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Thread: Tons of help needed!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Tons of help needed!!

    Well its going to be my first time using HGH and ive done 4 cycles already so im experienced not really happy but what can u do

    so im 19 years old i know ill hear critisism but i got bad acne from the juice so this helps clear it up but heres the best thing guys i just got 450IUs of norditropin HGH 15mg/1.5ml....... all for free yes for nothing..... retail price 3500 dollars and i dont wanna sell it because im not into sellin or what not so im going to take them but i need tons of help

    i will be taking 4IUs a day

    1. im injecting in my stomach is there any special spot to inject?

    2. can i still keep my current cycle going... 500mg of test ent. 300mg of deca per week and 30mg of dbol a day just for four weeks tho im in week 2 and im doing the test and deca for 10 weeks

    3. do i need water or other solutions to mix with norditropin HGH i was reading you dont its a special kind or something

    4. is it easy to prepare everything in the pen and injection all the prep.

    please dont critisize me i know you can just laugh or whatever but ill do anythin to look good and i dont care about long term consequences i really dont and i know im not educated on this but i dunno im trying to educate myself with these questions....... well thanx to those who respond

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You're only 19 and you've done four cycles!! And now HGH?

    Please please do yourself a favor and start caring about "the long term consequences'. I know that's really hard at 19 but looking at the big picture is part of growing up, only thnking about the now and ignoring the consequences is never ar good idea for anybody. You're gonna be over 30 someday, start planning on it. If you think being dead by then is preferable you're wrong. Please don't take this personally -I'm this way with everybody!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    hgh seems safe so i dont see what the big deal is but anyways i only wanna live till 50 ive seen other family members stuggle greatly after the age of 50 so i wanna have years 20-30 perfect so just help dont critisize please if i live till 50 ill be happy even 40 i really dont care i mean think about it - i can lift the natural way for 2 hours a day 6 days a week forever to get as big as i want and id have to diet perfectly i mean thats like wasting my life away anyways this way with the drugs i can lift for an hour eat avg and look the way i want and im cutting my life in half chemically instead of wasting the time

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I just dont understand why you wanna run growth. If your trying to get BIG dont run growth. Keep running your test. I would not run deca cause i think deca is crap. try tren/prop. You can put quality size on. Wait to use that growth if you wanna run some insulin but get your hands on some more ius. all the gh is going to do is keep really really thin, and from what you wanna run with it sounds like your b/f is low in the first place and your looking for size. "GROWTH" horomone does not mean growing. Keep that in mind. but if you must run it then for injection, Gh is site specific. I started my cycle today and i tend to hold a lot of fat in my chest so i shot there 5ius. later ill put 5 more towards my lats. and for water??? your kit should have came with a solution to mix.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Im not going to judge you but why risk running HGH when your own body produces it every hour at the same amount,maybe less... Im not going to be a part of your decision to take it. Besides I am not sure I believe you that you just HAPPEN to get $3500 of free rHGH

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I swear to you on my life heres the story if u must know...

    My friend tricked me into going over this girls house he said she was hot so i go there its this 5feet 170lbs 15 year old chick so whateva i stay as a gentleman then her dad comes in and says hes donating the horomones on mon. so i ask questions and so on - so she tells me she was 4ft2inches and she was prescribed to them but did not need to take them anymore and had 60k dollars worth

    she gave me 10 15mg/1.5ml boxes of norditropin..... online it says 351.00 per box

    where is the specific site to inject if you wanna go into ur chest or stomach does any1 have pictures?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    i can lift the natural way for 2 hours a day 6 days a week forever to get as big as i want and id have to diet perfectly i mean thats like wasting my life away anyways this way with the drugs i can lift for an hour eat avg and look the way i want
    Wrong attitude. If you think AAS and GH are a substitute for proper diet and training, then you'll be disappointed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    so you want to disagree with people who tell you the truth, yet you still expect a good answere to your question. I hope this is a joke.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    and since when did dr.'s prescribe 65k dollars worth at a time. This whole story is a waste of time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    alright yep u all caught me in a lie im a 19 yr old kid with no job i just sumhow came up with 3500 bucks u guys def. have me figured out thanx for all the help i mean i ask some questions hoping to get answers because no matter what i was going to do it but i was trying to be a little safer and figure out the best results

    and i know aas and gh rnt diet or training exercises belive me no1 goes harder at the gym then me all im sayin is that i eat regular i dont eat junk food but i dont take in 400grams of protein sumtimes and i dont always take in alot of calories but whateva every1 on this site got to make it into a big argument

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Not a flame but I was reckless like you when I was 19. You're gonna hurt yourself bro. GH can be dangerous. You can screw up your natural growth. 10 years down the road you're going to feel a lot different about your health and how long you live.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Gh was like the safest thing on the steroid effectivness chart and the profile they gave on it - u gain size, strength and get cut i just dont see what the dangers are - everywhere i look it says...

