i was wondering if my training frequency is enough, i am 17. sometimes i feel that i dont need as much rest, for example when i do chest i feel ready to work chest again by day 5, but i cant do chest day 5 because i am doing tris which is too closely related to bench, i cant do deadlifts and squats without at least a 3 day break

i like to train 5x5 style on, bench, squat, deadlift, etc.
2x8-10 for my minor muscles, curls extensions rows etc.

1 chest/calves
2 back
3 rest
4 rest
5 bis/tris
6 legs
7 rest

could somebody please tell me how i could improve my split, or should i just add more exersizes to fatigue me for longer?

i used to do
1 chest/tri
2 back/bi
3 rest
4 legs/shoulder
but i quickly learned that i can not make progressive increases because i would not have enough time to recover my lower amd my upper would nearly always be in constant pain