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Thread: I Feel Like I Must Ask..

  1. #1

    I Feel Like I Must Ask..

    I am only 19 years old, but Im very experienced with bodybuilding, and dieting. I have been lifting since I was 12 years old, but I didn't get educated and serious until I was around 15. I have done my fair share of cutting, and bulking throughout the years, and for some reason when I turned 17, weight was really hard to put on. My question is, if I run a cycle of test cyp, would it be a good idea to stack dianabol with it? I have gotten mixed reviews on the amount of actual quality muscle it can amount to.

    Im 6'1 155 lbs
    My example diet for a day is:

    8 a.m.- 2 cups oatmeal, 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs,
    11 a.m.- 12 oz of skinless chicken breast, 1 cup of green beans, 2 cups of brown rice
    Preworkout 1 p.m- 2 scoops optima whey, 1 cup oats, 1 tablespoon pb
    Postworkout 3 p.m- 2 scoops optima whey, 1 scoop weightgainer
    4 p.m- 8 oz Tilapia, 1 sweet potatoe, 2 cups peas
    7 p.m- 9 oz of tuna, 1 whole wheat bagel
    10 p.m- 8 oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 2 cups of greens beans

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    19 is too young for AAS.
    Your diet must my checked too many whey that's why you are underweight for your height....

  3. #3
    Well like I said...thats just a example. I know there is alot if whey, but caloric intake is high, protein is high, carbs are kinda high, I dont get it. Im 19, but I made the mistake of taking WAY too many ph's when I was 15-18 years old. Trust me body is ready for it.

  4. #4
    T-MOS's Avatar
    T-MOS is offline Educate B4 You Medicate~HOF~RIP Our Brother~
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    Welcome to AR

    steroids would actually be the WORST thing for you now as you have NO base to build off of so any gains you make will be temporary, not to mention the health risks of shutting down your HPTA system and it NOT recovering

    DIET is your problem right now
    you are simply NOT eating enough. you have the basic idea down, but simply NOT enough of the right foods

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    You might destroy your HPTA!
    all the advices you'll get are fix your diet and you are too young!
    Believe Me bro...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam_merseal View Post
    Well like I said...thats just a example. I know there is alot if whey, but caloric intake is high, protein is high, carbs are kinda high, I dont get it. Im 19, but I made the mistake of taking WAY too many ph's when I was 15-18 years old. Trust me body is ready for it.
    in your own admittance , you made that mistake, and you may have already screwed up your body !!

    Unless you are a doctor or have had Xrays done to show your growth plates have fused, then there is NO way you know that you are ready for steroids

  7. #7
    I take creatine, EFA's, n.o.'s, vitamins, and amino acid's.
    Nothing works. Im not just some kid wantin to jump on the "let's get big" wagon. I have been patient on bulking, but its just gettin sad now. Im only 6 months away from gettin my personal trainers degree, and I doubt many people wanna be trained by a 155 pounder. Lol

  8. #8
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    Jan 2009
    If you do steroids and gain 20 pounds i guarantee you will loose it all as soon as the cycle is over. There is a reason why you are 6'1 155 lbs. Your diet is not in check and most likely your training program isn't right. Head over to the diet section and read up and learn. also 19 is way to young you will do serious damage to your own natural hormone production among other things.

    This should be moved to diet section so he can get some help

  9. #9
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    lol no your body isnt ready!!! YOU ARE 6'1'' and 155 lbs. !!! NOT READY !!! You aren't at ur genetic potenial bro... tweak ur diet !!! HONESTLY !! With the right diet u would grow like ur on AAS !!

  10. #10
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    All I can say is DIET is your weapon not AAS!

    Go to the diet forum they will help you tweak your diet...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    You see bro too young and DIET! I told you...

  12. #12
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam_merseal View Post
    I take creatine, EFA's, n.o.'s, vitamins, and amino acid's.
    Nothing works. Im not just some kid wantin to jump on the "let's get big" wagon. I have been patient on bulking, but its just gettin sad now. Im only 6 months away from gettin my personal trainers degree, and I doubt many people wanna be trained by a 155 pounder. Lol
    you are completely MISSING the point here. FIRST you are 6'1 if you can't get to and HOLD onto 210-220 lbs NATURALLY, then you can take all the steroids in teh world and you will NEVER keep your gains for long term

    second, you come on here for advice from VERY EXPERIENCED people BUT because its NOT what you want to hear, you are not going to listen and do what you want anyway

    we are not here to tell you to NEVER do steroids, but we are here to tell you how to do them CORRECTLY, which YOU ARE NOT LISTENING to us

  13. #13
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    do not use an steroids at your age you can **** yourself up for the rest of your life

  14. #14
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    Go to a doctor and get tested. Maybe something is wrong with you. If something is then you can discuss with your doctor possible treatment. Do not just self diagnose yourself.

