Pinn,Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Regarding the cutting attributes of IGF, would you say it is better than GH. Do you administer IGF-1 in conjunction with GH or just the IGF-1 by itself or ?
Are you doing subQ like GH or IM?
Pinn,Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Regarding the cutting attributes of IGF, would you say it is better than GH. Do you administer IGF-1 in conjunction with GH or just the IGF-1 by itself or ?
Are you doing subQ like GH or IM?
~Pinnacle~Originally Posted by Knight1811
now, is a fat burner ?
wooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww !
infamous destiny............................
And a very expensive one.....Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
funny !
Not a fat burner as such.
In an Athlete the effect tends to be a fat-burning one, but in fact it doesnt promote fat-loss just because of nothing it´s a quastion of dieting and making igf urgent to some cells which in this case, will shuttle the nutritions and triggered iGF-activity, to the muscle cells, but not to fat-cells.
Pinn,Originally Posted by Pinnacle
How could one cycle IGF year round, I thought that we had to allow sensors time off of it? Also, if you have not gotten any real gains from it, why have you used it for 7 cycles?
Have you had muscle growth with IGF?
First time Igf user
After 24 days of igf-1 70 mcg/day have loss fat and still weigh the same. I am losing fat in areas that has always been a problem for me. No change in diet or training
Also prior to starting the igf I had just finished an 8 week cycle of Anavar and the strength gains from the Var seem to
be maintained.
Very pleased with results.
Old timer
I kept upping the dose to see if hyperplasia is possible.It's called EXPERIMENTATION,ya know?Originally Posted by Logan13
You have proof the IGF receptors down regulate after 30 days?Show me!
That's on the same lines as the 6hr active life myth.Fact is,there is no documentation on either.Both theories are anabolic board specualtion at best(or worst,depending on how you view things.)
waste time.................
Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
Its not even IGF we are injecting,this is one very Complicated hormone to make, Actually 1000 times more complex than HGH and China does not satisfy my standards,just inject some shampoo,alot cheaper and you will loose weight.It`s no Different to the Sumplement industry,its all about money,they got thousands of my cash for some fatThis money will go towards better tools.I was blind,IGF will get weaker in the next year,read my lips.
i used it once and loved the results,,my cycle thread is posted here somewhere,but I was able to break a platue I had for yrs,never being able to get over 277lbs.I have not been lighter then 285 since and as heavy as 293 all while maintaining the same waist size of 36". the key i belive was to run heavy AAS.I ran almost 4G'S of various gear a week during the 50 some days I ran it.its been a yr since I ran it and will run it again soon.there are reports that some people unfortunately dont respond at all to it no matter how high the dosage is.I ran it at 20mcg/day...very low dose and I responded well...anyone who knows me knows I been at this for almost 20yrs I've run just about everything and believe me when I tell you,it has made a difference. Posted by Brent_G
is a hormone!
Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
How were you running it? Split or all in one injection? Dose? Timing? Lyophilized or suspended?
You're the first that I've seen that really likes it and you seem to have been cycling for quite some time. Curious to see how you were running it.
but useless for growth.Originally Posted by oswaldosalcedo
i like it too. i find it very usefull but expensive. sure if you compare the costs/gain ratio it does'nt come out like a winner but worth it to me. i just think that too many unexperienced people give it a try. but i am in this game for quite some time and when lr3 came into my cycles it def brought new gains. so i can relate with devldog on his comment. i saw great changes in body composition on 50mcg and now that i dare to go higher(100mcg) i like it even more. this run i'm gonna try to find out when the receptors stop responding(if it happens). have enough for atleast 8 weeks and willing to get more if i find that its usefull and feel comfortable with it. running it 5/2 along 2iu hgh. all pwo. dropped all aas except hrt dose of test(250mg ew).Originally Posted by Jayhova16
i will post results/thoughts afterwards.
i RAN IT PWO ONLY, IGTROPINOriginally Posted by Jayhova16
Hmmmmmmmmmmm Igtropin huh? I actually saw better results with a couple of suspended versions then I did with Igtropin. All doses were about the same (80mcg-100-mcg).Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
You may be onto something about the age factor. I'm 25 and have ran IGF-1LR3 several different ways with several different versions. Do have to say I'll use it again for PCT or precontest only. As far as cutting I can swing that at a much cheaper rate with diet. And as far as bulking there was no added LBM so I"ll have to pass on that as well.
Good to see that there is hope as I get older. Thanks for the feedback DD.
