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Thread: predetermined exercises or random at gym ?

  1. #1

    predetermined exercises or random at gym ?

    Hi all! I was wondering if you think that a successfull bodybuilder should or tend to be, which one of the following profile?

    1- The 1st one will write down all exercises to do for each bodypart on a workout plan and will follow it, without changing it too much while at gym and from weeks to weeks.

    2- The second will know what bodypart to do in a workout, and arrived at gym, will decide what exercises to do. Changing exercises from weeks to weeks.

    At the moment I am the 1st one, but I think of changing for the 2nd one.
    What you think ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    tropical kanada
    Why not just change your workout every month or so depending on how the muscle is building and shaping. But if you keep track of your excersize and weight switching up every week leaves little purpose for comparing sakes. Also you might feel tired one day and take the easier route which will be less rewarding in the long run.

    I enjoy the idea of knowing exactly what your going to do before you go to the gym and if i do the same workout for a month before mixing it up, then i have last week to compare the results to.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I have my workouts planned out for around 6 weeks then switch it up, then I change my lifts and order and such, I only change in the gym if I have an injury or something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    $ Make The World Go Round
    random, i like to feel out my workouts.

    get good variation that way

    keep muscles guessing

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Canada eh
    I know what I am doing when I walk in the gym, I have a muscle for a pre determined day.. I have a good memory and can remember the weight I have used for up to 6 weeks ago

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    i think that the most effective one out of the 2 would be planned workouts! it's musch easier to progressive overload and max out an exercise then move on to a new exercises!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    I've a set group of muscles I work on certain days but I'll change up the exercises I do depending upon my mood and how strong I feel. Unless I'm dong a strength routine at which I do have exercises I've prescribted too pryer to reaching the gym.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Getting Fat
    Planned and structured would be much more beneficial. Progressive overlaod is easily measured this way. What if you did Squats (4 x 10 @ 275) then the next week did hack squats (4 x 8 @ 300). Did you overload, how do you know???

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Hypertrophy
    Planned and structured would be much more beneficial. Progressive overlaod is easily measured this way. What if you did Squats (4 x 10 @ 275) then the next week did hack squats (4 x 8 @ 300). Did you overload, how do you know???

    You simply note it at home... you note the weight you're at at home. I don't know..
    Some people also just have good memorie and are able to remember all of the weight they put a any exercises...

    I think I will stay with my predetermined exercises workouts

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by SayHelotomylilFriend
    You simply note it at home... you note the weight you're at at home. I don't know..
    Some people also just have good memorie and are able to remember all of the weight they put a any exercises...

    I think I will stay with my predetermined exercises workouts
    it doesnt work like that! in order to actually know if you're overloading the muscle you need a guage,and the guage you use is the previous workout with thta exercise! you cant compare 2 different exercises!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom
    Planned workouts are definitely the way to go. Not only will you consistently have a greater workload but you will also have a record of what you have been doing over the past period of time which you wish to examine. If you think you have any idea of how the second week of last month's shoulder traininig went you are kidding yourself. Changing your workouts should follow a pattern similar to the following though the time intervals will vary depending on the individual, his training goals, etc.
    1) Plan
    2) Execute
    3) Record
    4) Compare and Adapt
    5) Repeat

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