my buddy is currently running a test enanthate only cycle, and does most of his shots into his delts
anyways last shot he did he didnt aspirate, and the pin was in a vein

he said it hurt like a mother going in and could tell somethin was different

anyways he just did the shot and when he pulled out, blood dripped all down his arm

he got up to wipe it off and startedto get dizzy. he wiped it off and started feeling even more light headed, then his vision started to go

he said everything went real dark and when he woke up he was on the floor with his mom and brother over him checking what was wrong
he knocked over a vase and smashed his head on a coffee table on the way down

now he is scared to do shots, he got me to do his last shot for him

i'll do the next couple for him unti lhe gets his balls back
annyways just goes to show you, for anyone who dosent, ASPIRATE!!!!