Aromasin seems to be reported as the milder of the AI's.Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
Aromasin seems to be reported as the milder of the AI's.Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
Originally Posted by Swifto
Yea basically
in terms of harshness right ?
Yea thats far as i know
what would be an example of a short cycle? how many cc's every how many days?
The doses should not be discussed openly, however if you research or PM you could probably find some protocols
Originally Posted by ThizzKing
Post a thread thizz.
Short cycle development is even more contingent upon cycle history than standard ones. We couldn't provide you a cookie cutter one.Originally Posted by ThizzKing
Not my exact words Magic but they do sound far better than what i could do, same point thoOriginally Posted by magic32
This is the important part, to be honest. They don't actually come off, so their bursts are really just part of one long, never ending cycle. The other thing is that nobody does a burst for contest prep....they do 16+ weeks of pretty high doses. Bursts are useful for someone who is already in shape, and doing guest posing and photoshoots, and stuff like that.Originally Posted by marcus300
I disagree many Europeans run short burst cycles in contest prep, normally the bridge what the pro's use is a HRT dose, growth occours in spurts and they mimick this process with priming+short cyclingOriginally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Ok....well, the IFBB professionals I know are American, so I can't really speak for what's done over in Europe. I know that the IFBB guys I know here don't ever come off, and their cruising dose is far above what I use as my HRT dose.Originally Posted by marcus300
What is your overall thought on the short cycle/priming theory anthony?
If you could, go into a little more detail please.
Yes i know what am trying to say is the pro's what use the short cycle theory correctly do run low dose test as a bridge so the rebound effect works alot better, Dorian was the master at it and many followed suit weather in USA or EuropeOriginally Posted by Anthony Roberts
I'm not 100% familiar with the prime/burst as Marcus is using the terms. I know that the Bill Roberts theory on short cycles has been pretty much disproven, but I believe that Marcus is referring to the Paul Borrenson way of doing it.Originally Posted by Skullsmasher
Yea i agree with that, i dont know anyone who would consider doing 4-6 wk bursts then lowering their doses during a diet phase where its so crucial to preserve muscle....Ok....well, the IFBB professionals I know are American, so I can't really speak for what's done over in Europe. I know that the IFBB guys I know here don't ever come off, and their cruising dose is far above what I use as my HRT dose.
You have to understand the whole idea around short burst cycles and priming and then try one and record the results, if you like what you have gained and see stick with it if not go with WHAT WORKS FOR YOUOriginally Posted by Skullsmasher
Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Paul Borrenson was addicted to nubian and coke,he died from this.He was crazy full of shit.
What will happen if you do not prime or atleast do it right before a short heavy?
I know, and I am not trying to like disprove you or anything, I just like to see what people have to say.Originally Posted by marcus300
You have no idea what your talking about and you shouldnt post remarks like that when someone cant defend himself because he is dead, you shouldnt beleive everthing you read also you should have a bigger understanding why certain people said such things, foolish remarks,Originally Posted by twiney
I use to know Paul B he adviced me a few years back on certain things,
its not just PB who as talked about this theory Dan Duchaine, Jeff Summers, have also used it and studied it with great success,
PB has a bachelor's degree in biochemistry he graduated with first class honours, he then went on to get his master's degree in pharmaclogy specializing in the study of receptor sites and their function, his work as been published in medical journals throughout the world and has had articles appear in over 200 magazines on various aspects of steriod use and their application to bodybuilders, he also transform the world aids victims and how we can substain life longer with steriod applications,top pro's ask PB for advice on stacks and cycles just to name one was DY who was under PB arm durring his Olympia battles,
i also know that Dorian said in interviews that he had nothing to do with PB or his theorys, but Dorian was pushed to say these things because of his sponsers, he still was in contact with him for years tho.
he also didnt die due to his steriod use, he broke his back in an accident which made him use pain killers so he could train again, he overdosed on the pain killers.
