make one of them pics ur avatar, id use the last one in the first post brah..
What are ur lifts at bro? bench? squat?
make one of them pics ur avatar, id use the last one in the first post brah..
What are ur lifts at bro? bench? squat?
Originally Posted by yooo
dude that movie was messed up though... that guy got F'ed the hell up.
1st punch was the jackpot![]()
for the rest of you who havent seen it
**** bro you are solid and huge... good work
kinda hard to critique but u are definitely a big boy
Well, you said it!! But looking as thick as can be!!Originally Posted by BigJon06
You a big boy man, but you def. have some extra fat on you. Still, i know you arent goin for the bodybuilding physique, so more power to you, your huge.
if you're 6'4 300+lbs you would dwarf the champ like allan in this picOriginally Posted by BigJon06
Big Country.
jeez, sean allan is super huge........
Is Sean still running his gay porn site?Originally Posted by hikneeken
"that guy" just got 4 years.Originally Posted by S R H
haha.....that is one big ole gay dude thenOriginally Posted by Carlos_E
Sean is much bigger than i am, plus i dont have any roids in my system. I could only imagine if i did, lmao
Well right now, i am about to start working for the govt as an IT Specialist. Bodyguard's an idea, just like some more mass before that (375# sounds good). Any diet help to help me get rid of a little fat would work, just dont want to lose my BULK offseason type look, LMAOOriginally Posted by CHIPNDALER69
you headed up to the nova area? thats the hot zone, one of my boys lives down in "hoodbridge"
Honestly, bro, you are so impressively huge but you're nearing comic book hero status! 400lbs is not safe for your heart to support. There's a direct inverse correlation to high BMI and lifespan irregardless of muscle or fat.
IE, DO NOT shoot for 400. You're borderline as it is. Just my .02 as a doctor and former nutritionist. Best of luck.
I wanted to be the first one on this board to hit 400, but you might beat me. My bodyfat is a bit lower (18%) but i also have a huge amount of steroids in my system.
You dont need to be 400 lbs to be a bodyguard, i did BG work when i was like 250 solid.
oh and im 6 feet.
Originally Posted by yikes!!
Hey B, have you ever or are you ever going to post a pic of yourself? If this guy looks this massive at 6'4 and you're only 6' with less body fat then you must be a monster. And btw, I think the 400 club especially at 6'0 will be impossible without a lot of fat. At that point you wont even look like a monster anymore, it'll be more on the fat side.
A couple people have seen full pictures of me, the original jason and a couple others. To be honest, I dont have any aside from my old avatar anymore and with my tattoos and record in the past, I dont need my tattoos showing. Blurring them is not an option as im 90% covered.
I do agree with the 400 lb thing, i was joking, I will never hit it, especially since I dont train for hypertrophy
Here's onewhen i had the gut, i was about 365 then...but next time i get there, shouldbe gutless.
You can see how far i've come
Another comparison between then and now
A few more from the past
Somewhere betwee 3 and 4 hundred, lmao
BigJon06, where in the hell did you get an underarmour shirt to fit you? Did you order it on line? how much was it?
I have a hard time finding ones that say XXL and fit me, I am jealous that you actually found one that fits you.
Who said it fit??? Thats an XXL thats been stretched to hell to attempt to cover my body. Trust me, i dont think my blood was even circulating under it. I dont even know where it is now. Then ill order another one. You thinkthey know that people who where them (say football players) are a little bigger than the average guy, i'd expect to see sizes up in the 5X range myself, but thats just me. (searches on right quick)Originally Posted by kaorialfred
DANG !! Nuke here !
OG he does look like me .
Holla !
Who looks like who??? What does who look like?Originally Posted by nuke
hahaha...Toldya...Originally Posted by nuke
Glad to see you stopped by bro!!
OG another monsterOriginally Posted by BigJon06
Big sum'bitch. Good luck on attaining your goals bro.
hahaha...Bro good find right der...lolOriginally Posted by TRLS63
WOW, i have a long lost twin, WHAZZZZUP NUKE???
Where are you currently at right now in your transformation..
hahaha...Im tellin ya...You guys look so much alike....For a sec i thought you were using Nukes pictures....Originally Posted by BigJon06
I did to bro. I got a call that some young upstart phtotshopped me.
LOL ! Its all good bro. My transformation is still going good. I havent taken any new pics though.
OG I will be seeing you soon bro.I may be driving down next month.
Nuke is in da hizzle !
Originally Posted by nuke
hahaha! I'll be waiting for ya bro with the 3 B's....Im sure you can figure then out...hahaha
Last edited by OGPackin; 03-03-2005 at 09:25 AM.
You cant be serious.....did you really just say that??Originally Posted by Carlos_E
He's 335lbs....that why he's huge...we dont need to see the rest. PLUS he already stated that he has 35" thighs.
man, aint tha t much photo shopping in the world. Shoot, i just set me camera to auto capture and there ya go...Originally Posted by vettewreck
The 2nd picture i tried to mock a previous one...
Last edited by BigJon06; 03-03-2005 at 10:38 AM.
This comment is not directed to BigJon but who cares how much you weigh when your body fat percentage is 30%. I'm not saying his is but what is the point? I didn't realize the point of using steroids was to get as fat as possible just to reach a number. My point is everyone is saying he's huge. Yes, huge by numbers ... but is it muscle? I can't tell by looking at someone's neck and shoulders.Originally Posted by vettewreck
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