I saw changes as well at 50mcg, dramatically more so at 100-120mcg. My only beef with it is the changes I saw I felt they could have been attained with a quick tweek of the diet. Do have to say that when I was bulking I was still dropping BF and at that point, and obviously I couldnt change my diet in order to drop BF as I was trying to consume 4500-5k cals per day. So yes it did play a role in leaning down while bulking.Originally Posted by rodge nl.
i know, i know and i know, I've read the other threads where you typed that. So you have done 7 cycles as an experiment? At what point will you come up with the conclusion as to whether or not it is worth it? I think that many will be interested in your results.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
Well, I used it just one time (during pct). It made me feel thicker, like I was still "on-cycle" and I lost zero muscle post cycle. As for muscle growth, I just do not know. I liked it and will use again in pct. I did not notice any fat loss like other members have reported, but my bf is not that high to begin with.Originally Posted by goose4
Obviously I"m not one to speak for Pinn but sometimes it takes that much to determine the effectivness and self worth of a product. I've used it at several diff doses, pre workout and post workout. Split over 2-3 times a day based on its board proclaimed 6 hour half life. All in one lump dose trying so desperately to take advantage of its "insulin-like growth factors." That right there is about 7 trial runs for myself to come to my conclusion....................................Originally Posted by Logan13
I'm done with it myself.I personally don't care what anyone say's,but to me it's totally useless for muscle growth.I take with a grain of salt anyone who makes claims it's promoted hypertrophy,or hyperplasia.I too have been in this game quite some time now and I'll be so bold to call this stuff absolute garbage for muscle building purposes.Originally Posted by Logan13
Pluuuuuseeeeee spare me the "Non Responder" theory.That right up there with the 6 hr active life bullshit that is touted in THIS IGF forum.Fact is no one knows nothing about LR3 IGf-1 and it certainly appears not to be bonding to proteins like that of rIGF-1.Ppl forget the chemical make up(of LR3) is quite different than that of rIGF-1.
I'll leave it at that though.I understand all to well men(on anabolic boards) get pissed off when you tell them they are running around without clothes.
I think that everyone with an interest in IGF appreciates the expense that you went through to experiment with it. I am hesitant as well due to the "rat insulin" findings from some. Do you think that we are getting the real stuff? You sound a little pissed about your experienced..........Originally Posted by Pinnacle
LR3 hype.
No,not pissed about the experimentation at all.I enjoy that type of thing.It's defending my results from the experiments is what pisses me off more than anything.Thank goodness many others have came up to the plate recently and called LR3 IGF-1 total garbage as well.Takes some of the heat off me when I tell the boys they are running around naked.The anabolic board boys hate to be told that,and are insistent on posting rIGF-1 studies to back their claims.Once again,rIGF-1 studies hold NO credence to their claims, in regards to LR3.I've just grown weary of this debate and honestly could care less what ,or how ppl chose to spend their money.I've tried relentlessly to tell ppl to save their cash.It's a waste.But in doing so,I also come under attack.Hence the reason I don't post in the IGF forum anymore.So let the anabolic board IGF fans run wild and naked,spreading BS from board to board.Just remember to wear a clothes pin on your nose when you read their posts(outrageous results on LR3).Things tend to get thick and awful smelly.Bare in mind those touting amazing results from LR3 are most likely selling it,or have ties to someone who does.That you can take to the bankOriginally Posted by Logan13
under stone storm...........(attack)
pinn you are strong !
my last post is better yetOriginally Posted by DEVLDOG
lr3 hype (2 words)
waste time (3 words)
hype (1 word)
pinn has explained enough the topic.
while I agree it is overhyped,I wouldnt go that everything else,it has its place and just like GH and slin..people who have never used it swear it will be the key to there success as a bodybuilder and are nothing short of dissappointed after "TRYING" it.the key word being trying.these are compounds that on their own are pretty much useless for our purpose but when combined along with AAS and other auxillaries,strict diet and heavy training deliver on the promise if "CONSISTANTLY" administered in doses that defy the accepted amount.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
dont write it off all together,its ok to say it isnt for you but thats not to say it is total garbage.
DD you are one of a handful of ppl on this board who I really admire.Your honesty(within your posts) and longevity in this sport is very admirable.I'm 99% always in agreement with what you post and enjoy reading your thoughts as well.However this is that 1% bro.Granted,my choice of words used was rather poor,and I agree LR3 does have some usefulness,just not what most expect though.But you got the gist of what I was trying to point out in so many words.Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
Now if someone comes behind us and says to run LR3 over HGH,I'll debate that to the day I die.
Biochem. J. (1993) 291, 781-786
if you substract the fat from the gain for LR3 and SLIN are almost the same.
INSULIN------------192 gr.
DES IGF1-----------207
well yes, really,nothing is total garbage for bodybuilding
example cinnamon chewing gum is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for muscle growth
stimulate you and make more mass.
i got what you were saying and i too respect your knowledge.I just thought your words may have been a little to cut and dry.there are those on this board that worship you (like it or not) and will start spreading your opinion as if it were gospel and before you know it...well,i can see it now.Originally Posted by Pinnacle
"Pinn has studies that lr3 is complete garbage"...haha,and you know how that goes.
later bro.
Unfortunately you are correct in your assessment.Originally Posted by DEVLDOG
Should i ever see someone post using my personal results soley as an example.You can bet I'll stand up and clear the air real quick.I am sooo not into that groupie type of thing.I find it rather dangerous to be quite honest.My personal results/opinions(in regards to LR3) are just that..opinions only,and should be taken as such.
Talk with ya soon DD![]()
now more people know, more objective facts,I remember when I was one of the few voices in this board highlighting the uselessness of LR3.
IGF-1 LR3 is nothing more than a expensive waste of time?
Roid gut from LR3 IGF1, IGF 1, IGF 2
You was the very first,and you was correct,ossie.
thanks goose.Originally Posted by goose4
others changed opinion in the way,
which is valid.
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