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Thread: To Much Focus On "Switching It Up"

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    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    To Much Focus On "Switching It Up"


    Having been around fitness and gear related boards for over 5 years, theres one thing that has irked me and I would just like rant about...

    Now this is mostly for the Newbies. As we who have been in this game long enough, have already learned this point.

    "Switching it up" as people say. Meaning to change your workout routine every few weeks or months so that your "muscles dont get used to same thing."

    The said purpose of this whole idea is to prevent your muscles from getting used to same the exercise. Which would lead to a stalling of muscle/strength gain.

    Im here to say... FORGET THIS IDEA!!! (To an extent. Ill explain below)

    Ill start with an example...

    Average guy in the gym does such a chest routine...

    3 Sets Flat Bench
    3 Sets Incline Dumbbells
    3 Sets Cable Flyes

    Now he does so, for lets say 6 weeks. Then starts to see a lag in his strength increasing along with his weight.

    So he figures he'll "Switch it up."
    He'll do this instead...

    3 Sets Decline DB's
    3 Sets Machine Press
    3 Sets Weighted dips

    Well thats worthless. The concept of your muscles getting used to something is the whole reason behind lifting weights in the first place!!

    Instead of switching your entire routine up... focus on a few other things. I promise youll see your #'s start to go up again.

    Keep your original routine.

    And instead, switch up other specifics inside that SAME ROUTINE!!

    -Adding weight is the obvious first choice. Add 2lbs. Or 5lbs. Anything. And your muscles will have to adapt to that! Not to a whole new exercise.

    -Adding or lowering your rep count. Add more weight and blast out 3 reps. Or lower the weight and blast out 20 reps.

    -Change your rest periods. Rest for a shorter amount of time or vice versa.

    -Add in drop sets, rest pause, forced reps, negatives, supersets. Pick and choose!

    -Change the line up of your routine. Do Cable flyes first. Warm up, get that blood pumping to every muscle fiber you can. Then DB incline. And so on.

    -Probably most importantly.... ADJUST YOUR DIET!! If your eating what you were while you weighed 220 and lifted x amount of weight. But now want to lift more and weigh more. THEN EAT MORE! Ive noticed if I simply cut back on my carbs on lifting days and eat more carbs on my off days. That it helps my lifts. Your body doesnt use and store glycogen ASAP. It takes time. So "carb loading" in a way on your off days, may give you more fuel on your lifting days.

    The whole point of lifting is to make your body adapt. To grow. And you dont have to completely switch exercises to do so. Your body has to adapt to more weight, reps, intensity. Not simply the entire exercise.


    Sorry if this is in the wrong section. Im not used to this board yet. Please feel free to move it.
    DUKKIT is a real person. His opinions are based on a life full of experience. Whether you choose to listen and learn... is on you.
    Last edited by Dukkit; 10-29-2010 at 01:41 PM.

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