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Thread: Help me decide a career and Location

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa

    Help me decide a career and Location

    Ok, I was in the Mairnes 4 years, i'll have my A.A. Degree in the fall, and have to decide on a Major, I can't decide if its going to be Business Management with Human Resources track, or Finance. Im starting to lean towards finance, because with most Management Jobs they force you to move around alot. And with a wife and 1 kid and another on the way I dont want to be moving my family all the time ever few years. So im thinking Finanace maybe, I like learning about investing and bugeting and financial planning. What kinda of jobs are out there for finance majors? I was thinking something like a mortgage broker, or financial planner or something along those lines. But I need more options on whats out there for a finance major. Also some of the jobs I've been looking into are 20-26K starting with a bachelors. I can make that doing construction, so I'm looking more like 35-40K starting with potential after 5-10 years to be up around 60K. Also I want to move out of small town Iowa, to either Omaha, NE; Kansas City, Mo; Des Moines, IA; or Minneapolis/St. Paul MN. Sick of the small town life. Anyone live in any of those cities? Let me know what you think of them. If all else fails I'll try to go Iowa State Patrol but I dont know if i'll be able to lie about steroid use, other than that I have a spotless record and no traffic violations in the last 6 years, so minus steroid use I would have no problem. If anyone has a finance degree let me know what kind of job you have and what you think of it, also anybody that lives in any of those Cities let me know what you think of it/ Peace!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Finance or accounting would be a great job. lots of job opps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Everyone tells me to do accounting and its got set jobs, but I dont know if books all day long everyday is what I want, I like the investing and things like that a bit more. But true enough I have know Idea what accounting majors do besides strait CPA stuff? But im great with numbers so I know I could do it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    My sister is in her first year of accounting and she already has internships and job opputonities lined up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Financial Planning is growing right now because of retirees not having their finances prepared yet for their retirement, and then will continue to grow because of the next generation having kids, buying houses, etc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    Financial Planning is growing right now because of retirees not having their finances prepared yet for their retirement, and then will continue to grow because of the next generation having kids, buying houses, etc.
    Very true, thats a hot bed right now and will only get better.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    Very true, thats a hot bed right now and will only get better.
    That's why I am trying to get into it right now

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    the big degree is business management major with an IT minor.. thus you can mangage a larger IT department..

    depends on if you want to work in a big company or a small one..

    too many vaiables.. sounds like you should do financial planning.. no degree required.. but more sales..

    if you want, get your cpa and do CFO of a small company trying to go public..
    The answer to your every question


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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54
    That's why I am trying to get into it right now
    There are so many ways to make a living servicing to the baby boomers its not even funny.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I would go with Business managment.

    RIght now it's hard for companies to find educated qualified people to run their companies. If you had a business degree and applied for a job at my company you would get hired on the spot and make well over 60k to start. Just for having a degree. the guys with no degrees are making 75-100k easy.

    Don't set your sights on 60k and settle for 40k. Set your sights on 250k and settle for 120k

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Ha ha depends on where you live for sure, 250K in Irvine, CA is like 70K in Northern Iowa. Definately money in Buisness Management, but most retail stores and things like that require you to move alot, and its not exactly Ideal for family's. Thats why I was leaning towards finance.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Either choice would be good. Probably be easier to find a job with Finance, as EVERYONE does biz-nass management. You could look into getting your MBA and move up in management quicker, make the cash money.

    Does the GI bill cover grad school too?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    30,000 to 60,000 is not alot of money and thats after you graduate college I live in one of those cities and it's not much different than Iowa Business is where the money is. Get a good degree and run your own businesses ps, tricky part is that one day if you get divorced, she can take half of it and she could ruin the business you worked for

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Playing w/ tits
    after divorce total $15,000-$30,000. Thank about it if you decide the grass is greenier on the other side *Goodcents answer, make a whole lot more and have young mistresses on the side*

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mountaineer Country
    I am about to graduate with a degree in Economics. I think it is the best degree I could have gotten. I can get any job in the business area except for accounting based ones. I have been offered jobs in marketing and management. I am going into Financial advising. Can't call it financial planning anymore until you get your CFP. It is not what I thought it was at first. It is very sales-oriented at first but when the referalls come in it is easier. I am just in my internship now but can't wait til May and start getting all my commisions.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Move to KC, thats where I wanna go in Dec.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    one day if you get divorced, she can take half of it and she could ruin the business you worked for
    And thats what prenuptual agreements are for my good man

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969
    And thats what prenuptual agreements are for my good man

    That's only good for what you come in with and they still get half of what "they " earn while they are married

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    Ok, I was in the Mairnes 4 years, i'll have my A.A. Degree in the fall, and have to decide on a Major, I can't decide if its going to be Business Management with Human Resources track, or Finance. Im starting to lean towards finance, because with most Management Jobs they force you to move around alot. And with a wife and 1 kid and another on the way I dont want to be moving my family all the time ever few years. So im thinking Finanace maybe, I like learning about investing and bugeting and financial planning. What kinda of jobs are out there for finance majors? I was thinking something like a mortgage broker, or financial planner or something along those lines. But I need more options on whats out there for a finance major. Also some of the jobs I've been looking into are 20-26K starting with a bachelors. I can make that doing construction, so I'm looking more like 35-40K starting with potential after 5-10 years to be up around 60K. Also I want to move out of small town Iowa, to either Omaha, NE; Kansas City, Mo; Des Moines, IA; or Minneapolis/St. Paul MN. Sick of the small town life. Anyone live in any of those cities? Let me know what you think of them. If all else fails I'll try to go Iowa State Patrol but I dont know if i'll be able to lie about steroid use, other than that I have a spotless record and no traffic violations in the last 6 years, so minus steroid use I would have no problem. If anyone has a finance degree let me know what kind of job you have and what you think of it, also anybody that lives in any of those Cities let me know what you think of it/ Peace!
    I am looking for another outside salesman right now. First year pay is easily $40K + company F250 pickup.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    30,000 to 60,000 is not alot of money and thats after you graduate college I live in one of those cities and it's not much different than Iowa Business is where the money is. Get a good degree and run your own businesses ps, tricky part is that one day if you get divorced, she can take half of it and she could ruin the business you worked for

