I have no energy, nor desire, to explain myself yet again on a subject that has been beaten worse than Rodney King. However, since my coffee kicked in just a bit, here's a few more baton whirls..................
Cardio after working out is something I'd never do, but that's just me. Makes NO sense to mix aerobics/anaerobics, as they send two ENTIRELY different messages to the body, AND both have their own purposeful mechanisms (fat loss, anabolism), both of which greatly suffer because of intereference from the other.
(EX: lipolysis is engaged after the cardio, then you slam down a pwo drink, thus stopping fat burning in it's tracks) Smart? No...........
As well, after weights you want to replinish glycogen stores as quickly as you can to begin recovery, NOT perform cardio in an already EXTENDED catabolic state.
I love the argument of not doing cardio a.m. as it's "TOO CATABOLIC", yet one will do CARDIO after an intense weight training session.

Talk about catabolic! You tell me when glycogen replinishment and cortisol is the HIGHEST. A.M cardio is only catabolic for those who do not know how to eat correctly the other 23+ hours of the day.
Remember, just because someone "competes" doesn't mean those methods are going to work for the average person. Believe me, if all of the 1000's I helped were doing cardio after weights, I wouldn't have the success rate/popularity that I do today. I'd also be running for my life from people wanting to kil me from over-training, losing lean mass, remaining fat, etc.
All in all, simply try one method, if it doesn't seem to work, simply move on to another one.