Leg day:

Warmup: 20 min b-ball, body weight walking lunges, 5min stair stepper.

Bar 20 reps low and slow

Leg press:
6 plates total x10
8 “. “X10
10 “. “X10
12 “. “X10 for 2WS

Leg press calf raises:
12plates 3x10

3WS 185x10

SM calf raises:
4WS 225x10 very slow negatives

Single leg curl:
4WS 135x10

Sissy Squats:
3WS 45lbs plate overhead x10

Walking lunges 100 feet with 10 squats at the end
3WS 60x10

Leg extensions:
3WS 135x10

Cardio: none other than b-ball warm up

Comments: really a pretty brutal workout, it was fun and it was hard to pull myself away. My groin stayed pretty sore throughout the workout but not in a capacity to where it stopped me. Right quad felt great, went up fairly heavy on leg press and the quad gave me zero trouble. Day 9 of Keto, I almost kicked myself out of ketosis with s banana and PB in my pre-WO shake. Have to be stricter either my carbs i guess. I’ll retest before bed to see where I’m at.