yeah, if you dont mind i will give ya my 2 cents. and maybe we'll come up with something together.
yeah, if you dont mind i will give ya my 2 cents. and maybe we'll come up with something together.
Im gonna post this here first so all my fellow whores can get to it first before the hoodlums in the lounge get to it.
Free t-shirt and supps!!
i am going to posts some pics asap just before i start dieting for my comp in june. looks like i will be around 225 on stage, which is up 13 pounds from november.,
Originally Posted by WEBB
cool. as it is, this is my current lifting routine
day 1 - upper body
day 2 - off
day 3 - lower body/abs
day 4 - off
day 5 - repeat from day 1
my problem with this routine is that i need to lift for over 4 hours in order to hit everything on upper body, and i feel that i am neglecting certain muscle groups cause of this. besides, i dont really have time to lift for that long
i won, but ytou gotaa live in the states, damn it.
do you need those days off or can you work out every day?
the questions are redic
mon- chest
tues- back
i train abs and calves eod also.
Originally Posted by WEBB
no, i can lift every day, i just want to make sure i get enough rest in between lifting days cause i majorly overtrained for years when i was younger
they were super easy, but i started filling out the order form and i had to pick a state but i live in Canada, so i didnt win.
im so pissed off
i got out of my car earlier before my leg workout and i guess i kinda just slammed into park and yanked out the key. after that i noticed my window was up so when i went to put they key back in and turn it i couldnt get the damn thing to turn! the gear shift is like locked in park, the steering wheel is locked, and i can start my fvcking car. this is making me really angry. amazing leg workout though
that is my schedule and i train as hard as i can, and if i dont need the day off i just start my rotation over, i am only in there for 1 hour tops.
Originally Posted by WEBB
interesting. is that your training split?
usuallly with any steering wheel lock, if you turn the key and wheel at the same time it frees up the wheel.
i think this kind of training is ideal, cause that way you can focus on each muscle group individually
Originally Posted by WEBB
Webb you cutting or buliking, and do you feel this is too much stimulation for your CNS. Also whats your off day diet is it high cal, like more so than workout days???
usually being the key word here. nothing is working!!!!!usuallly with any steering wheel lock, if you turn the key and wheel at the same time it frees up the wheel.
mon-chest and bi's
tues-back and tri's
thur-shoulders and hams
fri-quads and calves
sunday- repeat
abs 3 days in a row, rest one day and repeat
sorry jimmy, i am outta ideas![]()
i am bulking now, and my day off diet is usually the same as alll my other days. relaively strict and around 5k calories
im liking that first routine you posted. i think il try it
i do not feel any extra strain on my CNS, i actually feel better training like this than i have training any other ways. with the 2nd method i posted, when i used that i found my second body part suffered cause i put everything i had into my first body part, and if i held back on the first one i had a bad training session totally.
hey webb, you've been gone for a long time bro. were you away from home the entire time?
Tren, it has worked well for me, but it never hurts to try newe things, i am actually switching to the second method i posted for my contest prep. on april 26th
yea, i think it would be a good idea for me to totally dedicate a whole day to one muscle group. ive been training everything all at once for quite awhile now. i really need to change it up
no, thats the worst part, i was home the entire time, but lil'taylors folks got high speed so they stopped paying for our dial up. but after she begged them to hook it back up, we got it yesterday.
i would feel to drained after one or two body parts and would feel like i was cheating the rest of my body during the rest of the workout.
Awesome Yea I think Ill switch it up and use that method for cutting in about a month.
Originally Posted by WEBB
yea thats what i figure. worst case scenario is that il need to find a new routine, but i think itl be ok. either way, i need to put priority into my biceps and my back
jimmy you get in your car yet???
Originally Posted by WEBB
i heard that you were getting your internet upgraded. but you still got dial up?
those are the 2 major areas i needed to work on also, as well as continuing my leg development.
yeah, we weere going to get high speed and i was going to pay for it, but we got dial up again for free, so i cant complain to much
Originally Posted by WEBB
yea, as a pro bodybuilder, i can imagine that legs would be a constant priority area
Originally Posted by WEBB
cant beat that price
like i mentioned Andre, the second methoid i posted is much more suited for cutting because your weights are a little lighter and your reps are higher, so you get a lot more LBM, IMO.
no, i shopped around and free was the cheapest i could find![]()
yea, i can imagine that the first routine would be more geard toward bulking
i will be a PRO one day. but i will get some recent pics up ASAP and we'll compare my older ones from november and i think you'll be impressed with my improvment
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