i love going to golds on friday nights. noone is every there so you can roam about freely. most of my friends booze and drug it up so its hard not to.
i love going to golds on friday nights. noone is every there so you can roam about freely. most of my friends booze and drug it up so its hard not to.
Ya i hear ya... most of my friends are pot-heads... all they do is smoke and eat, smoke and eat... It's really hard to even be around them anymore... I hate teh bar scene and I can't be around junk food without getting cranky becuas eof my diet.. haha. ah well.. I find other stuff to do anyway.. I use dto love hitting the gym in the morning for the freedom factor, but now everyone is there right at 6 a.m. so it ruins it for me, but i still go for my a.m. cardio..
holy shit thats early. i could never get enough energy togetther to lift then. i would need some crack or somethin
ya the lifting that early didn't work very well... i only did it for a bit when i was avoiding my ex... haha. I don't need to avoid h im anymore though we're cool.. so thats good, I was able to go back to my usual workour schedule.
What do you think i should get... my eyes are like blue/green naturally, i was thinking about getting eithr royal blue contacts or light blue... opinion?
wow blue eyes mmmm hotttt
im leaning more towards light blue. royal blue would be to bold i think.
hmm.. perhaps you're right.. although I am sort of a bold person so it might fit.. would prolly look good with my hair too....
ANYWAY... jsut got the samples delivered today .. trying to decide.
any plans for the rest of the weekend?
hey try both and see how they look.
no plans really. i might stay home tonight or hang at my buds place. tomorrow i might take the jet skii's out or wokr on my truck. thats about it.
good stuff... alright, well.. I should probably clean my apt. Been meaning to do it this week.. I'm a day late as it is... haha.
na that can wait for later![]()
haha... this site is terrible forme! I love it but I'm so addicted! i havent done anything but work, work out and chat on here... haha
it really is addicting but you get to talk with a ton of ppl. feeling good right now!!! KD
Indeed.... i can't argue with that...
what i wouldnt give for a huge bowl of fresh fruit right now... MMMmm
Hey you guys, come over to anabolic-research.com and help us out. I know that there are times when this site is slow and you need an alternative. Besides, I miss all my whores! Just stopping in quick, got to go call my girlfriend. She lives in Mexico City so we don't get to talk much so I got to do it. Later and talk care guys.
how bout no
LOL.... I see we had the same thought about that one...
hey Kloter you still see Batista over thar in Tampa?
I heard he's back on WWE in 35 days so i guess he's really juicing the sh!t out of himself over there to make his comeback...
no shit. we'll see man if he juices hardcore before he hits the stage.Originally Posted by Tony Bologna
Alrigt, I'm out.. catch you soon Kloter...
So you haven't seen him A???
Kate whats your myspace?![]()
bye sweetie
na havent seen him bro
I dunno.. I only digned up once and then didn't check i t again.. I'm gonna sign up again tonight then post it in my profile... if I can
Night boys... behave now..![]()
i got a job today... and hopefully il get this other job i applied for too
some fool was fu_kin giving me attitude there...
hes just jealous that hes ugly and im a pretty boy
stupid ass ugly ass motherfu_ker
god damn it...
fu_k that fool
il show him...
il get all the pretty females that work there to want my nuts
i love being a trenned out pretty boy that looks like tom cruise
ugly s.o.b
creepin through tha dark with a motherfu_kin mask on
packin that nine milimeter... ready to get my blast on
creepin through the dark
murderin motherfu_kers
aiming for tha heart
slaughterin motherfu_kers
Originally Posted by kloter1
me??? ugly???
tren bro whats happenin
Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
just kickin it bro, about to go get myself a pizza
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
i got a job at a coffee shop. i also applied for a job as a bouncer at a bar
haha pizza, shit i just ate subway, n **** man im sooo relaxed right now haha, what you doin toniteOriginally Posted by Tren Bull
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