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Thread: Random Workout Sessions

  1. #1

    Random Workout Sessions

    So here's the deal, I walk into the gym only knowing which muscle group I am working out that day,

    I dont pre-plan my workouts, so basically every time I do the same muscle group, I'm never doing the same workout,

    is this detrimental or beneficial to my gaining size? It seems it would be one way or the other. I Kind of like the randomness of it, and doing what's feeling right that day.. any opinions on this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    I hear different opinions...some say you should stick with a workout for X number of weeks and switch it up and some say to switch it up all the time or every workout so your body doesnt adapt to the same workout. You just have to experiment with trial and error and see what works for you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    If what you are doing now it working for you keep with it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Instinct training ?
    Better than nothing

  5. #5
    Anyone else ??

  6. #6
    IMO doing a different workout, everytime in the gym, you'll be stressing your nervous system more than the muscles you are trying to work. Working with free weights takes neuromuscular coordination and that is why we see dramatic increases in strength when we begin a new exercise. We become stronger without adding muscle because our nervous system is taking the brunt of the work. If we stick with a routine, over time, the muscles will be stressed more than the nervous system. It is because the nervous system is more efficient and not be challenged nearly as much. Once you plateau, then change the exercise, rep and set scheme, etc.

  7. #7
    Well, I mean....I'm doing similar exercieses every time I work out a muscle group, is it still hard to get size gains that way?...I guess what I mean is..Do I really need a rigid training schedule for what I'm doin as weights are concerned? I split my days up and everything, but when I walk in the gym, I dont always do an "exact" same workout for chest every chest day..if you get what i mean

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    uk/ south east
    hay bro....I.m.o I don’t think it matters to much as long as you progress in what your doing, after all your body doesn’t no that it is lifting weights, its just responding to what your doing to it, so you can go about it in many different ways....

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by _Tiger_
    Well, I mean....I'm doing similar exercieses every time I work out a muscle group, is it still hard to get size gains that way?...I guess what I mean is..Do I really need a rigid training schedule for what I'm doin as weights are concerned? I split my days up and everything, but when I walk in the gym, I dont always do an "exact" same workout for chest every chest day..if you get what i mean
    I understand what you are saying. It is my believe, other people might say otherwise, that a structured program design will lead to superior results. Why not try both methods and see which produces the best results?

  11. #11
    this is a pretty interesting topic IMO, anyone else want to put in their .o2?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    An apartment
    I have a list of exercises I can choose from. I categorize them by pushing and pulling and I do 3 of them each workout. I alternate either pull, push, pull or push, pull, push. I already have it planned out way ahead of time (currently till the end of this year) with how many sets and reps and what % of my 1RM I will use. But I don't choose the lifts until the day of the work usually. I like this because sometimes you go to the gym and some guy is hogging the bench for like 20 minutes straight while he does 10 variations of benching, so it is nice to be able to just pick a different pushing exercise instead of waiting around.

    It should be noted, however, that I don't train simply for aesthetics (though it is a nice aspect of training). I train for my sport as hard as I can go prior to lifting, then give whatever I have left to the weights. Therefore my weight workouts are usually rather short in comparison to a bodybuilder.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    An apartment
    Quote Originally Posted by _Tiger_
    this is a pretty interesting topic IMO, anyone else want to put in their .o2?

    OMG, 600 posts? Didn't you reach 500 posts yesterday? Do you ever log off? Do you respond to every thread? I thought I was a whore, but you give whoring a whole new name.

    Hijack over.

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