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Thread: # of sets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    # of sets

    I was wondering how many sets per muscle group you should do?
    for example ill do 4 exercises 4 sets each for chest. Is this to much Ive seen some people do four sets total for chest. Which is best?

  2. #2

    is it working?

    no, what your doing doesnt seem bad. but i must say its dif for every person...what works for those other guys may not work for you, and what works for you may not work for me or anyone else.
    if your trying to bulk up, keep the weight high, and reps lower.

    hope that helps a little


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    After tring alot of training routines, I swear by three sets, 3-4 exercises per body part.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    i do 3 WORKING sets, four exersices per body part. except for shoulders, i do five

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I as well do 3 sets till failure on the last one. And on average 4 to 6 exercises per body part.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    For me it varies, generally I try to do 4 sets of 3-4 exercises for chest, back and shoulders, 3-4 sets of 3 exercises for quads and 2 exercises for hamstrings and only 3 sets of thre exercises for, each, triceps and biceps (since they are smaller muscle groups). For abs and calves I do 3 sets of 2-3 exercises each.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    I also stick with the 3 sets, except for chest. Again it is different for different people. I have the bad genetics, and my chest I have to work like hell. I usually do four set's and pound the hell out of it. The rest of my body hell if I just look at the weights, I will grow.

  8. #8
    yea but your taking those magic pills arent you?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    oooo. we've gone a few weeks w/o mentioning the magic pills. world's greatest steroid!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    magic pills??

    they are still floating around??i thought they were discontinued because so many guys were getting huge and ripped??hook a brother up!!!

  11. #11
    ya know ill do you a fav...since i got the last few....
    and they ARE magic pills ill hook a brother up....2 pills at an all time low price of 5.99$ 0% apr finacing too!

    lemme know bro ill hold off on my last 2

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    cnyce89...I'll consider it if you allow me to make three equal payments of $2.00 (which is actually like $78 canadian) Sorry to get off topic but I did offer a serious answer earlier in the thread.


  13. #13
    CYCLEON Guest
    Im still with the modified HIT program, so never more than 2 sets per excercise and when I can do it right, only one.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    There is no place like ho
    Okay I am goin to get flammed but first off who and what the hell are Magic pills? Okay, I am dumb.. go ahead say it.. I am having a blond moment right now..

  15. #15
    CYCLEON Guest
    they make you look like me - see my pic

    send me 1,000 bucks and ill send you some

  16. #16
    come on cyleon...i thought i was the one hookin people up...remember....2 for 5.99....your overpriced i think...maybe just...a lilbit!!!

    as for sicilian...a magic pill...someday itll alllllllllllll come to you!


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    magic pills- you get huge, ripped AND strong with no side effects whatsoever. and best yet, you never have to leave your couch! they used to be real cheap, but you know about supply and demand.........

  18. #18
    CYCLEON Guest
    Originally posted by cnyce89
    come on cyleon...i thought i was the one hookin people up...remember....2 for 5.99....your overpriced i think...maybe just...a lilbit!!!

    as for sicilian...a magic pill...someday itll alllllllllllll come to you!

    thats because the majic pills you sell dont make them look like me! - thus a slight premium

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    send some this way, and Cycleon how are those penis exercises cumming (pun intended) LOL!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Anabolic Review History Lesson 101

    A long time ago there was this guy who keep posting a question asking for the best steriod, with no side effects.(Like there is such a thing) Ok he was flamed recentlessly and I have to stick up for my brothers on this on because he really deserved it. To make matters worst he got extremmely pissed and began cussing every one else out on the board in cluding the MODS. He would post topics like I have asked you once before but since you have ingnored me before( then he would name sevearl mods, senior members by name ect.) Through the flaming of this guy thus the topic of MAJIC PILLS was born. You can only find them here at AR as they do not exsist anywhere else in the world. Up until recently I thought Mke was the only one who supplied them!LOL Just a little Anabolicreview History lesson.

    Oh yeah, I do 5 sets for every excersie and at lest 4 to 5 excersise per body part. They legs are alot stronger and can handle more.I start light with high reps and increase the weight with each set lowering the reps as well but not going lower than 6 reps per set. I do occansionally max out at the beggining of a workout (I rep max weight) to see where I am at strentgh wise. I have trained like this for the last 6 years and it has worked very well as long as I keep my caloric intake up to where it should be.
    Last edited by Tobey; 10-02-2001 at 08:50 PM.

  21. #21
    CYCLEON Guest
    Originally posted by Full Intensity
    send some this way, and Cycleon how are those penis exercises cumming (pun intended) LOL!
    well if it gets any bigger - ill need a blood transfusion when i raise the flag!

  22. #22
    what to say what to say....

    ahhhhhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahaha im baffled

    just get the magic pillls...JUST GET THE THETRE WORTH EVERY PENNY


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