Halotestin 30mg/ed
Trenbolone acetate 100mg/ed or eod (is it gtg eod or must i take it ed)???

20weeks on all exept halotestin that i will only be on for 8weeks!
(should i use the halo at start or end of this cycle?what would be the best?)

I have been on testo enanthate or cypionate for over 8months at 500-750mg/w
i will finish the test cycle with the above in a 20week long cycle and after that i will do pct(nolvadex+clomid)

All sugestions and info from people that has been on this cycle or know what dosage and how often i should take it to be gtg when i have been on testosterone cyp/enanthate for over 8months before this ending with halo/tren/test.prop!

Will run PCT 5weeks after and i have nolvadex already+will get clomid to use with that!

Just woundering if this cycle is gtg or if i should increas or lower the dosage on any of the gear i am going to start up with in a few weeks!
(anabol5mg"B.disp"+Deca+proviron i also have at home already should i use this to or is the things i have planed on using gtg after my dosage of testo at 750mg the last 4months(probably closer to +850mg/6days last 2-3months)