    increase memory
    gets rid of wrinkles
    no acne
    and then all the muscle qualities so please sum1 tell me the side effects because i thought i was taking the safest stuff i mean they give it to cancer patients so i dunno help me out

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Tropical England
    at 19 could hgh cause any form of acromegley or gigantism of certian bones etc, due to certian growth plates having fused and others not, especially if the guy has done 4 cycles already?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Hey man. Listen, you can read the steroid profiles all you want, but think about HGH logically. First of all, you can't go by steroid profiles alone from this site, they're a great source, but you need to do more homework. I suggest trusted internet sites or your local library. There have actually only been "10 major trials for the testing of GH (in the last 14 years) and all have shown a marked increase in body composition"~Dr. Stephanie Studenski, UPMC Geriatrics...In other words, it's serious stuff. Now, about HGH. First off, you're too young. You're body still has plenty of growing to do, so as Prime mentioned, acromegaly may occur (chronic hyperpituitarism marked by progressive enlargement of hands, feet, and face). You also run the risk of contracting diabetes due to an increased insulin resistance as a result of using GH. Carpal Tunnel syndrome is also a grave consequence. GH enhances cellular development, you could say. Im assuming you believe that you'll trim fat and increase the size of your muscle cells....maybe....but you also run the risk of increasing the amount of cancerous cells within your body. In my own personal opinion, I think GH for somebody who isnt prescribed it medically at such a young age, is probably a big mistake. Be safe man, I wish you the best.

    And man, you mentioned you only wanna live to see your 50th birthday...but think about the future...what about your family, what if you have think they wanna lose they're father at such a young age?

    Dont kill yourself, think long term
    Last edited by BigErn; 07-27-2004 at 02:50 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    i guess ur right but ill never have a good enuff wife unless im huge so whateva i mean i heard hgh clears up ur skin too and the aas gives me a shytload of acne on my face back and chest and even when i go tanning it only masks it a little and i mean aas is f'ing up my liver anyways and raising my blood preasure its almost like pick ur poison and ill take hgh cause it clears up ur skin

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    i guess ur right but ill never have a good enuff wife unless im huge so whateva i mean i heard hgh clears up ur skin too and the aas gives me a shytload of acne on my face back and chest and even when i go tanning it only masks it a little and i mean aas is f'ing up my liver anyways and raising my blood preasure its almost like pick ur poison and ill take hgh cause it clears up ur skin
    AAS shouldn't be doing any of the things you mentioned if you're using the right supplements and countermeasures in the first place.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    hgh seems safe so i dont see what the big deal is but anyways i only wanna live till 50 ive seen other family members stuggle greatly after the age of 50 so i wanna have years 20-30 perfect so just help dont critisize please if i live till 50 ill be happy even 40 i really dont care
    Wow, you 'll be happy to live until the age of 50. I'm thinking 100 myself. What exactly do you do for a living anyway? I think the gang members of the blood n crips have longer life expectations than that

    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    i mean think about it - i can lift the natural way for 2 hours a day 6 days a week forever to get as big as i want and id have to diet perfectly i mean thats like wasting my life away anyways this way with the drugs i can lift for an hour eat avg and look the way i want and im cutting my life in half chemically instead of wasting the time
    Who put these thoughts in your head Read up on all the best and brightest competitors of the sport of bodybuilding and you'll discover just the opposite is true. Diet and training is EVERYTHING!!! AAS is merely a supplement compared to the overall picture.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    Gh was like the safest thing on the steroid effectivness chart and the profile they gave on it - u gain size, strength and get cut i just dont see what the dangers are - everywhere i look it says...

    increase memory
    gets rid of wrinkles
    no acne
    and then all the muscle qualities so please sum1 tell me the side effects because i thought i was taking the safest stuff i mean they give it to cancer patients so i dunno help me out

    Why on earth at 19 do you need "anti-aging" and to get rid of wrinkles?? All the things those HGH sites talk about are for people over 40 at least. And I think you'll have a hard time finding anything that says HGH will increase mucle mass in a normal 19 year old. 60 maybe 19 no way. We're not trying to give you a hard time we're trying to talk some sense into you.

  19. #19
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    Jun 2004
    whateva i got my reasons im doing them no matter what nothing will talk me outta it i just needed sum help

    i found out no asperiation which kinda sucks but hopefuly i dont hit a vein and all i need is the nordipen and the pins and im alllllll set for jucing up heavily next week

    40mg of dbol
    300mg of deca
    500mg of test
    4IUs of HGH

    hoepfully ill be huge with that if not ill just juice up in january with more fire power

  20. #20
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    Jul 2004
    Ummm dude....take the extra 5 seconds and aspirate...its not that big of a deal.

