Anyone have any experience with gear on Keto? My take: I have a ton of experience utilizing keto and cyclical keto (1 cheat day per week - my favorite). Amazing after all these years the "experts" still can't agree as to whether you can build muscle in ketosis or not! From my personal experience, YES YOU CAN. It is not the IDEAL diet for building muscle but you can (and I have) built muscle on it. From a body composition standpoint, I will trade IDEAL muscle building for the body composition advantages that keto provides, especially if I am satisfied with my current bulk (you wouldn't do it if your #1 goal was to add bulk).

I've never done gear on keto though. Any experience? Seems like it would create a hyper hypertrophy and excellent physique shaping environment, especially with the weekly re-feeding and carb loading of cyclical keto.