From a newbie: learned a lot Thanks
def good read!
Haha, I hear ya manWhere can I get some?
Read the board rules ya jabroni!
Oxandrolone also has little effect on the body's own natural hormone production. The negative feedback was found to be very minor, meaning that during short term use no suppression of Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH, start of natural testosterone production) was noted. This meant that whatever gains made, as little as they may have been, were very easily maintained post-cycle. So there was also no use for products like Clomid or Nolvadex in conjunction with oxandrolone consumption. The easy to maintain low gains would indicate a low binding to the androgen receptor. While not extremely high, it should actually be noted that it does have quite decent binding to the androgen receptor. But the reason for its mild effects is quite likely the low dose used. Rarely if ever are doses higher than 20 mg used on a daily basis. Either because of convenience or due to the high price. But comparing that the doses of other steroids this is remarkably low. So its only logical the gains and side-effects aren't particularly notable.
Read this information on this site...not saying its all correct, but just looks like some good information to read.
Big Cat is wrong in that. He states that "rarely if ever are doses higher than 20 mg used on a daily basis". Most people ive read about dont even go lower than 50mg
Reading this thread, Var sounds great. My question is why is a 10-12 week cycle of test enth suggested for newbie's? From what I have read, it seems var would be a more logical choice.
Please don't get the wrong vibe from this response. VarOriginally Posted by kirk3624
is more of a supplemental workout choice. You use Var in conjuntion with your normal test supplement. If you decide to use an oral, do something around the lines of 12 weeks prop and use the var on the beginning or last half of your cycle depending on how much you have avail. Dont ever use an oral as your meat and potatoes so to speak.. Hope that helps bro.. OTher bros, back me up already.!
Just my opinion, but I dont understand how it is possible to comment on the effectiveness of a drug unless it has been used on its own. Once you stack a drug with another, it is almost impossible to tell which drug did what and what drug did or didnt perform....
Alot of dudes are commenting on anavar after it has been added along to another compound in a cycle...
You cant comment on it's effectiveness unless its been done SOLO!!!!!!
Last edited by Duckmanfoochew; 02-24-2006 at 04:55 PM.
should I stack anavar with trenbolone or stanazolol if so in what dosage
Very informative. Thanks.
I had previously read the post regarding not needing PCT on another site, but after reading the first post here, looks like I need to do more research.
Last edited by phoenix13; 08-29-2006 at 12:40 PM.
great post!! I am starting a cycle of sust and am going to stack with var. Some great help bro!
I've got the same problem atm. I've got access to 5mg var from SPA but all the research I've done says the SPA variety only comes in 2.5mg.Originally Posted by robotechjair
did yours look like this?
Thank you for info on women & var
i was wondering about steroid alternatives do they work and what is agood one or stack to start with
quick question.....i just ordered anavar the is claimed to be 30mg/per pill......can this be true????? curious cuz i didnt see it in your list of brands?????
I've been taking 50mg anavar per day for 5 weeks with nothing else. Ive been training 6 days a week 2 hrs per day. Included in that is 6kms running in morning and 6kms walking at night which accounts for about an hour of it. My diet consists of about 800-900 calories per day. Would you believe I have gained 1.5 kg per week for the last 3 weeks?
How would a anavar + dianabol cycle work ?
personally i wouldnt do it. kind of contradicts dont you think. One is lean and vascularity and the other retains A LOT of water
If you do Var with Creatine (not mono) you can prevent the water retention, alongside doing some Nova.
It should be a clean-cut[ting] cycle.
Awesome post thanks bro!
On var and winny right now, 40mg ed var and 50 winny. Love these two
Great read !! Just started var today for the first time. Gonna run with 30mgs a day for 8 weeks. Could anyone tell me when/how to start clomid? Thanks !!
Var is my favorite
great read
Solid advice, I took my first steroid cycle with var and had amazing gains, but I noticed greatly increased aggression if I drank at all and water retention, though I had no acne problems. Muscles got super hard, but not too much bigger and it has little weight gain. I would tell anyone to use it, but it is expensive.
Maybe this thread is too old but I have a question that I haven't seen addressed elsewhere. According to this study (http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi...01-1-1150928.x), anavar can greatly decrease shbg levels. What exactly does shbg do? Should I be concerned about this? I tried to do a little research but I couldn't turn up much information other than that low shgb levels are a possible indicator of diabetes. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.
Great old post.
This should be stickied!
Great info, thanks
Nice posts fellas! very informative...I will let you know how my var only cycles turns out!
Thank you
awnsered alot of question's last one is nolvadex just as good for pct with var as clomid if so what would the dosing of that be ,thanks ,
Your link is about young guys on puberty while I believe any aas should not be used if your biological age is under 25yo. So, your reported study, do not apply.
In any case:
SHBG: Glycoprotein with high affinity for testosterone and estradiol, it is a protein of transport that conveys the steroidal hormones in the bloodstream to the target tissues.
After it was produced in the cells of testicular Leydig, under the influence of pituitary hormone LH (luteinising), the testosterone enter the stream circulatory where special binds to plasma proteins. Thanks to this link the testosterone may be transported to the various tissues where explains its own functions. In the blood of man the 45% of testosterone is linked with the SHBG (sex hormon binding protein), while the 53% is linked with the albumin (this protein has an affinity for the testosterone 1000 times lower than the SHBG but its blood concentration is 1000 times higher). Only 2% of testosterone ttl in man can migrate to the cells and exercise specific functions. The level of SHBG in the body varies from individual to individual and may be altered by many factors. An increased level of estrogen and thyroid hormones is associated with an increased concentration of SHBG and vice versa. The recruitment of anabolic steroids with high androgenic sides are associated with a decline of levels of SHBG.
The link of testosterone with the SHBG protects from a fast metabolism by ensuring blood concentration more stable and maintaining unchanged until reaching the target tissues. In the membranes plasma sensitive cells to its action were recently discovered specific receptors for the SHBG. In the light of these discoveries these carriers not acting only as mere carriers but hold a more complex that has yet to be clarified.
Anabolic steroids have different affinity for the SHBG. For some this feature is marked for other less. Some of them, as the proviron, are used for their strong tendency to bind with these proteins. This feature, apparently disadvantage, can become particularly useful if you are using at the same time other anabolic steroids.
Last edited by BJJ; 09-15-2009 at 02:27 AM.
okay so i got a little bit of a long one here , i am cutting weight 4 a jiu jitsu contest and i started Anavar i have 22% bf but i have quite a bit of muscle mass ,lots of ppl are telling me this is gyno waiting to happen wondering what ur guys opinions are ,or if i should take clen and t3 with this cycle and then nolvadex or clomid after ? and if i can only get nolva what the dosing should be like and for how long coming off thanks
Hello bud,
Many people say clen impedes cardio a lot.... I would agree with this idea and I know when you are rolling on a mat you need all the cardio you can get.
You will not notice much a change from the Var with your curent BF.
I think you should be in the diet section.
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