I think you can buy his books and videos online, just to name two of them-
1,The Anabolic Edge 2001
Written by the legend PB, this masterpiece, if you had to pick one, would be the best because it details the combination of drugs, supplements and foods and how they interact “anabolically” with each other more thoroughly than any steroid book.
Many stacks are discussed as only “Stack Master PB” can discuss them . . . HARD-CORE beyond HHHARD-CORE! This book, just on its own, is good for 20 pounds of muscle!
2,How To Stack Steroids
The “Stack Master” strikes again. But this time Paul devotes an entire book The Stack to this most fascinating subject. Now you’ll easily be certified by the post office as a “new zip code” once you try any one of the dozens of stacks Paul has used to “manufacture” the biggest bodybuilders in the world. Must be 21 to read! The most controversial steroid book on the market.
How long would a short burst be for a IFBB Pro you know or train? 4-6 weeks? Then cruise for 4-6 weeks, then "on" again. Never coming "off" fully.Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
The pro's I use wouldn't do a burst at all, to be honest. If they got a guest posing gig or a photo shoot unexpectedly, then they'd switch compounds up and do a heavier cycle than their regular off season cycle, but as for doing a burst as PB or Bill Roberts outlines it, they'd never do it. PB isn't really popular with American BB'ers at all, from what I've seen.Originally Posted by Swifto
The only time they'd do a burst is when something came up and they needed to do it for other reasons. Other than that, it's high/medium doses in the off-season, and switching to cutting drugs for pre-contest (wihch would be about 16 weeks).
Ok. Thanks.Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
Dorain's contact with Paul was very limited according to Paul himself:Originally Posted by marcus300
"I never coached Dorian, he used to phone me up and ask for my advice, but I never coached him."~Paul Borrenson
" I take a phone call from Dorian every couple of weeks about technical matters." ~Paul Borrenson
(Taken from interviews with Paul Borrenson)
I take phone calls from more than one IFBB professional (almost never about steroids, and usually about IGF or something like that, when it's the men, and usually about PCT or rebounding when it's a woman)....I also talk to Elite Level Powerlifters, and have more than one on my speed-dial....honestly, I don't think PB's association with Dorain was all it's made out to be...
When you work in my profession, you take those phone calls (and make them) just as a professional courtesy. It's not a big deal unless you go out of your way to name drop and make it one.
Lets complete this `I take a phone call from Dorian every couple of weeks about technical matters." ~Paul BorrensonOriginally Posted by Anthony Roberts
That interview can be found on ******** Advanced Chemical Warfare
An Interview With Paul Borresen
By Nelson Montana,I think your a member at that place.
Ok lets complete what paul said.
PB: I take a phone call from Dorian every couple of weeks about technical matters. He'll usually have me come down to his house and ask me about various drugs. I showed him how to use growth hormone and IGF. I helped him with his DNP usage for his last Olympia show. I can honestly say that DNP can produce a condition that's unbelievable, but you've got to get it right! I find it horrendous. My temperature went up to 103 degrees. I was sick, and it felt like I was on fire.
Antony i will try to explain alittle more so you can understand it better, during the time Dorian was winning the British Championships and was preparing his assault on the Mr O his team consisted of many people but the drive behind his cycles and nutrition was Paul B, this is well know within the UK, i knew Paul and had many a conversation regarding this issue,Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
When DY was creating some major upsets in the Mr O Weider had many a conversation with him and here in the UK DY team knew he was going to be offered a contract, but Weider told him for him to be the face of Mr O he had to have the right people behind him and Paul B wasn't the type of guy the powers upstairs wanted to be around DY, This is because PB was very vocal in his steroid use and cycle he designed for pro's, this was something they didn't want DY to be associated with, it doesn't look good when he is going to be endorsed to sell such a protein and so on,
So DY and PB decided to say to the public that they had nothing to do with each other so DY could go on to better things, but behind the scenes PB and DY were in contact all the time discussing various aspects of his assault on the Mr O,
I hope this helps you undersatnd why both parties said such things, if PB wasnt so open with his use of drugs am sure things would be different what you read in the mags but the truth and many people know this in the UK,
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