  15. #15
    T-MOS's Avatar
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    ok think of it this way.....

    You are NOT eating enough to grow past 155, naturally
    steoids are NOT order for them to work you need to give them ENOUGH of the CORRECT calories to build with
    SO, what makes you think you will make gains, if you are not eating enough to get past 155??????

    Thats like asking a construction worker to build a 10 X 10 X 10 concrete block wall and only give him enough mortor/cement to build it 5 feet high........IT AINT GONNA GROW

  16. #16
    I appreciate all the advice guys...honestly I do. And I think you took my responses out of context. I just wanted to emphasize that Im not like every other teenage wanna-be muscle head. Not being impatient, just trying to help myself.

  17. #17
    I probably should have thrown in that I have been up to 188 lbs before. Just stopped working out for about 1/2 a year and lost it all. Now I cant gain anything back that I used to have.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam_merseal View Post
    I probably should have thrown in that I have been up to 188 lbs before. Just stopped working out for about 1/2 a year and lost it all. Now I cant gain anything back that I used to have.
    Trust us bro proper diet, right training and rest... you will grow!

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam_merseal View Post
    I appreciate all the advice guys...honestly I do. And I think you took my responses out of context. I just wanted to emphasize that Im not like every other teenage wanna-be muscle head. Not being impatient, just trying to help myself.
    thank you , but the reason you are NOT ready for steroids has NOTHING to do with your commitment to your training. It has to do with your age, your HPTA, your Growth Plates, your already HIGH levels of hormones you are risking shutting down permanently !!

    with all the pro hormones you took, you only got to a max of 188 which is STILL well below your genetic base of 210-220

    and you saw how EASY it was to lose that. Steroids are NOT magic, they will help you push past your genetic base

    at this point it wouldnt' matter what age you were. The problem is your DIET is NOT adequate for your goals. PERIOD and until you correct that, steroids would be a waste to you at ANY age, but just more of a health risk NOW

  21. #21
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    At lease he said his age is 19 and not 24.

    At your height and weight it may seem like you very skinny due to the fact that you are quite tall. Your muscles won't look so bulked up as someone who is 5'8. Patients is key! Clearly if you are wanting to become a personal trainer the things I would be looking for is how you do your work not how big you are. If you got the knowledge of how to be a great personal trainer then you have have the battle right there done and finished. Once that is finished then you can work on what matters most to you which would be getting bigger.

    Take the advice from the ones who have gone through many posts just like this. They know a hefty amount about steroids and your age. Don't let yourself be a pawn of the next generation wanting it now and fast. Take your time and do it right

  22. #22
    Man I really do feel for you. I'm 6'2ish and this time last year I was 180 pounds but looked 160ish. I mean it was bad skinny. I got up to 217 tops naturally (took 9ish months) before I even considered steroids, but the thing is even at 217 I still felt and looked 190-200 because of my skinny ass body type and genetics.

    Point is though, if you're eating correctly there's no way you shouldn't be able to reach at least 190 pounds. As soon as you accept the fact that there's always a way you can tweak your diet and consistently live the lifestyle of eating the proper way, the sooner you will not only make gains but keep them.

    Good luck to you young blood.

  23. #23
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by adam_merseal View Post
    I am only 19 years old, but Im very experienced with bodybuilding, and dieting. I have been lifting since I was 12 years old, but I didn't get educated and serious until I was around 15. I have done my fair share of cutting, and bulking throughout the years, and for some reason when I turned 17, weight was really hard to put on. My question is, if I run a cycle of test cyp, would it be a good idea to stack dianabol with it? I have gotten mixed reviews on the amount of actual quality muscle it can amount to.

    Im 6'1 155 lbs
    My example diet for a day is:

    8 a.m.- 2 cups oatmeal, 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs,
    11 a.m.- 12 oz of skinless chicken breast, 1 cup of green beans, 2 cups of brown rice
    Preworkout 1 p.m- 2 scoops optima whey, 1 cup oats, 1 tablespoon pb
    Postworkout 3 p.m- 2 scoops optima whey, 1 scoop weightgainer
    4 p.m- 8 oz Tilapia, 1 sweet potatoe, 2 cups peas
    7 p.m- 9 oz of tuna, 1 whole wheat bagel
    10 p.m- 8 oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, 2 cups of greens beans

    what weight did you start off with? whats your bf%....

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