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Thread: Lowering Bf%, Increasing Static Stregth And Explosive Power.

  1. #1

    Lowering Bf%, Increasing Static Stregth And Explosive Power.

    This is coming from my dad because he says he can't register.
    I have not been training for a while so my Bf% is alittle high, i want to cut myself up before i start putting on new LBM.

    I've been thinking about developing a routine to develop stregth explosive power using cardio training.

    Exercises like Plyometric Pushups, Rowing, Situps, These can be performed fast to give a good cardio workout, while devloping explosive power.

    Anyone got any ideas for a routine or good exercises to develop explosive power and static stregth in cardio format?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Palatine Illinois
    Tell him to runs up hills. Great for cardio and explosive power. He can also do drills like the LSU agility drill (just yahoo it). Wall jumps, jump rope, leap frogs. All those will help and dont involve weights.

    If he decides he wants to use weights have him do the following:

    Jump Squats
    Leg Press throw
    Hang Cleans
    Power Cleans
    Clean Squats

    Those will build explosive power, not a ton of cardio but some.

  3. #3
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    a van down by the river!
    bounding and leaping execises ,sprints, various box jumps. strength shoe training, jump rope, lunges with light weights wering the strength shoes with light weights, band work, sled drag or parachute drag etc

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