of a 5x5 program for the last couple of years. I believe the high weight low rep routine is about finished for awhile. Now with my job and family the 5x5 worked great. However like I said it is time for a change.

Current stats:

bf%:not sure. not too high.
Diet is alright. Could be better.

So here it is. M W F Split::

Monday Chest & Tri's

Incline Dumbell 4x10
Weighted Dips 4x10
Dumbell Flyes 4x10
Skull Crusher or Pulldowns 4x10

Tuesday Back & Bi's

Wide Grip Pull Ups 4x10
Deads 4x6
T-Bar Rows 4x10
Curls 6x10

Friday Legs & Shoulders

Squats 4x15-20
Leg Extensions 4x15-20
Hamstring Curls 4x15-20
Military Press 4x10
Side Lateral Raises 4x10

Cardio and Abs on Tuesday and Thursday since I can do this at home.

If there is anything I need to add or exchange please let me know. Keep in mind that It has to be a three day split. No weekends. Thanks in advance!