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Thread: New to this site, help on bulking up

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    wow, he didnt say ne ting bout that, well he wrote me out a program, to inject half hour before u eat, n make sure u eat plenty of carbs, and only inject 3 units, thats nothing, he sadi its harmless, and puts on size in no time, so i thought why not, im very inexperienced with all that, thats why i joined this forum,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    u recon my program is alright, does it need to be modified? does protein powder work? if so hoe many times and when is the best tiem to take it?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by danz
    u recon my program is alright, does it need to be modified? does protein powder work? if so hoe many times and when is the best tiem to take it?
    No, it needs alot of work. Go read up in the training forums. No one is going to hold your hand, you need to do research. Also, protein powder is food, it's just protein. You need protein to grow, same as carbs etc...
    Like I said, go read....(the link I posted you is a good place to start)...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    well with my program , say for instance bench, that first 12 reps would jsut be with the bar, just warmups first, man how long do i have to train before i c results, cos i guy at my work, he huge, and he sadi he only trained for 3 months and got that big, he got huge arms, and he use to be a stick, i wish i could do that

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by danz
    well with my program , say for instance bench, that first 12 reps would jsut be with the bar, just warmups first, man how long do i have to train before i c results, cos i guy at my work, he huge, and he sadi he only trained for 3 months and got that big, he got huge arms, and he use to be a stick, i wish i could do that
    If you're wanting to grow, lower reps, more weight....
    Alot of it has to do with genes. Sounds like he was running gear too.
    You're 19 right? You're too young to be thinking about that. The general consensus is you should be 23 (at the youngest)...
    Also, 4 months is fuk all, you need to show dedication, and DIET properly. Your diet is what makes or breaks you. You obviously haven't got the best diet (shown by your question about protein powders)... so read the link I posted you... READ up in the DIET forum....... seriously.... in time, you will see results. Your diet, and training, is holding you back...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by danz
    wow, he didnt say ne ting bout that, well he wrote me out a program, to inject half hour before u eat, n make sure u eat plenty of carbs, and only inject 3 units, thats nothing, he sadi its harmless, and puts on size in no time, so i thought why not, im very inexperienced with all that, thats why i joined this forum,
    Read up on it. Search in the Insulin forum here (HGH, IGF etc)...
    You can die from it. Trust me. Many people have been successful with it, and it is the most anabolic hormone, but if you don't know wtf you're doing, stay far far away from it...

    Like I said, Diet & Training.... read, learn, post threads for advice/critique...
    In a few years, then you may choose to run gear, but not now...
    Until then, feel free to reasearch it so you're knowledgeable when the time comes, but for right now, stay away from steroids/insulin/HGH etc... you'll be happy you did....

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