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Thread: whats the earliest people get up at for cardio?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    whats the earliest people get up at for cardio?

    i would like to do my cardio in the morning on a empty stomach,only thing is i have to get up at half 6 and leave the house at 7 to go to work.
    i could get up a bit earlier but i work to 6/7pm some times and im shattered by about 2pm normally,anyone else have this problem ,cardio 9/10pm is an option.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Back in from the Cold
    I run at 5:30 am... no cars it is great. I am at work at 8 am and leave at 7pm. I also do my workout at 6am, no choice in terms of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    5:45am bro...

    What's more important... fat-loss or sleep? Don't choose one over the other, just go to bed earlier, get your 8 hours of sleep, then get up at 5:30am and run... and do that 4 or 5 days a week...

    You will notice considerable fat-loss if you do so in the morning, on an empty stomach, then wait about an hour and a half afterwards to eat anything.. that way lipolysis continues to burn fat after you're done cardio... (if you eat, lipolysis will end)... but, if you absolutely can't make it in the AM, then PM cardio is better than no cardio.. right?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I'm up by 4:30 AM and doing cardio by 5 AM. Five days a week, 52 weeks a year. Morning is optimal time for cardio and fat loss....but push comes to shove PM cardio is better than no cardio at all....just have to adjust your meals and time you eat them.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Up at 5:45am

    Cardio for 50 minutes....

    3-4x a week for me...its all about being realistic.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    nice to here looks like i will try that and stop being lazy ,thanks guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    5:45am bro...

    What's more important... fat-loss or sleep? Don't choose one over the other, just go to bed earlier, get your 8 hours of sleep, then get up at 5:30am and run... and do that 4 or 5 days a week...

    You will notice considerable fat-loss if you do so in the morning, on an empty stomach, then wait about an hour and a half afterwards to eat anything.. that way lipolysis continues to burn fat after you're done cardio... (if you eat, lipolysis will end)... but, if you absolutely can't make it in the AM, then PM cardio is better than no cardio.. right?
    Be in bed by 10 get up at 6 cardio for 30-45 min. I would like to clarify one thing though. Carido isnt like weight training in the sence that once your done with it you no longer burn calories. So your statement about dont eat b/c lipolysis is still taking place and still burning calories is totally false.Now really the best time to do cario is after a work out but im not even going to get into y. Ill do that later.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    One up on you
    Quote Originally Posted by Jock191
    Be in bed by 10 get up at 6 cardio for 30-45 min. I would like to clarify one thing though. Carido isnt like weight training in the sence that once your done with it you no longer burn calories. So your statement about dont eat b/c lipolysis is still taking place and still burning calories is totally false.Now really the best time to do cario is after a work out but im not even going to get into y. Ill do that later.

    Actually the best time for cardio is in the AM on empty, and lipolysis can continue for up to 45 minutes after your cardio session, but everyone is different. Doing cardio after weights is fine, but in the morning is ideal. Why anyone would want to mix an aerobic activity with an anaerobic one is beyond me.

    Here is a good post by SwoleCat explaining all of this in further detail:

    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    I have no energy, nor desire, to explain myself yet again on a subject that has been beaten worse than Rodney King. However, since my coffee kicked in just a bit, here's a few more baton whirls..................

    Cardio after working out is something I'd never do, but that's just me. Makes NO sense to mix aerobics/anaerobics, as they send two ENTIRELY different messages to the body, AND both have their own purposeful mechanisms (fat loss, anabolism), both of which greatly suffer because of intereference from the other.
    (EX: lipolysis is engaged after the cardio, then you slam down a pwo drink, thus stopping fat burning in it's tracks) Smart? No...........
    As well, after weights you want to replinish glycogen stores as quickly as you can to begin recovery, NOT perform cardio in an already EXTENDED catabolic state.

    I love the argument of not doing cardio a.m. as it's "TOO CATABOLIC", yet one will do CARDIO after an intense weight training session. Talk about catabolic! You tell me when glycogen replinishment and cortisol is the HIGHEST. A.M cardio is only catabolic for those who do not know how to eat correctly the other 23+ hours of the day.

    Remember, just because someone "competes" doesn't mean those methods are going to work for the average person. Believe me, if all of the 1000's I helped were doing cardio after weights, I wouldn't have the success rate/popularity that I do today. I'd also be running for my life from people wanting to kil me from over-training, losing lean mass, remaining fat, etc.

    All in all, simply try one method, if it doesn't seem to work, simply move on to another one.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    ~SC~ said "baton whirls"..........


