I still think thats pretty dam funny how we're running the same gear.
What doese were you thinking of running???? What kind of gear????
I still think thats pretty dam funny how we're running the same gear.
What doese were you thinking of running???? What kind of gear????
great minds eh????wat i was actually gonna run was
cycle 1
1g test e 13 weeks
600mg eq 12 weeks
400mg tren e 12 weeks
norm pct maybe with igf
cycle 2
1g test e 16 weeks
600mg eq 15 weeks
400mg tren e 12 weeks(maybe a tad longer if i can handle it,prob wont though i feel like crap wen im on tren!)
60-80mg var ed throughout the entire cycle runnin upto pct again maybe with igf thrown in!
will more than likely be a one time thing with the gh so i wanna make it worth the while.![]()
lookin forward to runnin the var never used it before!
Originally Posted by booz
Var is the best!!!! If you're at a nice low BF% then it really brings out the hardness and I feel like it sculps my body. Absolutely nothing bad to say about var
Originally Posted by booz
Tren for 12 weeks huh??? Well this is only my second run with Tren and my first was cut short b/c of sides. Obviously you know a lot more then me about Tren. From the way you're talking you have ran it a few times already. Plus if you're running the longer ester you must know yourself and what dose to keep sides minimal.
By the way, I had my first experience with Tren Cough today. Dude it was a horrible feeling I hated it. I try to inject nice and slowly and this cough hit me hard.
PLus these ED injections suck. But whoever said looking good was easy huh????
Just remember to start the GH 2 months prior to your AAS.
PLus I frontloaded this cycle. It was my first time doing it and I can honestly say I felt results in less then 2 weeks. Usually it take me at least 4-6 weeks to feel anything
the cough is a pain mate,i have run tren several times and the sides can be terrible,i have myself on one occasion ut the tren short becoz of it.i wont go over 400mg weekly of the longer ester,even at 400 for me is pretty bad but tolerable,the gains and quality you get from it is unlike anythin else i have used though,so its worth it,does stress the kidneys though,you must keep them flushed!
yes mate i started the gh 1 week ago and am doin the 1st cycle start of jan so thats just over two months in.test e with me usually can take upto 7 weeks,i do like eq mate love the vascularity and great pumps from it!Originally Posted by Jayhova16
Originally Posted by booz
What do you use for that?? I ahve a cranberry extract that I dilute in water on a daily basis. Half the time I forget and use it EOD
yes i do the same i have a cranberry drink that i mix in with my water throughout the day and i take cranberry extract tablets dailly.Originally Posted by Jayhova16
Originally Posted by booz
I'm so dam excited for you!!! We will keep in touch via PM. Since I have been on for 8 weeks I"ll give you my personal feedback. I"m sure you have heard me say this before, but I love hearing personal feedback. Allows me to see whats working and with what.
The front loading really made a huge differenec too. I mean big time. If you care take a look at this. I typed my entire cycle in the roidcalc and it really showed the diff
tren is the only roid that makes me grumpy!i always keep it in check but fukc it does make me irritable!
mate im exited for myself!yes i will keep in contact via pm's,i have enjoyed the convo with you mate very much!
i have not fronloaded before but i may do this time and see wat occurs!
This is my first time frontloading and loved it. What I can say is that I have never experienced any symptoms of gyno and a week into my cycle My nipples were so dam itchy I couldnt bare it. Ran 40mcg Nolv and now running 20mg ED. Going to try to bump it down to 10mg to see if I can get away with it.
I have to shower and head off to work. Great convo Booz. At first I thought this thread was a dam joke. Now I can say that I've learned something.
Talk to you soon buddy. Best of luck!!!
Now I see why you have so many posts. You could have easily gotten those last 3 posts in 1. LOL, ttyl buddy!!
yes mate im off to bed its gettin late overhear,take care of yourself,nite nite!!Originally Posted by Jayhova16
i do like to take the piss mate but i do also like a bit of mature convo!!laters!!
Today is October 22, 2005. Will you still be posting in this thread on October 22, 2006?
blah blah blah
You guys seem to know a little something about gear....May I have the leftovers?![]()
Ill keep posting until this thread becomes some sort of world recordOriginally Posted by Smak
Last edited by 24labor; 10-22-2005 at 05:23 PM.
Janie's got otta gun.....................
The whole world's just begun..
Everybodys on the run...
What did Keyser sozey doooooooooooooooooooooo
Smak, I'm closing in on you......
Snow on my flippin head
LOL. It's Smakie's last IOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.Originally Posted by Smak
Holy snikez damn u like magically upped your post by 100. Its time for smak to do some seriously Cruisecontrol chest6 post whoring with a twist of mizfit seasoning.
I'm probably going to hit up TANTRA tonight, Smak. We have two bottles of Goose from last week waiting.
Let's race to 2000 suckuh. Winner gets to be Anabolic cool?
You called it last night. 1500. Actually, I had 1498 when I went to bed.Originally Posted by Smak
TANTRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who you going with? Fukin bouncers at that club are dicks. LOL
I know you stopped at 1498. I saw that. Why didn't you hit 1500 and then crash.
No, no....Super Anabolic Cool Guys. Sh*t, I think I just thought up my custom title. What do ya think?Originally Posted by Smak
LOL...I was delirious at 1498. Seriously, I was singing the theme music from Three's Company...Originally Posted by Smak
Isn't 3000 a customized title?
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