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Thread: Sublingual anyone ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Van, canada

    Sublingual anyone ?

    My friend who used to be a national BB champ says (he says a lot of stuff )
    that we should take our orals sublingually, this means letting them melt under your tongue. I know that other hormones are some times administered this way such as Melatonin.
    Can we see that there would be any advantage to sucking on your next D-bol instead of swallowing it ?

  2. #2
    the disadvantage-tastes like shit.

    Faster absorbtion directly, but in the end same active life of the hormone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    it can be true with a certain ugl that makes there tabs that way but human grade tabs just swallow em down
    good question by the way

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    No real advantage of taking an oral sublingual. Jus tswallow them down. With all the fillers in them, it would be difficult to do this anyway

  5. #5
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    Now its my understanding that the thin layer of skin under your tongue will easily pass some drugs directly into the large veins that run in that area. If this is true that means that you are receiving direct to blood, bi-passing the first pass through the liver via the GI tract.
    I think the defining factor weather or not this would work for orals such as winstrol is if they could be dissolved in saliva. In my own experience I found that winstrol is a very oily and extremely hydrophobic compound ie. its like trying to dissolve oil in water.

    This is all pretty interesting stuff but I'm wondering about absorbtion rates
    Can anyone add to this ?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by _maxpower View Post
    Now its my understanding that the thin layer of skin under your tongue will easily pass some drugs directly into the large veins that run in that area. If this is true that means that you are receiving direct to blood, bi-passing the first pass through the liver via the GI tract.
    I think the defining factor weather or not this would work for orals such as winstrol is if they could be dissolved in saliva. In my own experience I found that winstrol is a very oily and extremely hydrophobic compound ie. its like trying to dissolve oil in water.

    This is all pretty interesting stuff but I'm wondering about absorbtion rates
    Can anyone add to this ?

    If absorped sub-lingually the compound would miss the 1st pass of the liver as instead of entering via the Portal Vein and thus passing immediately into the liver bypassing the rest of the body ... It would enter via the Lingual Vein and join the main bloodflow!

    What effect this would have I have no idea, but thought I'd expand the topic a touch

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace View Post
    If absorped sub-lingually the compound would miss the 1st pass of the liver as instead of entering via the Portal Vein and thus passing immediately into the liver bypassing the rest of the body ... It would enter via the Lingual Vein and join the main bloodflow!

    What effect this would have I have no idea, but thought I'd expand the topic a touch
    Thats very interesting to hear. Id like to see someone try it out and post the benefits/disadvantages.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Thats very interesting to hear. Id like to see someone try it out and post the benefits/disadvantages.

    As the usual orals are 17-aa I'm not so sure they would act in the desired way until they take that 1st trip round the Liver (sounds like disneyland eh ) so maybe there are no benefits whatsoever

    I would hazard an educated guesstimate that there would be no advantage to sub-lingual administration on 17-aa hormones, however the same method used with other non-17-aa hormones could be a diff story!!

    Unfortunately endocrinology is not my field of expertise so I will hand it back to the floor.....


  9. #9
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    Good i like to see people expanding interesting threads like this

    Many people seem to think that the metabolizim of 17 alkylated steroids causes them to become more effective. I say the jury is still out on this one, i say that I don't see any change (or have at least never run across anything stating enzymatic changes) to steroids once in the body. This only occurs to pro hormones and maybe thats where some of the confusion comes from. Now
    since I don't like to just talk about these things but rather put them to the test I happen to have a large bottle of 100mg/ml D-bol sitting in my bedside table just waiting to be lavished
    Im going to take 50mg per day for 40 days at the end of this cycle, I'll let all you all you curious dogs and cats know how it goes and maybe we can lay this metabolizim thingy to rest.

    Cheers and keep up the good work, M. Power.

  10. #10
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    You can shove em up your ass and they'll absorb even better and avoid the first pass that way too. With that said, I would just swallow the damn things.

  11. #11
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    Okay... now my question is: what about doing this with liquid, such as Lion's research chems like T3 and clen?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    You can shove em up your ass and they'll absorb even better and avoid the first pass that way too. With that said, I would just swallow the damn things.

    Oh so wrong my friend!

    Any compound inserted into ur ass will be absorped into the bloodstream via the Ileocolic Vein/Inferior Mesenteric Vein ... Which drains into the Liver, same as the rest of the intestinal tract, via the Hepatic Portal Vein....

    Last edited by Jay-Ace; 12-27-2007 at 04:46 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay-Ace View Post
    Oh so wrong my friend!

    Any compound inserted into ur ass will be absorped into the bloodstream via the Ileocolic Vein/Inferior Mesenteric Vein ... Which drains into the Liver, same as the rest of the intestinal tract, via the Hepatic Portal Vein....

    Then why do people shove drugs up their ass?

  14. #14
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    if shoving up your ass doesnt work you could always take a line of dbol and achieve maximum results

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dog-Slime View Post
    Then why do people shove drugs up their ass?
    The rectum absorps compounds very fast and readily, it bypasses the stomach acids and enzymes that can affect the active properties of some drugs!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by passthetest View Post
    if shoving up your ass doesnt work you could always take a line of dbol and achieve maximum results

    This would be the same as sublingually.


  17. #17
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    I have no idea how you guys managed to make this thread intelligent, funny and a tad perverted at the same time. Thanks for making my afternoon interesting.

  18. #18
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    How bout we just swallow them like normal people and not shove them up our ass and...whatever...

    If it's made to be sublingual then fine, if it's made to be a suppository then fine. If not, let's not try to think up engenius ways to take them

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