Hey gang, hope you are all well. I have been reading extensiveley for a few months and am now planning my first cycle. I have decided on 25mg/day Anavar and 240mg/day of Andriol for six weeks. I may also add 25mg/day Proviron for the final 3 weeks.
My Goal is to improve my endurance and to begin improving my physique. I have been making an effort to restrict my diet to clean food, lowered my alchohol intake and restricted my calorie intake to 10% below maitainance level. I have been successfully using 3drops 2wice/day of chromium poly-nicotinate to keep my blood sugar levels even. I have also bought myself a decent mountain bike and am generally racking up around 100miles/ week to an from work in north London. Ideally I would like to get from a flabby 19.5 stones to the dangerously fit and stong rugby playing weight of 18 stone which i maintained well untill about four years ago. The problem is that with 4 visits to the gym/ week, cycling everyday, and work (I do venetian polished plastering for a living), I am totally cream-crackered. So I want steroids which will support my life style, but not cause significant raises in size. Some strength increase is always welcome, but I am already able to deadlift the front end of an average (european) car, so mainly endurance and some fat burning is what i am after. I don't particularly like thermogenics as they turn me into a party animal who wont sleep and takes exstasy like m&ms.
However if any of you guys think i am seriously barking up the wrong tree with this stack, or know of any nasty side effects I may have overlooked please let me know.
When I begin I will publish all my statistics and training protocols and then keep you all updated of my progress, or lack there of.