    And with so many knowledgable people on here (myself excluded because Im no pro) telling you you're making a mistake, why do you insist on persuing the GH? Im not flaming you man, just concerned....I read your posts and I dont see somebody who is devoted to getting massive, I see somebody with a problem. Dont kill yourself man, and remember, it takes time to build a killer bod, no matter what suppliments or AAS you use....

    For one last time, I'm going to ask you to reconsider doing what you're about to may not experience anything negative, but the way you're going about this, I'd be surprised if you didn't experience any negative side effects. If you were going to base your decision on how people responded to your post, then I say cut the GH out right're taking Dbol at 40mg's a day, 500 mgs of test (not sure what kind) per week and 300 mg's of deca....dude, you have enough, dont overdo it.

    Just lookin out for ya bro, and I know its your own body and you'll do what you want with it, but I hate to see a young life and great potential killed off prematurely because of ignorant abuse. Once again, this isn't a flame at all, just want you to realize the reality of the smart man...and if you do engage in your GH binge, then I hope to God you're all right. Take care

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    One last question, since you seem deadset on doing long do you plan on running the GH for?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    well with your mentality not a lot of poeple are going to be willing to help. At least you're honest about your age. I think that if you stick around here a little longer and read more threads you will see the big picture.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    ill never have a good enuff wife unless im huge so whateva
    What is that? A GOOD woman is not going to look at how huge you are before she agrees to marry you.

  24. #24
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    Jun 2004
    im going to be running it 3 weeks after my cycle after i do all PCT and then start hittin the gh for 141 days 5 on 2 off 4ius a day

    the nordi pen i got wont let me pull up so i cant asperate

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    somewhere in reality
    take this for what its worth, but you are a very immature 19 year old in my opinion. You're outlook on life is misplaced, ie., live only till youre 50, wont get a wife unless your huge. I only hope that your 20's will allow you to see how foolish some of your thought processes have been.

    Saying that. Einstein is the best source for gh information. I would trust what he says. Good luck

  26. #26
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    RATM that was very well said.

    For your own good man, I would listen to people here that know what they are talking about. If someone tells you that this is not a good time to do it coz of watever watever, then why not listen to them? What you are about to do is very serious man, and can do some scary ass **** to your body that you would hate. So when the "pros" here tell you, dont 4 your own good, then you should really listen to them. You wont get better advice but from here. Dont do it b4 its too late man. Either way, good luck.

  27. #27
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    Jun 2004
    aight people continue to tell me im immature this and that k heres a little background on me before all u meat heads make conclusions

    i guess im so immature i scored a 1360 on the sats and got into BC
    im so imature at the age of 19 i worked my A$$ off to pay for a 2002 ford explorer
    im so imature i work harder then every1 i mean there was a point in my life i was going to the gym 27 hours a week weather it was weights cardio and everythin
    im so imature before school this year i woke up at 4:50am to run from 5-7 shower then be at school at 745
    im so imature that i get blood test, liver test and kidney test every month, blood preasure(every week)

    im so imature ive read on a million sites all the pros and cons on gh can do for you
    and this is what i got from norditropin gh

    • It decreases fat

    • It removes wrinkles

    • It increases muscle mass

    • It enhances sexual performance

    • It increases immune function,

    • It improves memory

    • It improves vision

    • It enhances energy levels

    • It promotes a younger looking skin

    • It reduces wrinkles

    • It is free of side effects as it contains only all natural HGH boosters

    maybe im not immature maybe im tired of seeing all the 40 year olds at my gym go 20 percent and be HUGE and me go at it like a dog and see little to no results now im on my 4th cycle of juice 6 weeks in

    bench 415
    squat 585(knees 90 degrees no half way bullshYt)
    dead lift 465

    but my problem is im 6'1 220 i need to gain 20lbs and cut my 40 time .5 if i think im going to compete with some of the black athletes at bc

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    somewhere in reality
    with an attitude like that, it is no wonder why you haven't received much in the way of help. for someone who scored a 1320 on the sat, your grammar reflects that number being your high score on Halo

  29. #29
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just coz you are Mr Smart, and paid off your car, and got up early to do your cardio or pull your dick or whatever, it doesnt mean you know what you are doing. So there4, in this department you are not Mr Smart afterall now are you? You knowledge and smartness outside of what we are talking about is useless coz it has nothing to do with the issue we are on. Do some research kid.

  30. #30
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    Jun 2004
    but it seems like i am i mean u guys r just big meatheads - im gettin my facts on gh on websites documented by doctors, health facilities who perscribe it, and the facts str8 from the company and they only have good things to say about gh - so who should i belive sum junkies who walk around with a big steak on their neck or doctors?

