Ive did my research for about 2 months now and I've narrowed it down to where I think short burst cycles will work best for me and what I want to accomplish in the time being and it's suppose to be easy on the sides I've read a 1000 forums very informal especially from Marcus 300 about the short burst cycles and priming ive been going steady and training for about for about 2 1/2 years now and I feel like this would be the best move for me as far as bulking
Alrite so I'm 6'1(71 inches)
BF %13-14
Week 1-5 dbol 40 mg ed
Week 1-6 test e 500mg per week
2 days after last dose of dbol 40 mg of nova ed for week 7
Week 8&9 20mg of nova ed
Week 10&11 no gear
And then rinse and repeat 2 more times