damn and i haven't even taken my superpump yet.....i'm gonna kick ass at the gym
damn and i haven't even taken my superpump yet.....i'm gonna kick ass at the gym
1:42 and 5 1/2 hours to go........
lunar eclipse tonite
big boobs....big red boobs....big ole red boobs
lovely big boobs
what up whores, who likes big boobs?
who doesnt
ding ding ding correct answer moeOriginally Posted by x_moe
snrf tell him what he has won!
a blowjob from the Minkster
ah man thats just wrong
funny how he hasn't denied it yet. I think he got turned on by the prospect and had to go wank
damn snrf..your right he didnt deny it
Awfully quiet in here whores
hows that go..oh yeah... Wakey Wakey Whores
guess nobody wants to whore today
damn 24 guests...they must be really bored
gotta whore and run...workin
Damn I like to watch those toys while they're running
Hell even Schmidty is all whored out I guess
I came home last night and my housemate (who I've lived with for 3 months) was cuddling a dude on the sofa. bit of a shock.
they came out of the bedroom 20 mins ago (like 18 hours later!!!) and cooked Sausages and potatos...they came into the TV room with plates and I turned and said "Ohhh, I thought I smelled sausage" hahahahah ... I didn't even mean it like that
well ebjack has an excuse.. He's working ..Whats everyone elses?
Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
Bet you got a weird ass look
[QUOTE=Snrfmaster]I came home last night and my housemate (who I've lived with for 3 months) was cuddling a dude on the sofa. bit of a shock.
Bet you had the WTF look on your face
Hey SNRF looks like you ran Fosk off earlier
Sure is slow in here for a Saturday
Schmidty must be wore out ffrom all the whoring he did earlier
yeah Fosk was scurrrrrrred
yeah don't think he liked being the prize
Well good night ho's
Take it easy snrf
Hell might as well make it an even 780
what the hey...might as well make it one more
NOw I'm gonna crash
After just this one more
yeah thisw is the last one for tongiht
Being how the last one was it for tonight I guess I'm done whoring for now
there was a friend of mine on murder...and the judges gavel fell
sup whores..............
im hungover. ugghhh
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