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by ProUser910
    but it seems like i am i mean u guys r just big meatheads - im gettin my facts on gh on websites documented by doctors, health facilities who perscribe it, and the facts str8 from the company and they only have good things to say about gh - so who should i belive sum junkies who walk around with a big steak on their neck or doctors?
    You're assuming that there aren't doctors on this site giving advice? Everything you just said should make things clear to you......all the info you're gathering is from websites that sell GH. The "impartial" doctors are HRT docs, whose living is dependent upon selling the merits of GH and sugarcoating or avoiding talking about the detriments/dangers of GH. If you want real info, refer to peer-reviewed scientific literature.....not quotes from doctors on websites or anyone else who has a vested interest in the product.
    The vast majority of doctors are also grossly misinformed about the effects of AAS too, so an MD behind one's name doesn't make them omniscient. There are several MDs on this site and many PhDs and many people in all aspects of medicine and biomedical sciences, so drop the pomposity, because your SAT score is about as relevant to you using GH as is the fact that I'm a Capricorn
    I think it's great that you're actually researching GH, but knock the chip off your shoulder and start researching impartial literature.

  32. #32
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    Jul 2004


    Ok I did some research on our buddy ProUser here.

    First off, you claim you're 19, yet your bday in your profile currently says you were born in 1971...which would make you 33 years old.

    Now, onto a post that you made in the past:

    Before you continue irritating the rest of the members here on the forums, why dont you tell it you who is the kid in college at Georgetown who you speak of in those threads? or are you in fact a 33 year old painter without a college degree as you say in the above post. Because you obviously dont go to BC.

    And that my fellow friends, is why lying never pays.

    You're Bsing either way and I say thats pretty low considering everbody on here is so open to give you honest advice...and if you even plan on editing that post, I'll make sure I paste it right here:

    ProUser states:
    "yep i knew it was soemthing like that well anwyays if i coulda done it all over i woulda juiced at 17 because this kids life is great right now and wont have to be a garbage worker like me a f***** painter his whole life because hell have a degree from a great college and his girlfriends pretty hot now not use to seeing that with him but i mean the board says dont do juice until ur in ur mid 20s but i dont see why i have yet to suffer from the sides of juice i see so much critisizim i wish people would just be more helpfull and nice other then rude and aggresive...... it just might be all the test floatin around in the forum"

    ...a garbage painter eh? 1360 on the SATS and working on a college degree from BC...i think not

    Cut the crap bub
    Last edited by BigErn; 07-29-2004 at 11:42 PM.

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    In all honesty, you would'nt of had to ask any of those questions. If you would have just spent some time reading through these threads man!!

    Now, as far as insulting everyone out of frustration. At 19, I would have hoped you would have been more,...I dont know, MATURE?

    Has it gotten you the answers you were looking for? If I were in your shoes, and wanted to be the mature one. I would apologies, start over, and if you have'nt seem to obtained the answers you were looking for. Take my first advice and read through these threads. Becuase thats how most these guys have learned what they allready know!

    Hope this helps ya!

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Oh and for the record, in your other thread, you claim your cousin plays for G-town football and his name is Brian Dindia? His name is nowhere to be found on the 2004 roster, but hey, cheers to BSing people!

    Wrong place to try and lie, bub

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Back in from the Cold
    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Wrong attitude. If you think AAS and GH are a substitute for proper diet and training, then you'll be disappointed
    His problem is not just the attitude, it is also the science (as you better than anyone else can confirm). Steroids can HELP you get to peak performance, they are not a substitute for exercise. Furthermore, without a good diet and exercise, the results of AAS will be minimal and very fleeting.

    ProUser- all the information you need is on this site. ABSOLUTELY ALL of it. Read and you will find.

    When you have people that are using juice giving you advice, might be a good idea to listen. These are not you school counselers, they are f&^king gym rat that know steroids.

    Listen, my friend, listen

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Another little bit of discrepancy Id like to draw all of your attention to...

    Here Prouser states he is 6'4 275 @9%bf

    And in this thread he states he is 6'1 220

    You must have lost a lot of mean muscle mass over the course of one month eh bub?

    Oh and not to mention the whole shrinking 3 inches deal

    Prouser states:
    "i have done many cycles over 15 but this will be my first cycle in over a year so tell me what you think

    6'4 - 275 - 9% body fat"

    Never heard of anybody getting shorter after doing a cycle

    I just looked through all the other threads you started, not only do you lie to people, but you are completely uneducated about working out altogether. Get a life and find a different place to waste people's time...the guys on here wanna help those who need it and exchange valuable info, not partake in the crap of a pathological liar.

  37. #37
    If your not gonna diet and train hard you might as well not even work out

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