that shit looks crazy....what does it all mean?
that shit looks crazy....what does it all mean?
Its the portugese escudo with the royal crowns
Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
i agree man. thats bad ass
i want to get something similar to my avatar tatted on my upper back
i wanna get my tat done soon...just gotta find the extra cash
and in the escudo it has the 7 castles of portugal and the 5 shields for the 5 ajor wars
i wanna get my tat on my inner bicep.
yea im throwin down 400 cause my friends dad is doing it
ouch thats gotta hurt thats a real sensitive area
damn thats a good price if its that big and takes that long
you know whats kinda funny? i saw one of my old friends yesterday. hes was actually giving me attitude for no reason. i dont understand. especially cause hes a 130 pound coke head.
im thinkin to myself, what, are you fu_kin halucinating here? your perception must be really fu_ked up. tryin to start sh_t with me??? you aint got the power to knock me out, plus im about 5 times stronger than you
can't be any worse then getting in the back
what was he doing? just talking shit?
now what does that tell you?
it tells me that rec drugs are bad... especially the sh_t hes been doing. sure its good to have confidence, but not when you think you can take on someone thats got 100 pounds of solid muscle on you
Originally Posted by DamnYouMSN
not really talking sh_t, but he was giving me attitude. he was looking at me like he wanted to fight me too...
i suppose he didn't like the fact that i was eating dinner with his ex girlfriend. but you know what? i was hooking up with her years before he did.
drugs are bad dont do drugs
i think its all cause of jealousy. which sucks, cause i didnt do anything... other than stick needles in my leg
Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
i agree. especially the real bad drugs like what hes doing and selling. hes headed down a bad path. imo its only a matter of time till he gets caught again. then hel get sent to federal prison.
fu_kin crack heads piss me off. ive had to deal with stupid ass motherfu_kers like that before. that sh_t makes them feel invincible... when in reality, it kills their appetite, and sucks calcium out of their bones. so it makes them weak and fragile... might as well be made out of balsa wood
but it really pisses me off when friends turn on me out of jealousy. thats fu_kin lame
yes, jealousy is ugly doesnt look good on anyone
yup so my girl broke up with me... sure does suck
Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
haha, especially a 130 pound crack head, who was butt ugly to begin with
i met two pitchers for the As at the bar last night. one of them was a really cool guy. the other one had a fu_king bad attitude.
haha, he was trying to hit on this ugly girl and she rejected him
you know you got no game when you're a pro athlete and even ugly sluts at the bar reject you
i remember him saying that hed fight anyone... absolutely anyone
man it would have been fun to rub his face on the ground, then break both his arms in multiple places.
haha, no more pro baseball for you buddy
i chopped up a mailbox with an axe last night.
haha, the axe broke after i hit the mailbox a few times. it was ugly. the handle split in several different places. but what really did it was when the handle broke in half.
i swear, whenever i hit something with an axe, the wooden handle breaks. i need an axe handle thats made out of aluminum or something
Originally Posted by DamnYouMSN
nah man ....... same ol shit .... couldnt find a place
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
get any names ?
where the fvckin whores at ?
Originally Posted by DamnYouMSN
Yeah mine tootold me she needed space then i find out she is seeing someone behind my back
whats up quiet hows life?
Tren...i'm turning over...
Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
chillin man ........ how u been bro ?
woo woo whores
Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
the guy that was cool was named joe something. hes one of the starting pitchers. i dont know what the other guy's name was. he has a shaved head and a goutee. im pretty sure he was a pitcher too
Originally Posted by AnabolicAndre
woman are scandalace... and fu_kin unfaithfull
Originally Posted by novastepp
uhhh, what?
you mean you're gonna start roiding?
whats up whores???
my music so loud...
i'm swangin'...
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