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Thread: Body for life style diet, mass workouts, + Cell tech, what can I expect

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Body for life style diet, mass workouts, + Cell tech, what can I expect

    I am doing a body for life diet.
    1 fist sized portion carbs
    1 first sized portion protein.
    6x a day

    Once a day I add 1 tbsp olive or safflower oil for EFAs.
    Twice a day I add two portions of vegetables for fiber.

    I dont do any cardio, yet my goal is mass with VERY little fat gained.
    Cell tech is 300cals per serving, and with all the carbs my muscle glycogen is fully loaded constantly, and plus, I have enough protein, and enough efas (should I add some more?)

    What can I expect?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    IMO Body For Life is a sound program that produces results if followed. That being said, I also feel that is overly simplified to fit into the lifestyles of everyday people who are deconditioned and have no idea how to train or eat properly. Like I said, I think it is a great way for people who have little experience to change their lifestyles for the better and it eventually leads to a more complicated regime, but I think that a serious trainer would be better suited designing a customized program based on sound dieting and training principles. You could put together a fantastic program based on what you find at this site alone!!

    Now, to answer your original question, based on what you are planning, you will definately see results. This is not a flame bro, but you seem to have a relativly high BF% for your age (so do I, but I'm 35 and when I was 16 I was a beanpole ). So you really should consider adding cardio at least 4 times per week. At your age you have a higher than normal production of natural test, so by using food properly you can put your body in an anabolic state (muscle building) and at the same time lose bodyfat. Celltech will help, but no more than using creatine, glutamine and ALA seperately which will cost a lot less.

    One last thing. Am I to assume that since you are doing the BFL program along with OTC suppliments that you are staying natural for now? If so, I applaud your decision.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    My plan is obviously natural. I plan staying so until I hit a well deserved plateau, which probably wont be soon.
    Thing is, Pete, I TRY to do BFL yet I end up eating more with all the canned lean ham, canned chicken and canned tuna, cold breakfast cereals, breads, lean meditareannean pizza, olive oil etc, its just roughly bfl. What I am focusing on is 6 meals of protein and carbs, wherever they may come from.

    I estimate my bodyfat to be at around 25%. Help me out pete, I really think I need to go lower inbf, yet I want more mass. I have more mass than anyone in my school in all parts but my arms, and that gets to me. My arms seem to never have been trained.

    My solution:
    A 4lbs bottle cell tech. Currently taking it (1 week in)
    Another 4lbs bottle cell tech.
    With regime above

    Then cut, low carb high efas.

    What do you think

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Alright little girl thanks for the valuable tip. But pete, help me out with the question at hand.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    And plus pete, if you can give me clues as to how I can manipulate food towards fatloss and muscle gain youll become my god.
    Now dont get any ideas (laughs).
    Lets see it man.
    |Appreciate the help

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dan, I'm not around for a long time tonight, but let me get back to you tomorrow.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Whenever you can pete. Im still waiting on your answer

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The key to losing BF and gaining muscle is to play with your food ratios. Most people who want to gain generally use a 50/35/15 ratio (carbs, protein, fats). The daily calorie allowance is usually 20 x BW = bodyweight (so a 190lb guy would need approx 3800cals/day). But our goal is fat loss and in order to do that we need to do 2 things. 1) Lower the amount of total daily calories and 2) reduce the percentage of carbohydrates. For fat loss I would look at something like this BW x 12. So our 190lb athlete is now only consuming 2300cals/day. Also the nutrient values should switch to 35/45/20 (carb, pro, fat). In other words 800cals from carbs, 1000 cals from protein and 460 cals from fats. Using the formula 1g carbs = 4 cals, 1g protein = 4 cals, 1g fat = 9 cals we can deduce the following daily allowances...200g carbs, 250g protein, 50g fat. Now take it one step further and divide it over 6 meals...33g carbs/42g protein/8g fat.

    These are guidleines and approximations and will be a good starting point, but there are a few more factors to consider. 1) Don't eat carbs after 5:00pm except for some mixed veggies 2) consume a high simple carb solution (preferably mixed with protein) immediately after training, then a solid food meal 1 hour later.

