When doing a deadlift... whats is the correct grip ?
Left hand palm down and right hand palm up ?
Left hand palm up and right hand palm down ?
Both hands palms down ?
Both hands palms up ?
Or is it all personal preference ?
When doing a deadlift... whats is the correct grip ?
Left hand palm down and right hand palm up ?
Left hand palm up and right hand palm down ?
Both hands palms down ?
Both hands palms up ?
Or is it all personal preference ?
it's a preference. i go with left down and right up.
either both hands over, or 1 over and one under, whichever feels more comfortable. I like to go left hand over, right under, and I position my right hand a few inches out further than the left hands position on the bar, I get more torque that way throughout the lift
Ok sounds good. Thanks guys
Do you feel like you work one forearm over the other. I'm just curious cause when I do deadlifts I always vary my hands on every set. Meaning I change from under on the left and over on the right to over on the left and under on the right. I do this to even out the work done by each forearm, but one forearm is definitely bigger than the other. I can't figure it out.Originally Posted by stayinstacked
I've been told to use both hands palm-down on the bar. I believe it was something like it creates a more even-pull. I'll check on it tomorrow. But I do prefer my left hand palm-up and my right hand palm-down. I think it really is more a of a preference.
go one hand under, one hand over... it's plain physics when the weight gets heavy. Pretend if you use two hands "over" the bar... you only have two thumbs "under" the bar... so 8 fingers on one side of the bar, and two on the other... So when you use a "over/under" grip, you have 6 fingers on each side of the bar, applying equal force. ya dig?![]()
Last edited by mousetraps; 11-20-2006 at 11:50 PM.
It is personal preference but ive found that if both hands are overhand (palms down) ur forearms fail quicker. So i usually do one hand over and one hand under. And alternate the hands on the next set, so that the hand that was over is now under and vice versa. Plus also what mousetraps said. hah i love that chic mousetraps,, shes hot
the best way is a hook grip, which is like a vise grip, its a double overhand grip except you hook your thumbs, its very effective but hardly any people do it cuz its painful (thats how olympic lifters grip the bar)
hook grip is very hard if not impossible with more than 70% of 1rm.... therefore i submit that it is not the best deadlift grip...
IMO 1 over, 1 under helps keep better form and allows you to pull more weight
i prefer both hands palm up...I feel like it i get a more even pull on the bar. less strain on the wrists/forearms.
If you are interested in pulling more weight w/o straps then go with an over/under grip. Usually the stronger hand will be over the the weaker under. Double overhand is good to help increase grip and forearm strength. The hook grip is only uncomfortable the first couple times you do it. Your hands get accustomed pretty quick. Like said before, that's how Oly lifters grip the bar, but also both Wade and Karl Gillingham have pulled over 800 with double over hand grips, so it ***ends on the person.
right hand under, left hand over is what i've always used. i should probably alternate my grip but the other way around feels really awkward for me
I use left under and right over. Got used to it years ago. Both hands over I would need straps.
Both hands palm down on what you can grip, over/under when your doing increasing weight. But after 2 or 3 weeks of over/under at a particular weight i start using palms down to increase my grip and forearm work. I've progressivly been able to grip more and forearms are growing.
i used to use straps until i started doing 1 hand under and 1 hand over, still use straps when i get into the really heavy weight
Its preference....... I go left palm up right palm down and then switch on my next set
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