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Thread: first cycle (with actual cycling)

  1. #1

    first cycle (with actual cycling)

    Hey gang, hope you are all well. I have been reading extensiveley for a few months and am now planning my first cycle. I have decided on 25mg/day Anavar and 240mg/day of Andriol for six weeks. I may also add 25mg/day Proviron for the final 3 weeks.
    My Goal is to improve my endurance and to begin improving my physique. I have been making an effort to restrict my diet to clean food, lowered my alchohol intake and restricted my calorie intake to 10% below maitainance level. I have been successfully using 3drops 2wice/day of chromium poly-nicotinate to keep my blood sugar levels even. I have also bought myself a decent mountain bike and am generally racking up around 100miles/ week to an from work in north London. Ideally I would like to get from a flabby 19.5 stones to the dangerously fit and stong rugby playing weight of 18 stone which i maintained well untill about four years ago. The problem is that with 4 visits to the gym/ week, cycling everyday, and work (I do venetian polished plastering for a living), I am totally cream-crackered. So I want steroids which will support my life style, but not cause significant raises in size. Some strength increase is always welcome, but I am already able to deadlift the front end of an average (european) car, so mainly endurance and some fat burning is what i am after. I don't particularly like thermogenics as they turn me into a party animal who wont sleep and takes exstasy like m&ms.
    However if any of you guys think i am seriously barking up the wrong tree with this stack, or know of any nasty side effects I may have overlooked please let me know.
    When I begin I will publish all my statistics and training protocols and then keep you all updated of my progress, or lack there of.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    why have you picked andriol instead if a injectable test?

  3. #3

    Re. Injectable Test

    I have a very good cheap source for the andriol. I only need a low dose so did not see the point in looking into injectables further. Also, before using injectables I would like to find myself a mentor who can walk me through it. I have no fear of needles per se, but I cannot afford to bugger it up and take time off work with blood poisoning or other such nasties. So when I find someone I can trust to guide me in person I am keen to experiment with other compounds, but for the moment the orals will have to suffice.
    Last edited by poshjoss; 07-10-2006 at 04:37 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ontario, Canada & IRAN
    1st cycle = test e 500mgs/week 1-12 + proper pct.

    I think this is the 1000th newbie I said this too.

    Goodluck bro.

  5. #5


    Hi juicey baby, did you read the reply to Marcus,.... No? Injectables are fabulous. I get it. If you would like to come round to my house and teach me how to administer intravenously correctly, great. If not, please read my comments and you will be enlightened as to my reasoning.
    Unlucky with the football, yours was the better team and deserved to win. I am sure Zidane had good reason for what he did, and hope people remember him for the heroic genius he is. vive les bleu

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Ok or improving life quality, bad for bodybuilding&powerlifting&endurance training-for this purpose from my experience you must use at least 80mg/day Anavar. In addition your cycle is not toxic nor harsh on your exegeneous test production very much. I think clen seems to fit your purpose very well.

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by poshjoss
    Hi juicey baby, did you read the reply to Marcus,.... No? Injectables are fabulous. I get it. If you would like to come round to my house and teach me how to administer intravenously correctly, great. If not, please read my comments and you will be enlightened as to my reasoning.
    Unlucky with the football, yours was the better team and deserved to win. I am sure Zidane had good reason for what he did, and hope people remember him for the heroic genius he is. vive les bleu
    wooow you dont inject intravenously, please read up all about steroid injections on this site, it tells you everything you want to know -

    if its your first cycle i would use a injectable of test 500mg per wk for 12 weeks.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by poshjoss
    Hi juicey baby, did you read the reply to Marcus,.... No? Injectables are fabulous. I get it. If you would like to come round to my house and teach me how to administer intravenously correctly, great.
    Injectible AAS are administered with Intramuscular injections not intravenous. You definitly would not want to shoot test directly in a vein. Please don't ever do that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    HA, beat me to it marcus

  10. #10

    Thankyou demirsteel

    If that is you in the photo you look great, welldone. Clen does sound great but I have heard of it giving people sodding awful headaches and the jitters. If this is the case I may avoid it as I just have too busy a life to be dealing with that. If you have had a positive experience with clen let me know as I am still open minded on this compound.

  11. #11

    cheers Marcus

    I just asumed it would be the same as ketamine. You see why I am reluctant to jump on the injectable band wagon. Thankyou for posting the link I will research carefully. I am aware that test enth is a highly usefull compound and would help me acheive my goal more efectively than my planned cycle, though my cycle would, I think, not require any PCT. Nobody ever seems to mention any side effects from using tamoxifen. Are there any?
    So what happens if you do inject AAS into a vein or artery?
    Last edited by poshjoss; 07-10-2006 at 05:31 AM.

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