I only do squats on a smith machine LOL..I'm a puss...
I only do squats on a smith machine LOL..I'm a puss...
What you into that strongman shit???Originally Posted by Tren Bull
Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
yea its definately not a good thing to be doing. my boy gives it to me for free...
but i was kinda getting a gay vibe from him last night... and when i say gay, i literally mean homosexual... directed towards me
Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
haha, well not really. this is for my sworn enemy.
me and nova were talking about that back in the day
im gonna go throw it through the wall of my sworn enemie's house
i started "cutting" today but i don't know if its going to work out for me...lol i like to eat bad stuff
So your bro was hitting on you...That is just disrespectfull...
I cut last time and lost some serious weight...The more you atleast me the more I crave...Keep that in mind bro..Originally Posted by DamnYouMSN
Originally Posted by Tren Bull
my intention is to scare the living sh_t out of him... along with do damage to his shack.
i hope hes installed a cctv system around his house. so he can see me actually pick up that rock and throw it. haha, hel probably look at it and think "that aint sh_t" but when he ties to move it himself hes gonna realize just how much work it was to be able to do that...
years and years of dedication and steroid use just to intimidate that piece of sh_t
Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
see the problem is i just dont know. he wasn't being openly gay towards me, it was just a hint... i dont know if im over reacting, but it fu_kin weirded me out
years and years of dedication and steroid use just to intimidate that piece of sh_t
haha, once i get angry at someone, il never let it go. in all truth, the more time that goes by, the angrier il get.
i have a tendency to dwell on things forever
Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
haha yea. he shouldn't have crossed me
what goes around comes around... this motherfu_ker has screwed over so many people... haha, hes got LOTS of enemies. but i doubt many of them are as bad as me
I don't want to take clomid when I cycle...I have had some depression in the past and scared clomid would fvck me up..
well i dont know about bad... im not exactly a bad person... just angry... and i hold grudges... that can be a bad combination
Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
i dont think clomid messes with your mind too much. but ending a cycle and having your hormone levels drop so drastically isn't good
aight, its time for me to go find that pretty lady.
il talk to you bros later
sup hoes
chilling...just got in from lunch trying to kill some more time at work
you have an S4?
I sold it...bought another car
I like it a lot though!!
aight boys....be back soon!
what do you have now? if you don't mind me asking. i had a friend who had a S4 awesome car. how much faster is the Rs4?
I have a corvette right now.
The new RS4 is my dream car!! One hell of an awesome German car!!!!
What year Corvette Audis??
I can post a pic if ya want.
what up hack my man?
I'm in worse back pain today than yesterday LOL...I would like to see a pic bro and is your back killing you today??
[IMG]C:\Documents and Settings\tom\My Documents\My Pictures\Side View\Side View.jpg[/IMG]
let me see if that works, if not i'll make it my avatar.
ya dude, my back and shoulders are pretty much dead!! I could barely do cardio today...I debated let me tell ya.
ok ill make it my avatar...one sec.
I didn't do cardio today...I am sore and wore out...Damn I feel like a old fck lol..
crap...why does it keep saying upload failed...I'm going to kill this comp!!
Is it too big??
fvck me running....it doesnt want to load...I hate that!!!!
ya, I'll try it later on today....it should be loading.
oh well, so whatcha got goin today hack?
Not hardly anything...I haven't studied at all,done cardio,or lifted...I am too damn sore to do shit....I know i'm being lazyand U?
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