The girlfriend wanted me to see what my back looks like..
I don't really like having my pic taken as you can probly tell by the look on my face .. lol
Sorry, She's into this black and white photo thing ...
I'm close to 220 there with almost 17" arms.
I was in an accident a year ago that kept me out of the gym for a great portion of the past year ..
I cut about 20+lbs of fat in the past 5 weeks when I geared up for vacation next month ...
I really need to cut another 20lbs of fat over the next 5 weeks but keep some of my size. Most of the fatty areas are in the armpit area and mid section ... Everything else is fairly lean considering my weight right now.
I ordered one of those sauna suits from ebay and was wondering if anyone has experience with it ... How often to use it ? can it be used every day ? prep ?