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Thread: The New High Intensity Workout ...By ellington Darden

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    The New High Intensity Workout ...By ellington Darden

    took a 5 an 1/2 month slide wit training and good nutrition so i been back with it now or 3weeks killin HIT workouts in phase 1 of the training and dieting i cut 13.5lbs from 227 to 213.5 in 14days and my hanheld bf tester says i went from 21.5% to 18.5% love the reuslts................will post pics soon

    just wanfdring if anyone has read the book or knows the workouts sorta of like reverse bodybuilding the diets rough with eating onl 1650 cals aday and training is tougg but results are in sane

    just want some input becuase i feel not to many peopl know about this type of training

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    1650! good god!my mom eats that much! anybook that says that is oaky is NOT okay with me. Hell, when i cut i eat over 2000. your metabolism would stall BIG TIME on 1650.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    i no i no i no but to get the jist of everything
    u got to read this book awesome awesome........u will look at bb lil differently after reading may not agree with everything but it is all backed by fact and science definaltly a must read

    only guy to beat arnold trained like this sergio olivio guy was a freak

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    im sre the routine is solid.

    so whats the premis? how are the WO structured.?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    here how it goes

    Phase1-lean the f***k out which consist of only 5 excercises 1 set each

    will stay on phase one till i get to 10% bf then i will do phase 2 wich incorperates more excercises more cals

    Diet is based on low cal high carb wich = good energy for me 1650 aint much but the food is tasty

    Leg Press
    straight Arm Pullovers with one dumbell
    Bench Press (barbell)
    Bicep Curl
    Tunk Curl for abdominals

    Here how it goes u always do each set to failure 6 seconds on the positve 6 on the negative wich means ur going superslow till burn out. Each set should take 2-2-1/2min (painful) 45 sec rest next excercise. failure should come between 8-12 reps some were in that range keep at same weight until u can just fail at 12 reps then u go up.

    on phase 1 each workout should take about 15min total and when that done u wanna cry

    also has a abodminal program that i follow after lifting

    3x a week mon wed fri his man focus is rest rest rest for growth.

    in sane workout results are amazing been on it 19 days feel like a new person

    this is only a lil from the book. the book is unreal a def recommend it

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002


    anyone got any other takes on this training

  7. #7
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    what does the phase 2 work out look like

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Phase 2 volumumizing and packing adding 800 cals to the diet 400 from creatine solution which consist of 25grams of creatine monhydrate 104 grams of sugar 1 gallon water 12ice cubes stir drink evenly over 14 hrs........this is for 14 days then u go to a normal 5grams in 4ounces of water daily aftger breakfast..............add the other 400 cals by fruit and bread to the original diet.

    Training u will stil lift the same but just follow the 2 routines he outlines routine a routine b. first week a-b-a secon week b-a-b u lift 3 days as phase 1 mon wed fri

    Routine A
    Stiff legged dead lif wit barbell
    Leg extension machine
    Leg Curl
    Strainght arm pullover withone dumbell
    Bicep url wit barbell
    Tricep push down
    Reverse Curl wit barbell

    Routine B
    Squat wit barbell
    Standing Calf raise machine
    Laterall Raise wir dumbell
    Negative chins
    Negative dips
    shoulder shrug wit barbel
    tunk curl for abdominals

    Remember u always do each set to failure 6 seconds on the positve 6 on the negative wich means ur going superslow till burn out. Each set should take 2-2-1/2min (painful) 45 sec rest next excercise. failure should come between 8-12 reps some were in that range keep at same weight until u can just fail at 12 reps then u go up

    u do this right u will get HUGE
    Last edited by clubbinkid; 03-27-2006 at 05:34 PM.

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