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Thread: Good Cardio?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Age 23
    weight 170
    height 5'11
    goal: gaining muscle and loose some body fat.
    Wanted to see if you guy think this is good cardio?

    there's a trail in my neighbourhood with all these check points. I do this with ankle wieghts. The train goes some what like this:

    1. first it starts with a bench where you stretch to toes 4 times for 20 seconds each.

    Than you job or run to check point 2 (with ankle weights)

    2. checkpoint 2 involves push ups.

    run to check point 3 (with ankle weights)

    3. Involves situps

    Run to check point 4

    4. involves moving feet over a marker while seated on bench and back over maker 20 times.

    Run to check point 5

    5.Involes walking on streched beam by balancing your self

    Run to check point 6

    6.involves Pull ups.

    Run to check point 7.

    7. Involves strechiing to with left leg under chest while right leg streched and arms on a low bar and holding position for 20 seconds 4 times.

    Run to check point 8.

    8.Involves lying on back on an inclined bench and holding bar above your head and bring lower body into fetal position. 20 times.

    run to check point 9.

    9 Involves hanging on a chain while maintaing body circulation on toes while using chain to keep the circulation going.

    run to check point 10.

    10. two handle bars paralled to each other at height and using arms to get across. do this 4 times.

    than back to check point 1 and do it all over again one more time.

    Sorry for the long post. Let me know what you guys think
    Last edited by gst528i; 06-06-2008 at 11:00 PM.

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