    Here is a sample list of foods you should be looking at:

    Protein - chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef, tuna, white fish, egg whites, unsalted nuts (moderation), whey protein, low fat dairy (VERY limited)

    Carbohydrates - yams (sweet potatos, brown rice, wheat pasta, veggies (especially greens), wheat bread products (moderation), fruit (moderation-high in sugar)

    Fats - unsalted nuts (moderation), natural peanut butter (moderation), egg yolks, fatty fish (salmon, herring, mackerel), flax seed oil, oilive oil

    It will take some planning but put everything down on paper and stick to your plan. It helps to prepare meals in advance, for example, cook a dozen chicken breasts on Sunday and throw them in the freezer. Thaw as needed.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks for the input pete.
    Now, will following body for life provide me with the ratio? (2300 cals, 1.5g protein, efas) needed to burn fat and gain muscle?
    As you can tell I do weight train and I have a bit of experience, so Im not entirely sure BFL is for me.
    Now, what about me consuming cell tech right after training on a low carb diet. That would partially refuel my glycogen stores and highten insulin so I get my muscle recovery. THen on the low carb diet filled with efas, Id lose fat.

    Make sense"? Do you think Ill lose weight even though Id be on cell tech?
    Hit me back

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yes you should still lose weight even though you are using Cell-Tech as long as you use it in moderation. The insuline spike is caused from the high simple carbs (dextrose or maltodextrin) and is quite high in carbs. The cratine and glutamine are great and I feel are essential. I would prefer that you went with a good whey protein, 5lbs of dextrose (any home brewing store sells this for $3), creatine and glutamine and mix your own post workout drinks (1 scoop whey, 1 scoop dextrose, 5g creatine). But if you already have the Cell-Tech you should be ok.

    As far as BFL portions go, they are ok but again over simplified. You obviously have a handle on training, so take the next step and plan a diet. It's really quite simple. Buy a book of food counts (ex. Complete Book of Food Counts by Corrine T. Netzer) at any Barnes and Noble as well as a cheap food scale. Plan to eat all your carbs with your first 3 meals and one shake after training (it's not quite as simple as 6 even meals)

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I follow. When on a diet , get all carbs in first meals then later meals just efas and protein.
    I know that.

    But muscle gain and fat loss is my goal, + the use of creatine.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Yes, creatine will cause some water retention but will not effect fat loss in a negative way. It will also help with strength and energy making training while slightly calorie restricted much easier.

    I think you are ready young grasshopper

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Definetely am ready to hit the cutting phase, been so for too long pete, but I am still gonna finish up the bottle and then cut.
    Do it the right way...with max results both ways.

    Ill try your method (be sure, its bookmarked and saved) when I have the time.

    Thanks for the input, Pete. Much apperciated!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hey, nice one pete!

    I am also gonna do this, with a 4 day heavy-training plan!

    But.... Is it smart to do Cardio also....?

    Just wondering?

    I wanna get some mass too, you see!

    What do you say Pete?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    In the R.V.
    Hey Dan,
    You might rethink the safflower and olive as your efa sources. Safflower is almost exclusively Omega 6 and Olive Oil is fairly neutral, not a lot of EFA content in Olive. There are some nice blends of parent Omega 3 and 6 out there. Olive Oil is not going to hurt you, but wont do a lot for you from an EFA perspective either. Just my .02 cents.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Really cousin eddie. That goes against what most say.
    Can anyone back this thing up? I was getting efas from olive oils and yolks. Anyone?

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    flax seed oil and udos's oil are great omega 6 and omega 3 sources. I use oilive oil and egg yolks in moderation with great results.

  19. #19
    i don't know if you would consider it, but i think dr. a. scott connelly's 6-pack prescription is a lot better than bfl. jmo. it's a bit more complicated though.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    In the R.V.
    Dan, Check out if you need proof of the information. He is recognized expert on Essential Fatty Acids. He recommends blending with flax also to get a 1 to 1 Omega 3 and 6 ratio. I work for a company that produces EFA blends, we use olive oil as a placebo in clinical trials because of its tendancy to be neither good nor bad. You could also find the chemical profile on the net if you searched. I can dig up some specific studies if you are still leary of the information.

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