    I still want to start up some business on the side and get it going, but need the nice benifits of a company job. 401K+Match, Health, Dental, Life Insurance all the good stuff. I want my wife to be able to stay at home and do day care, and she can save us 800-1000 or more a month on day care, plus what she would make with 4-5 other kids is alot more than she is making now, not to mention tax write offs since its in your own home. My mom made 36K last year and after write offs payed taxes on 18K. Im still looking into flipping houses or getting some rentals. Im thinking Kansas City is sounding good too! Got friends there and a few aunts/uncles. Just gotta find the right job. And for whoever asked, yes the GI Bill can be used for your MBA aslong as you still have extra months of benifits, but you only get 36 Months which is 4 years of fall/spring semester, so most of the time you will have it all used up. However Im making so much extra money on the GI Bill that I can save up whats not used and put it towards that. I gotta think about my A.A and B.A. before i even consider an MBA though.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    30,000 to 60,000 is not alot of money and thats after you graduate college I live in one of those cities and it's not much different than Iowa Business is where the money is. Get a good degree and run your own businesses ps, tricky part is that one day if you get divorced, she can take half of it and she could ruin the business you worked for
    60,000 with my wife making 30,0000 is alot of money to me!!!! I've seen my mom and dad make 50,000-70,000 together for 20 years and I've never gone without anything growing up. Its all in how you manage your money, Trust me If me and Chelsie can make it on the 30,000 were making together now, 90,000 will be a cake walk. Its all about paying yourself first. First thing that happens when I get a check is, 10% out of it 5% into mutual funds, 5% into my money market account until its at 10,000 for an emergency fund. Next comes all the bills, then food, then whatevers left decides what fun we get for the next week or two, if we have money we can go out, if not its movies on the couch. No matter what you make if you live under what you make you wont have any problems. All my vacations, and big ticket items, like our stove, my motorcycle, our car, bedroom set, any of that stuff money is put into an envelope in our safe until we have enough to buy it cash. We have 2 loans out in our names, our house, and the equity line on it to fix it up, and hopefully the second one is paid off by december. I've never been one to have or want the nicest of things, so that helps and chelsie is really good at finding sales and things, I'm almost afraid to make more money because it might knock us out of our saving mind set and we will get into trouble.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    30,000 to 60,000 is not alot of money and thats after you graduate college I live in one of those cities and it's not much different than Iowa Business is where the money is. Get a good degree and run your own businesses ps, tricky part is that one day if you get divorced, she can take half of it and she could ruin the business you worked for
    That all depends on where you live. If dhriscerr could bring in $65K/year in Central Iowa, he would be doing rather well, if he stayed in Iowa.

    Salary in Des Moines IA: $65,000
    Comparable salary in San Francisco CA: $121,390.73
    If you move from Des Moines IA to San Francisco CA...
    Groceries will cost: 67.678% more
    Housing will cost: 218.36% more
    Utilities will cost: 3.7% less
    Transportation will cost: 22.199% more
    Healthcare will cost: 40.393% more

    Salary in Des Moines IA: $65,000
    Comparable salary in New York (Manhattan) NY: $151,164.46
    If you move from Des Moines IA to New York (Manhattan) NY...
    Groceries will cost: 68.145% more
    Housing will cost: 353.464% more
    Utilities will cost: 69.206% more
    Transportation will cost: 32.241% more
    Healthcare will cost: 42.467% more

    Salary in Des Moines IA: $65,000
    Comparable salary in Phoenix AZ: $73,035.32
    If you move from Des Moines IA to Phoenix AZ...
    Groceries will cost: 15.403% more
    Housing will cost: 22.055% more
    Utilities will cost: 1.306% more
    Transportation will cost: 10.254% more
    Healthcare will cost: 10.699% more

    Salary in Des Moines IA: $65,000
    Comparable salary in Miami-Dade County FL: $81,070.64
    If you move from Des Moines IA to Miami-Dade County FL...
    Groceries will cost: 20.187% more
    Housing will cost: 52.54% more
    Utilities will cost: 10.664% more
    Transportation will cost: 20.613% more
    Healthcare will cost: 23.035% more

    The median income for males where I live is $34,153. You can do about anything that you would want to do here on a 6-figure income. Another example is my cousin who lives in San Diego. He bought a house there 3 years ago for $385,000, it is only 1200 sq.ft!

    Kind of puts things in persepective, doesn't it....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Northern Iowa
    I bought my house for 41,000 2400sq. ft. if you make 100,000 here even as a family your uppper class. Not to mention Des Moines is alot more expensive than a small town of 30,000 or less people, 400 people live in the town I live in.

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