I was wondering if you guys did deads every back day and squats every leg day? The last few weeks my deadlift has been very inconsistent and I can't pull shit some weeks. Not sure if this is why, just an idea. Anyone?
I was wondering if you guys did deads every back day and squats every leg day? The last few weeks my deadlift has been very inconsistent and I can't pull shit some weeks. Not sure if this is why, just an idea. Anyone?
I will do stiff legged deads on back day and squats on leg day. Usually I have at least one day in between if not two.
hell no i wouldnt do deads and squats every week...squats one week and some kind of machine press the next week....deadlifts one week and hyperextensions the next week.Originally Posted by chest6
They say the squat is the key of all exercises but I believe otherwise. How many times in life do we put a weight heavier than we can clean to our shoulders and start squatting? I know I don't. If you look at the deadlift it is much more functional exercise than the squat. How many times do you lift a heavy object off of the floor. I would say much more than the squatting example.Originally Posted by chest6
I also believe that the deadlift is more taxing on your body than squats. This is why you are probably not recovering as quickly as you do with the squat.
Another factor might be how you have your workout structured. What does your program design look like?
I usually do deads every other week. As for squats I usually do them every leg day other than sqauts and leg presses I dunno what else to do. I mean yea theres hack sqauts I love em, and lunges but not much else.
personally I do deads every back w/o having said that I do one week heavy the next week light repping out the weight. set/rep range for the heavy day is about 4 working sets of 3-6 reps....the next week(light) is about 3 working sets of 8-12. as for squats personally I alternate them w/ leg press week by week.
I dead & squat every week. i am very consistant and i increase weight every week. i am growing better now than i have in the past with minimal fat gain. I am on Phera-plex, but even before i started i did both once a week and was seeing consistant gains.
Could be, what's your training schedule look like?Originally Posted by Papi93
Hell yeah, thats my 2 favorite lifts. I do them on the same day. I have it set up where lower back and legs are done on the same day, that way my lowerback has a whole week to heal.Originally Posted by chest6
I used to till i messed my hip on the leg press... Now im stuck to leg extensions and curls
But before i would do them every week... Monday legs, Friday Back, worked for me...
I remember reading is muscular development in the "weekend with ronnie" article or whatever that one of his training partners said you shouldnt do deadlifts everyweek because it is too hard on the central nervous system.
who's CNS? Ronnies? we all recover differently and all move different amounts of weight and all have different fiber dispersment and all have different sized muscles, ronnies training partner is incorrect IMO
I do legs on friday and back on monday, works for me!Originally Posted by Jakspro
and Kaptain, i hope you don't believe evrrything you read...
I think my lower back was still a little sore from the high reps (SC leg routine) that I did on Saturday. I did deads on Tuesday. I did deads the week before on a Wednesday. I think I take longer to recover than most. I think it is the combination of not a full weeks rest and that I usually fair better when I work legs on Friday. Heres my current routine:
Tuesday-back/traps (deadlift day)
Saturday legs
I am going to flip flop legs and arms. My arms seem more sore from the indirect work on Monday/Tuesday than from the arm day themselves. This also gives me more time between my leg day and deadlift day. Only thing I have to think about now is that after shoulder day, my lats are a little sore and then I work them the following day. That is my new concern, but one at a time I guess.
just wondering, can you switch tuesday and wednesday?
I do a three day split (chest & tri's, Back & Bi's, and legs) for the week and rotate three different sets of exercises.
So I have squats, v-Squats and leg press for the three weeks and deads, Rack Deads and Hammer strength rows. Now there are also some SLDLs in there one week as well.
I agree with Nova; if this is possible, of course.Originally Posted by novastepp
I squat because it makes me a beast!!! I get 10x stronger from doing them and they help with many body part not just legs. Do not squad is to say you don't bench.Originally Posted by Papi93
Deads are awesome and blow my back out. I do most olympic lifts, there a must
Deads are also superior in my opinion because they provide a loading on the upper back that is similar to your bench weight. None of us can row what we bench so this is a very valuable aspect of the deadlift. By upper back, I mean as a stabilizer of course.Originally Posted by chinups
They should all be done and done often!!!! Bottom line
Not to mention the tremendous load put on the traps and forearms. What do people always say about putting mass on your traps and forearms? Deadlift!
All great exercises but the king is deadlift.Originally Posted by chinups
Traps are the weakest muscle for me, its really the reason I started doing deads and cleans. Then bam I gained 10 lbs duringa cycle and my traps blew up.
