I am only 19 years old, but Im very experienced with bodybuilding, and dieting. I have been lifting since I was 12 years old, but I didn't get educated and serious until I was around 15. I have done my fair share of cutting, and bulking throughout the years, and for some reason when I turned 17, weight was really hard to put on. My question is, if I run a cycle of test cyp, would it be a good idea to stack dianabol with it? I have gotten mixed reviews on the amount of actual quality muscle it can amount to.

Im 6'1 155 lbs
My example diet for a day is:

8 a.m.- 2 cups oatmeal, 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs,
11 a.m.- 12 oz of skinless chicken breast, 1 cup of green beans, 2 cups of brown rice
Preworkout 1 p.m- 2 scoops optima whey, 1 cup oats, 1 tablespoon pb
Postworkout 3 p.m- 2 scoops optima whey, 1 scoop weightgainer
4 p.m- 8 oz Tilapia, 1 sweet potatoe, 2 cups peas
7 p.m- 9 oz of tuna, 1 whole wheat bagel
10 p.m- 8 oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 2 cups of greens beans