^ lol. class.
^ lol. class.
lol... those are sites to all legal steroids, basically useless crap...
check this out, some fella asks if wanking once a week will affect his supplement cycle.
Oh Dear.
The best bit is Beast's comment i reckon.
This one made me LMFAO....Poor Body made it less than a few hours before getting another suspension delt to him....LOL
#22650 Today, 02:34 PM
suspended Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Boston, Ma
Posts: 548
Originally Posted by ramblin freak
i see u dont need any help i see your allready booking for your next vacation
lol... no no im gonna be good!
Admin is always watching I learned!
With a title of "abs":
I like this one. Find me someone who can a) be bothered to do b) finds it a decent use of time to do 1.2k sit ups.
Also I'm confident no human could do 300 leg raises. I'm not ashamed of my abs but more than 15 good strict LRs kills me.
LoL, I kinda liked this one.
Even though Cheque drops can be absorbed at a good speed(30min-45min) sublingualy. Could you possibly optimize a sooner androgenic rush, by administrating it in the eyes?? Thanks...
^^ the eyes? wow![]()
haha what about the guy who said he friend told him to shoot test directly into his balls and his balls got in fected?
this isnt funny but i actually laughed when i read this cos i cudnt believe someone would put something in their bodies they dont actually have a clue about! Why do people not research stuff?
If i said youd get bigger if you stuck your head in an oven, would you?
If i gave you a bottle of ketchup and said take that twice a week would you?
Its no different to what this guy, (and other newbs) have done/will do.
p.s. whos the guy that Cant Stop Writing In Capitals? All his posts make me laff.
The best all time was lunatics thread on another board where he injected into the rim of his azzhole lol
this takes the cake for today:
posted by BerserkerOfDeath
"My goal is simply to open an intelligent discussion on this matter. I see many people accuse Ronnie of using steroids, but I have never seen this supported by science. That makes it no more than an opinion. There is more evidence that he didn't use than there is that he did. Wikipedia removed several statements about Ronnie using steroids because they could not be verified.
Ronnie's belly is not proof that he is a "juicer" either, may powerlifters have large bellies because the stabilizer muscles are involver more in the powerlifts.
You can say it is obvious all you want, but unless you support that with science, it is just a misinformed opinion. And while I don't want to offend anyone, let's agree that the only stupid opinions are ignorant opinions. And an ignorant opinion is one that can not be supported by facts".
Actually we devoted a thread in it's honor.
A few good ones in here,
Originally Posted by sust999
omg people are stupid..........
this was posted on a different board but it's so stupid i had to share it with you...
It's in reference to Sust250:
Read the stickies but didnt see anything on and found nothing through search.
My mate uses it and says its the best out there and has like half a dozen different chemicals in it that gives you everything you need.
Will be my first course of steroids so my friend reccomended injecting .5ml for 2 weeks and then 1ml a week for 4-6 weeks and then 2ml for the following 2 weeks.
He also said he didnt think Id need any estrogen or whatever else ppl take during the course or any other product to get the testes working back 100% afterwoods, said that was mainly for serious bodybuilders who injected a couple miligrams of the stuff a day, any truth or what should it be combined with to make a good first course??????
Thanks in advance.
The guy who did his own gyno surgery...![]()
that is hardcore
Seems like everything I read from Slow Mo is hilarious
Who's Slo Mo?
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