I have a problem with my chest. My bench is okay and I am happy with my lifts but my pecs (boobs is more what they look like) are flabby and seem to have fat on them, i cant get rid of it and can't get my pecs cut. Anybody have any suggestions?
I have a problem with my chest. My bench is okay and I am happy with my lifts but my pecs (boobs is more what they look like) are flabby and seem to have fat on them, i cant get rid of it and can't get my pecs cut. Anybody have any suggestions?
Try cardio for an hour in the morning on an empty stomach at 70% your MHR. And getting your diet in check.
Originally Posted by nsa
yup, best thing for it is to cut down bf%
Try changing diet to high protein, low carb, low/no fat, with one junk food day a week, but don't overdo it on that day to start with (although some do, and claim they lose more on junk food day than they do through the entire week!). Having the junk food day will help with keeping your discipline throughout the week sticking to lean, healthy foods, it's something to look forward to if your craving candy or burgers etc!
What kinda of cardio do you suggest
A brisk walk (65-75% MHR) in the morning for an hour on an empty stomach...
yea, i dont think it is the workout when you have flab, i think it is a cardio prob
alright, thanks for the info, ill give the cardio in the morning a try
To make your cardio interesting try varying it like with WL. E.g. 15 minutes on a bike, 15 minutes brisk walk, 15 minutes on a rowing machine. Then next day try changing one of them for 15 mins on a strider or climber. This will help aleviate the boredom.
IMO you need to be doing at least 3 16 minute sessions of high intensity cardio a week and fix up your diet. Those are the keys to getting ripped and showing more detail.
Like anything it just takes time,dedication and consistency.
Keep a record of the distance and call's burnt on each session and try to beat them in your next session. just keep in mind that you only want to be doing 16 mins.(not for the faint of heart)
Good luck
You prolly shouldnt do high protien/low carb. The body needs carbs to help synthesize protiens so your muscles dont look flat and youll be too lazy to do a complete workout. Do a medium carb (wheat breads= more complex carb) and dont cut out fats completely. Keep a few natural fats (peanuts, flax seed oil) for good meausure. To achieve a good cardiovascular workout, you have to do the exercise for at least 20 min. (run, brisk walk *pff, rowing, cycling)
This came from US Army FM 21-22 chap. 2,3,6
This question may sound stupid, but i dont know the answer, im playin college football so i have a running workout that is pretty extensive, is that the same as cardio or are these two different things?
Hey NIU ROTC why do you say 20 mins. 16 is far more benificiol for fatloss imo.
16-minutes of ultra high intensity cardio will maximize your metabolic rate without tapping into lean muscle tissue for energy
Is 16 the magical cardio number?Originally Posted by Anabolica
Cardio is about getting your heart rate going as well as all other things that are called upon by the body when this is the case. So yeh, if you're football workout is getting your heart racing then it'd be a cardio workout, but you need to be doing it everyday with 1 or 2 rest days a week. I strted back playing rugby last season and we trained twice a week, and while a training session did get my heart rate going it didn't do much for me losing large quantities of fat as it just wasn't enough each week. In the last two months I have started doing cardio everyday and have lost 2 to 3 inches (I'm way out of shape at the mo! In the worst shape of my life to tell the truth but I'm making progress) from my waist so it's made a hell of a difference.
Sure is bro, Give it a try and you'll see what I'm talking about.AandF6969 - Is 16 the magical cardio number?
Allot of scientific research has been done on this particular method and is proven to be the most beneficial.
I dunno dude, we always ran for at least 20 min, some times for a full hour in the mornings at school. Its sweet running in cadence yellin $hit like in Full Metal Jacket. Wakin up everyone in the dorms.
Horizontal or inclined seated Flys work my chest best. I open very wide at the bottom of the eccentric and really stretch the $hit out of them before I come back up.
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