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Thread: I need help!!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Unhappy I need help!!!!

    Man, I cant gain mass!
    Ive tried everything, man!!!

    Do some of u got a very good training routine for me?
    I want to split it up like this:

    day1: Chest
    day2: back
    day3: rest
    day4: shoulders
    day5: arms
    day6: rest
    day7: legs

    Can anyone PLEASE help me! Im getting quite depressed here!

    BTW, Is this split OK?

    This time I am gonna do a 3300 cal diet and glutamin, creatine and all that shit!!! GRRRR! I wanna get BIGGER damn it!!!

    thanx bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Make sure that you are sticking with basic compound exercises to start off. Such as squating, pressing, deadlifts, straight bar curls and so on. These are keys exercises if you are looking to put on size.

    The one thing that I don't like about your training split is that you are training 4 upper body parts before you are training lower body. Rest is very important and with this routine I can see over training coming into play here.

    The 2 on 1 off is a great split I myself use it. Why don't you go with something like this:

    day 1 chest
    day 2 back
    day 3 off
    day 4 arms
    day 5 legs
    day 6 off
    day 7 shoulders

    with this you have 2 upper body exercises then a day off then arms then legs then a day off so when you look at it you upper body has 2 days off in a row to recover here. then shoulders and so on.

    That is going with what you have there. I myself like to put my bis with chest day and tris with back day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    also make sure your diet is on track! eating is key for good growth!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Im gonna do it like you shredz!

    With a 3300kcal diet!

    Man, I am pumped up!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    OK! Heres is my new plan... Whadda ya think boyz!
    Feel free to fix things up!
    Thats appreciated!

    This is my plan (warm up excluded):

    Monday Chest + Biceps:
    Bench Press: 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Incline dumbell press: 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Flyes: 2*6-8
    Decline bench press: 2*6-8

    Biceps Barbell curl: 1*8-10, 2*6-10
    Biceps curl (with bent barbell) 1*8-10, 2*6-8

    Wednsday Back + Triceps:
    Chins: 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Pull behind neck: 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Row (short grip-width) 2*6-8
    Dumbell lat pullup(where you raise the dumbell) 2*6-8

    French Press: 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Triceps pushdown (v-grip) 1*8-10, 2*6-8

    Friday Legs:
    Squat: 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Leg press:1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Backside curl (dunno real name) 1*8-10, 2*6-8

    Sitting Calfraises 1*8-10, 2*6-8
    Standing Calfraises 2*6-8

    Saturday Shoulders:
    Barbell press behind neck: 2*6-8
    dumbell press: 2*6-8
    Side lateral: 1*6-10, 2*6-8
    cable (lying and streching; Backside of shoulders) 2*6-8
    dumbell laterals for backside(dunno real name) 2*6-8

    Is this a Good plan?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    First thing I would do is look at your workout split... If you're not growing and you're training hard enough with enough caloies maybe you need an extra rest day thrown in there... You could try something like this...

    2 on 1 off
    2 on 2 off

    It works like this

    Day 1 chest/biceps
    Day 2 back
    Day 3 off
    Day 4 delts/traps/triceps
    Day 5 quads/calves
    Day 6 off
    Day 7 off

    Gives you more time to grow and recover if that's what you're going for... Works great for me when I'm going for size increases...

    Stick to the basic movements, go as heavy as possible in the 6 to 8 rep range after warmup sets... Throw in a couple of real heavier 4 to 5 reps sets... Sometime I will even throw in a triple on Benches/presses/deadlifts, etc....

    Eat like a horse and remember to gain size you need to consume more then what you are burning daily... If you've been eating 3300 calories and aren't growing on it, then bump it up by at least 500 calories for a few weeks and so on till you are gaining...

    good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanx for the tips buff!

    I think I know what the problem was!
    You see I have been a fat-ass before, and dont want to go bacK!
    Therefore I did a (Hold your breath!) 2300Kcal diet!
    heh heh heh...
    Guess that was my biggest mistake... I got better ripped, lost some fat, but didnt fall down in strength nor mass! But didnt gain any either!

    So now I am gonna go for 3300kcal!
    BTW i am 6,2 and about 200lbs!

    I'ma Blow everyone away! I hope... heh heh

    BTW! What do you think about the sets and reps in my plan?
    Are there too few or too many???

    Thanks Brotha!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Reps are good.... I'd throw in a couple of real heavy sets on your compund movements... Benches, bent over rows, Deadlifts, presses...

    A set or two in the 4 to 6 rep range would work...

    Also I usually always pick one basic movement and will do 4 to 5 sets for that one movement.

    Example for chest after warm-ups would be

    Bench Press 4-5 sets
    Incline DB Bench press 3 sets
    Incline DB flies 3 sets
    DB pullovers 2 sets

    I always try to kill myself on that first compound movement for whatever bodypart I'm working...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hmmm... so i should bump the sets up then?
    to something like 12set on big muscles (leg,chest,back,shoulders)
    and 10 on small ones (biceps, triceps, and calves).

    Well, anyhow... I think I am almost ready now! (got that psyche-kick!!!)

    Thanx A mill, bro!
    I really appreciate all your help!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Im'a keep bumping it, until I am satisfied!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    keep your reps at 8-12. And keep your rest periods short, 30sec-1.5min. You want to have a lactic acid buildup if yo'ure going for size.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002


    WOW! man!

    You two got different opinions here! I am a bit onfused!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    West Coast
    Originally posted by brad fuel
    keep your reps at 8-12. And keep your rest periods short, 30sec-1.5min. You want to have a lactic acid buildup if yo'ure going for size.
    The only way to get big is train heavy and with long rest periods. Isn't going for a lactic acid buildup un-necessary?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    im wit the curler, go for heavy sets with longer rest periods in order to allow ur muscles to recover ,and lift more, going shorter will make u fatigue and less able to get heavy weight. if u have been big before, it shouldn't be hard to put on weight. load up on protein and calories and forget about fat its winter dude, put the size on now, worry about it come spring...

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