Hi guys after a little advice please.
I ran a small cycle of 30 mg daily dianabol for 4 weeks and test enanthate 10ml for 10 weeks with it. Don't flame me for saying I didn't take enough enanthate because I wanted to see how my body would react to my first cycle, I went from 98kg to 103kg from it anyway.
I stopped dianabols after 3 weeks because I started getting itchy nipples and they were a little bit sore. I started taking nolvadex tabs for a week just incase. I was fine after that and once I finished my cycle 2 weeks later I started taking the nolvadex again for pct.
The problem is I don't have any hard lumps under my nipples but my nipples are puffy and stick out. I am starting the 4th week of nolvadex and the puffiness hasn't gone down. When I go to the gym and after training my nipples are hard looking and not puffy, same as when I go for a swim because its cold my nipples go hard. When my nipples aren't hard it looks ugly I hate it!
Does this puffiness go away Im wondering why I still have it coming up to the 4th week of pct. People tell me not to worry as I had the smallest cycle but I like to be safe then sorry. I just ordered letro and waiting for it to arrive. Should I run it?? And how should I run it just coming off pct. I read this thread http://forums.steroid.com/showthread...now-about-GYNO. but I dont know if I have gyno or how you would take it if you just came off pct??