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jock191
    Be in bed by 10 get up at 6 cardio for 30-45 min. I would like to clarify one thing though. Carido isnt like weight training in the sence that once your done with it you no longer burn calories. So your statement about dont eat b/c lipolysis is still taking place and still burning calories is totally false.Now really the best time to do cario is after a work out but im not even going to get into y. Ill do that later.
    No flame intended but you have alot to learn and by the way I was also in the military much longer then you at 12yrs active to be exact. I know the fitness regiment although some good stuff it also had old school thought. In fact that is a pic of me when I was in the army and the PT had absolutely nothing to do with my gains. I drove 15 miles away to a great gym 4- 5 times a week. The miltary helped only perhaps some fat loss or minimizing getting too fat. But it surely was not geared to build muscle. One thing is right we did running at 5:30 am and I am sure most ran on a empty stomach too.
    Last edited by bluethunder; 10-26-2004 at 06:42 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Jock191
    Be in bed by 10 get up at 6 cardio for 30-45 min. I would like to clarify one thing though. Carido isnt like weight training in the sence that once your done with it you no longer burn calories. So your statement about dont eat b/c lipolysis is still taking place and still burning calories is totally false.Now really the best time to do cario is after a work out but im not even going to get into y. Ill do that later.
    Not only did you totally contradict yourself above (so many double negatives it's downright confusing), there is no way that one can validate cardio after weights for FAT LOSS (the goal here), when you are going to IMMEDIATELY slam down a PWO offering (HIGH GI CARBS/protein) You blunt lipolysis IMMEDIATELY.

    It's scientific FACT, not opinion.

    If you are NOT ingesting something like this PWO, well then, we've got MUCH bigger issues.

    It's fine that we all have our different methods, yes. However, claiming one method to be equal to that of another when each of the components in the approaches included is PROVEN to be best in a certain "state", is seriously BAMMER!

    There's an old-school word! BAMMER!!!!!!!



  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by bluethunder
    No flame intended but you have alot to learn and by the way I was also in the military much longer then you at 12yrs active to be exact. I know the fitness regiment although some good stuff it also had old school thought. In fact that is a pic of me when I was in the army and the PT had absolutely nothing to do with my gains. I drove 15 miles away to a great gym 4- 5 times a week. The miltary helped only perhaps some fat loss or minimizing getting too fat. But it surely was not geared to build muscle. One thing is right we did running at 5:30 am and I am sure most ran on a empty stomach too.

    I can honelsty say that in the Marines we NEVER ran on an empty stomach.. It would be get up at 5 get chow, go back to the squad bay change for pt and go pt.Yeah I lost ALOT of weight muscle and fat in bootcamp. But someone I made it back up to 189 a 5% bf. Now the thing is there is soo much contradicing evidence about this topic.. In every ****ing muscle mag there will be something that says why its better to do cardio in the morning then on the next one it will say its better to do it after work out..Im not only talking about in muscle mag but in other books as well. I never looked at at with the point of after working out and then taking you PWO drink.. I just think of it as buring more in a day than you consume. Guess thats why my theory could be off alittle.Wouldnt it also make sense to just try to gain as much muscle as possible to burn more fat?
    Last edited by Jock191; 10-26-2004 at 09:00 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    It's all good, no one was flaming you, but rather pointed out flaws in reasoning w/scientifically proven principles.

    Again, it's best to try everything and experiment, and do what works for YOU as an individual.

    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, of course! You know the saying, "Opinions are like @$$holes, everybody has one."


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Why did you respond so **** fast lol I wanted to change something.... lol

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jock191
    I can honelsty say that in the Marines we NEVER ran on an empty stomach.. It would be get up at 5 get chow, go back to the squad bay change for pt and go pt.Yeah I lost ALOT of weight muscle and fat in bootcamp. But someone I made it back up to 189 a 5% bf. Now the thing is there is soo much contradicing evidence about this topic.. In every ****ing muscle mag there will be something that says why its better to do cardio in the morning then on the next one it will say its better to do it after work out..Im not only talking about in muscle mag but in other books as well. I never looked at at with the point of after working out and then taking you PWO drink.. I just think of it as buring more in a day than you consume. Guess thats why my theory could be off alittle.Wouldnt it also make sense to just try to gain as much muscle as possible to burn more fat?

    isnt the goal of marine training to make you a lean mean killing machine or whatever? The goals of people on this board are to "look" amazing. the stuff written above about running in the AM on an empty stomach has been proven to work......

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    YES, it is also true that gaining muscle helps offset fat increases so we are in total agreement. AS muscle is shown to burn calories at rest whereas brown fat does not. Like Swole said all is unique you need to find what works individually(someone who is 21yrs old vs. a 45yr old) are very different. But there are also some reasoning that cardio is better on a empty stomach and not the best approach before or after weight training no matter what one age is. If anything cardio post workout is the lesser of the two evils imo. BUT then again it depends on ones own goal ie. muscle mass or fat loss. Although weight training is anaerobic it can have some elements of a aerobic if you incorporate certain training principles.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Forty shades of green
    I never get up for cardio. Cardio comes l8r.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by GREENMACHINE
    I never get up for cardio. Cardio comes l8r.
    Wow, what a contribution!!


  19. #19
    I work in the mines and do 12.5 hr shifts, bus comes around town to pick us up at bout 5:10 don't get home till 6:30. i get up at 4 am to give time to make food for day, eat and then take the dog for a run, no time in the evening as i only have an hour and a half from when i get home till bed time at me just enough time at night to lift and eat. Sucks i think i see my wife for about 2 hours during the week total cause she sure as hell aint gonna wake up at 4am

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