Last night was teh first time i went heavy on deads and pulled 275 for 6, pretty easy. I can't wait to push it next week
Do you do hang cleans or power cleans? What depth you catch in the bar: 1/4 squat or full squat?Originally Posted by chinups
The deadlift is probably the most CNS taxing exercise ever. I have squatted and DLed each week before. You must realize heavy squatting (what I do every week) is very hard on the lower back too. Many guys DL every other week. On my next training cycle I am going to do 4 days per week. 1 day of very light DLs (work up to 315 lbs), 2 days heavy benching (shirt day and raw day with boards), and one heavy squat day. I think squatting every other week hurts my performance, so once per week is best. My DL has always kinda sucked and I am preparing for bench only meets to beat state records. I will still be working the back with rows and such, cause the lats are very important in BP. Dont plan on doing any DE work next training cycle.Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04
Originally Posted by Papi93
I snatch and then press it. I guess this would be a hang clean.
I do this on shoulder day
I do a 1/4 squat
Hang cleans and presses, it sounds like.Originally Posted by chinups
snatch and cleans (so my coach usta call em) it looks like to me, being that you press it after the "clean" movement. a hang clean is from the hangin position to where it rest about shoulder level after being snapped there from the hangin position. very popular for collage football players. by adding the presses in this motion it will work your shoulders more.
as for the thread question, i squat just about everyweek, i substitude a super set of leg presses and hack squats on weeks i dont do squats. as for deads, back in the athletic years at school we would do them every week. as for now, ive started to work them again on a weekly to bi weekly basis and so far progress is goin well and im really digin these again as they produce some nice back mass and strength.
Snatches are where you explode the weight overhead, to a straight-arm position. You can catch the weight in a quarter squat or full squat and then stand up with it. Am I off on this?Originally Posted by primetime1
papi93: no your right i dont know the correct name for every exersise, but yeah def right on the snatches, i think the name is actually clean and jerk, meanin to press it from the finished hang clean position over head.
again, not knowing every correct name but i remember my coaches splattin off tons of stuff back then i think that might be it.
Damn theres a good idea. Alright so moving back day to Wednesday, I think my routine is pretty much set now. Thanks a lot.Originally Posted by novastepp
I do like 2-3 weeks then a break for 7-10 days
what kind of Deads do ya'll do for building your traps... Mine blew up from bent knee (Ones from starting at the floor) Not romanian (Stiff legged)
How about ya'll?
And cleans do you guys pause at the top? I just started hitting them up 3 weeks ago... And do you do 1/4 squat with it? Or what, and which is better?
Also what are your weights on Cleans and Deads? Wondering how much i should set my goals for cleans...
Dead 275- 8 reps
Clean around 135- 8 reps (just started though)
Thinking back, I think my original thinking was my lower back getting enough rest to do the squats on Friday.Originally Posted by novastepp
Who knows, I tend to be paranoid about everything being fresh/overtraining for my routine thinking, so I guess I'll see.
yeah ur a smart guy, im sure ull figure it out.
Papi 993 - I disagree 100%
For functionality purposes you have a valid argument. But most people on this site aren't looking for functionality. 2. There are necessary exercises you need regardless of functionality. Squat gives your legs and core strength and mass to be able to get more out of functional lifts. Both the dead and squat are important but I definitely think Squat is more important especially for an athlete. With regards to lifting off the floor. Most sports you don't do that anywa. However, most you have to jump, run, and be explosive which makes the Squat way more beneficial. As far as more taxing. If you think the Deadlift is more taxing then you aren't squatting hard enough because that is bs.
My orthopeadic doc told me to add plat form deads to my routine and drop the floor level deads. Said it helped more for exploding out of the hole. It did. But when I got up to 365, the trainer dude I talk to said it looked really scary. Said my form was still pretty good, but didn't bend my knees enough. Said that either way, if I lost control of the lift, I was going break my hands on the plat form when I came crashing down and probably my feet too. I wear straps. I go 10, 8, 6, 4. I was doing them once a week on Wednesdays and squats on Saturdays. Didn't tax my back so much as it was light weight, baby.I was doing the Swole Cat leg routine for the month of February.
I've gone back to floor deads and my weight has gone down.It feels heavier some how. I'm going to go back to platform deads and squats heavy once a week.
I'll do
Chest and tri's on Sunday,
back and bi's on Monday,
off Tuesday,
high reps with machines for legs on Thursday,
Friday Shoulders and forearms,
Heavy squats on Saturday.
On both leg days, I'll be hitting the calfs.
I'm going to do abs only once a week, but concentrate on flexing my core muscles during all my lifts to stabelize.
I'll walk a mile or two every day after lifting. Fridays and Saturdays off from work, I'll walk first thing in the AM.
prove it with some facts. yeah squat is king... but only in the world of the deadlifters. your 1. where people don't want functionality is a bad opinion. can't say that at all. 2. the deadlift taxes the body a whole lot more than a squat. and if sports don't require the core, arm, leg, stabilizing, upper and middle back strength required to deadlift, than what sports are you playing? are you one of those guys who considers poker a sport? in this case, fold...Originally Posted by rastling1
both every wk, works great for me, but also i am a powerlfiter, not a body builder, but you can do these lifts every wk.Originally Posted by chest6
Since you're a body builder, Chest6, why don't you go by the tale of the measuring tape, or pictures, or the mirror?
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