Anyone got any advice on how to build up my biceps ? Ive read all the advice in the forums but cant get anything to work and its pi*sing me off a bit
Anyone got any advice on how to build up my biceps ? Ive read all the advice in the forums but cant get anything to work and its pi*sing me off a bit
Put together a specific/meticulous workout. Keep a trainig log along with measurements. From this, you can manipulate variables and eventually find a program that works for YOU. Be patient and explore all options.
I agree with this also Low Reps High Weight for size and High Reps Low Weight for strength , Low Reps with high weight dosnt release the Cortisol like doin high Reps with low weights do ,What i do is when im eating lower carbs i keep the reps low and when im eating high carbs i take advantage of it and increase the repsOriginally Posted by Hypertrophy
Yeah , well what im goin to start doing is when I do my biceps, i will alternate the way I do it. So tommorow I will do high weight, low reps, then the next time i will do low weight , high reps. I hope this works cos every other part of me is improving.
Is their any truth that you cant get big biceps without first developing the back and shoulders ?
No truth at all. Biceps has alot to do with one genectics but you should have a strong back when doing heavy curls.
there's your answer in a nutshell.that's how you find out what works for you not us.....hyper on the $$$Originally Posted by Hypertrophy
but would your body let you get out of proportion by having big bis and an underdeveloped back and delts?Originally Posted by bluethunder
i have read many an article stating that your body will not let you get out of proportion. it is dangerous to have huge bis and a weak back, your body would not let that happen.
Can anyone elborate on this? What is cortisol and what does it have to do with high reps / low weight or low reps / high weight.Originally Posted by mitch428cj
I thought that whole high reps / low weights = ripped vs. low reps / high weight = size was a myth...?
cortisol is your enemy. it is a hormone that breaks down muscle. Cortisol gets released when running and working out or whenever your body is under stress. Food will help testosterone override cortisol after stress has been exerted on your body.Originally Posted by clockworks
it is said that the higher the reps, the more cortisol is released. all he is saying is that it is a good idea to use low reps when cutting because when you are taking in fewer calories, cortisol can be a problem, and the lower reps will not raise cortisol as much. when you bulk, yiou will have enough calories to cancel out cortisols effect for the most part so you can take advantage of that time and use reps up to 10.
Cool, thanks for the explanation.
yeah, i had no idea about the cortisol thing so i think il just stick with the low rep, high weight thing after all, cheers bros
bumpOriginally Posted by IronReload04
your body ALWAYS wants to stay in a state of homeostesis. since that is the case, what bb'ers do is create trainign and recovery programs that allow for muscular deformation. realistically, what we do is "deform" muscles through forced resistance. you can always be disproportionate. look at guys who don't train legs. their body is forced into upper body growth through that resistance training, but it not forced to grow the other 50% of their body if no training is done.Originally Posted by IronReload04
if you are talking sheer pounds, well a lb of weight is dispersed from head to toe. that's why i fear when i see guys with a gut and are lean everywhere else. some cataboilism in muscle may take place as adominal bf needs reduction while they try to spare LBM. better to not get in that position.
basically, you can be inbalanced.look at sprinters who tear hamstrings...9 out of 10 times it's an imbalance in quadricep to hamstrings strength.
With all this being said... what is probably the best excercise to add mass to Biceps???
with that being ackowledged(and i think Hypertrophy's answer shouldn't even make this question come up since his answer is so on point and exactly correct) i think you have to look at EMG testing to get that answer. i have the list on every bodypart and study done i can get my hands on, but we're gonna let youdo a search and learn a very valuable lesson in exercise selection......go to work.....Originally Posted by Dmize9
would those guys with chicken legs get to a point where their upper body cannot grow anymore due to lack of lower body mass. from that point if they brought up their leg mass, it would give them room to make upperbody progress? hope this didnt sound confusingOriginally Posted by partyboynyc
basically it stated that you have to create balance.guys who didin't train legs, not even talking imbalances in the physique, (and this is almost common knoweldge) did not have the circulation to optimize upper body growth and , as we have known for years, the release of GH and IGF naturally.Originally Posted by IronReload04
here is a question back to you?if maybe nothing more that trying to educate yourself further...why are you concerned about this bicep training in relation to back and rear delt development?what is your current level of development in your opinion?do you feel underdeveolped in the back and rear delts and you are contributing this to overall bicep size?if so, in your back movements your arms are like hook just securing the weight. obviously they are not the prime mover and will get secondary stimulation, but this should by no conscience effort on your part. lift with your back movements as though you don't even have arms is the best way to explain it.
i'm just trying to figure out where this question is stemming from.
honostly i am just curious and desire to understand and know the answer. I squat near 500, and deadlift is gettin their. i jsut like knowing answers to these questions.Originally Posted by partyboynyc
i jsut like reading everything their is to read here. the roid section too. from reading reading and more reading, i want to be extremely confident when i start gear in 3 more years.
there should be more people like you around. i say read everything you can get your hands on. if you ever want a list of book that are further educating just give me a yell and i think Warrior has a good listing of book he references as well.Originally Posted by IronReload04
ya that would be cool as hell. that would be great if you could give me a list of books.Originally Posted by partyboynyc
I knew a guy who was huge up top but had legs like a broom shank, and in the end he had to pack it in because his knees couldnt take the weight of his upper bodyOriginally Posted by IronReload04
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