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Thread: whats the difference between training for size and training for strength?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    whats the difference between training for size and training for strength?

    whats the difference between training for size and training for strength? I hear it so often that you can train for one or the other. No one has ever been able to give me a straight answer on how to train for size. I've always just trained for strength assuming that, with strength, will come size. But just looking around the gym I can see I'm WAY stronger than alot of guys who have 20 or 30lbs on me. So can someone tell me what the difference is so I can start doing it? I like being strong for my size but thats not the main reason for my training.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    South Texas
    Well I guess you are genetically stronger than most of us.

    But for adding size I would do sets of 7 to 9 reps anything under 3 reps is more for strength. JMO.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    training for size consist of diet as well as different exercises. reps ranging between 6 to 8 and some 10 depends on the individual and what exercise he/she is performing.however, strength training is more compound movements as far as dead lifts ,chest,cleans and ect.with reps in range 5,6 or pyramids and so forth.once again a healthy diet is preferred.
    Last edited by crazyhorse1960; 03-22-2008 at 05:12 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    there is no much o9f diffrence really in my opinion...but if u really want more strength over size then u need to increase your reps per every set that u are comfortable to lift without injury...i think that's how your strenght will increase....that's just my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by PrairieDawg View Post
    whats the difference between training for size and training for strength? I hear it so often that you can train for one or the other. No one has ever been able to give me a straight answer on how to train for size. I've always just trained for strength assuming that, with strength, will come size. But just looking around the gym I can see I'm WAY stronger than alot of guys who have 20 or 30lbs on me. So can someone tell me what the difference is so I can start doing it? I like being strong for my size but thats not the main reason for my training.
    Last edited by J431S; 03-23-2008 at 12:40 AM.

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