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Thread: help with cardio at home

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    help with cardio at home

    I need help of thinking of cardio that i can do at home, so far i wake up and do 60 push-ups,100 sit ups, and then i run/jog.

    I know i can do more but honestly i can't think of anything lol, can anyone help with thinking of diffrent cardio techniques?

    also how does a heart moniter help you with your running? my friend recommended me one but he never said why

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    well you can do "up downs" great for cardio. as for the heart monetor it doesnt help you just kets you no were your heart rate is so you no wether to up intenstity or drop it

  3. #3
    id recommend some jumping jacks and over hand arm claps... v-ups... mountain climbers...flutter kicks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    thanks guys keep them coming

  5. #5
    HIIT (high intensity interval training)

    start off at sprinting 30 secs - walking 60 secs and repeat for 20 minutes

    then 45/90... 60/120... move up every 2 weeks... its a great way to shed the lbs... gets your heartrate up real nice

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Houston, TX
    You can get a polar heart monitor for cheap. It just depends on your training goals on where you want to keep your heart rate. I used one for years when I used to run 60 miles per week. If you just want some basic cardio though then I dont think there is any need for a monitor. Just make sure you get real running shoes from a real running store if you are running outside. They should examine your stride and foot strike for free and then fit you the correct type of running shoe.

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